Morguns personally served as the narrator of the war.

Because he already had a hunch that for many years to come, until his death, there would be no grander news than today.

Although this war is not what he thought.

It is not the picture of pirates and navies, tens of thousands of warships fighting in the sea.

But see, Ye Fan alone, facing tens of thousands of troops and CP0.

This scene is also very spectacular.

Morguns: "The battle between the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Draco was different from what was expected, and the location of the war happened directly to the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

"We can see that Lu Qi, the highest combat power of CP0, has led thousands of CP0 elites, as well as tens of thousands of troops, to surround Ye Fan."

Morguns' voice spread throughout the sea.

Originally, he only used hidden signals to broadcast the war live in more than a hundred countries under his control.

Didn't think of it.

Admiral Akainu, unexpectedly let go of authority.

Let Morguns publicly broadcast the battle live on television in every country in the world.

Surrounded by tens of thousands of people, Ye Fan didn't care at all.

A strong man of his level.

The number of people, has lost all its role.

The overlord-colored domineering aura in Ye Fan's body began to spread.


On the bustling avenue of the Holy Land of Mary Joa, widespread cracks in the ground began to appear.

Accompanied by a large number of troops and CP0s who surrounded Ye Fan, they fell to the ground unconscious.

At the scene, the only person who could only stand was Lu Qi.

It's just that.

His current strength is not as good as the combat effectiveness of a general two years later.

On the spot, he survived to death, that is, the combat power of the middle end of the Qiwu Sea.

Ye Fan no longer spread the power of overlord-colored domineering everywhere.

Instead, he hit the domineering at Luqi's side.

Luqi, whose feet were trembling, could no longer stand.

Kneel directly on the ground.

"Bastard, you don't even have to make a move, you directly use the overlord color domineering, and suppress me."

Luki fainted directly on the ground.

Morguns: "It's amazing, is this the power of the strongest on the sea?" Unexpectedly, with only the overlord-colored domineering, all the guards of the Draco were eliminated, and now the Draco still has the power to fight against Im. The

Emperor Boyahan Cook was sitting nervously in front of the TV.

Seeing Ye Fan alone, he was about to launch an attack on the Draco.

Her heart is terrified, she is a former Draco slave.

How much knows the horror of Draco.

Those powerful knights of God, there is not a single weak person in it.

When she saw that Ye Fan was just a domineering, she stunned all these Draco's lackeys.

The female emperor Boyahan Cook breathed a sigh of relief.

Right now.

Ye Fan only needed to face the Knights of God.

Headquarters of the Freedom Alliance.

Sabo: "Such a powerful overlord color domineering, can Ye Fan really defeat the Draco?" Dragon

: "It's difficult, the real strength of the Draco has not yet struck." "

Hawkeye Mihawk's castle.

Hawkeye Mihawk, and Solon, who temporarily became his apprentice, plus Princess Mononoke Perona.

They also gathered on a couch and stared at the picture coming from the TV.

Solon: "This guy named Ye Fan is very strong, he actually solved tens of thousands of people so easily, this force is too terrifying." "

Hawkeye Mihawk: "Overlord color winding is the most peak power in this sea, and only the strongest great sword master can master the power." However

, what surprised the female emperor Boyahan Cook was.

The powerful Knights of God that she thought of did not move at such a moment of crisis.

Because of them, they are all guarding the safety of the Draco of the upper three races.

In the office of the five old stars, there are six figures.

In addition to the five old stars, there is also the general marshal of the three armed forces, the army, navy and air.

St. Mohanda holds the original Onichi in one hand and the phone bug in the other.

Dial the number of Admiral Akainu.

"I order all the highest combat forces of the navy, including you Red Dog, Sengoku, and Karp, to come to the Holy Land of Mary Joa immediately."

Marshal Chi Inu: "I refuse, our current navy still has to face the attack of the entire Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment, and there is no way to free up any combat power." "

Finish speaking.

Marshal Akainu hung up the phone.

St. Mohanda was stunned for a long time, he did not expect that the navy would dare to refuse his order.

St. Ferdinand: "Let's do it ourselves, it will take time for Lord Im to get ready to put out the lights." "

St. Mohanda is in charge of the military, and he did not expect that the marshal of the navy he had promoted with all his strength, Akainu, would dare to disobey his orders at this time.

Although I was angry in my heart, at this time, there was no way.

St. Mohanda said: "Well, we five old guys have not been active for a long time, and almost all the people on this sea who know our horror have died." "

Finish speaking.

Five Old Stars and Steel Bone Kong walked out of the office together.

They walked along the empty street and slowly walked in front of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan: "It turned out that your five old stars made a move, I didn't expect it to be your turn so soon, it seems that you really betrayed and left." St

. Mohanda: "Don't be so arrogant little ghosts, the five of us can be the five old stars, but not because of the identity of the Draco, but because we are strong enough." "

Finish speaking.

St. Mohanda pulled out the ghost around his waist.

There was a terrifying flash of black and red lightning on it.

Ye Fan: "I didn't expect that you could study the overlord color domineering and the divine domineering to this realm."

St. Mohanda: "I've seen you fight with the redhead, to be honest, I and the redhead are only five or five, but it is so difficult for you to defeat the redhead, how can you defeat the five of us old guys at the same time." The

other four five old stars also erupted with a terrifying momentum.

Ye Fan did not feel the slightest surprise.

The five old stars have been controlling this sea for many years.

If they don't even have the combat power of the Four Emperors level.

How can the group of arrogant guys in the Navy willingly follow orders.

St. Mohanda holds the original Oni Toru, with a powerful tricolor domineering and a sight-seeing domineering.

The general marshal of the three armies, Steel Bone Kongye Fan, fought each other.

With super iron and armed color domineering, plus the King Kong orangutan form, his defense is very powerful.

As for the remaining four five old stars.

They also possess terrifying combat power.

For example, St. Nicholas, who has a bald head, his body has become liquid, but it exudes a metal-like luster.

Superman Mercury Fruit Ability, Saint Nicholas.

This devil fruit that did not appear on the sea also possesses terrifying abilities.

When liquid mercury is used, he can change his body at will, just like nature.

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