Liquid mercury is a terrifying poisonous gas.

Solid mercury is an extremely sharp metal.

The mercury of St. Nicholas, freely controlled in three forms.

Such a degree of fruit freedom is almost no worse than Luffy's fake rubber fruit, the real sun god Nika form.

It's really a free fruit ability.

The yellow-haired and flat-headed St. William, he is full of explosive muscles, and at the same time exudes a terrifying tricolor domineering.

Ye Fan's pure eyes saw everything in his eyes.

This guy has also mastered the sight and death of listening to the voice of all things, armed color domineering release, and overlord color domineering.

St. William is a tricolor domineering supreme.

The appearance of the black-hat curly five-old star Stavros began to change.

His size has become very large, reaching a height of thousands of meters.

His fruit ability turned out to be the Dragon Dragon Fruit, Ancient Species, Giant Beast Dragon Form.

This is a dragon similar to the Western dragon.

The difference is.

The body of this dragon is not dragon scales, but a hard giant beast carapace.

At the same time, the head is not the head of a dragon, but a bit like gluttony.

The mouth has rows of shark-like teeth.

The giant beast dragon was originally the overlord of the pirate world.

They are when Im and Ark did not come to the pirate world.

Pirates, the strongest creature in the world.

You can fly, you can swim in the deep sea.

It is the strongest creature in the pirate world, the real sea, land and air.

However, after the arrival of Im, almost all these powerful beasts were killed.

Only a few docile ones remained, such as the elephant lord, such as the giant sea kings in the deep sea who obeyed the orders of the sea king.

The only thing Ye Fan didn't see was the five old stars.

It was St. Ferdinand with a goatee, who did not show either tricolor domineering or fruit ability.


What kind of ability he had, Ye Fan wouldn't care.

Because after these thirty days, practice in the house of gravity in time.

His strength has long been not the level when he killed the red-haired Shanks.

If there were a few of them, only the fighting power of the red-haired Shanks.

They cannot be their own opponents.

Ye Fan: "Is there only this little strength?" It really disappointed me.

St. Mohanda: "Yes, don't just talk big, come and stab me." "

Finish speaking.

Saint Mohanda's swordsmanship has indeed reached a very terrifying realm.

His strength is no weaker than that of the red-haired Shanks.

If it was before, Ye Fan would fight against this kind of slash.

You can only rely on the hard resistance of strong forces, and constantly consume the other party.

But now, Ye Fan didn't care about such a force at all.

However, Ye Fan was not prepared to use his hole cards in front of them.

Still just using the tricolor domineering to fight against the five old stars.

I saw it, just as I expected.

When St. Mohanda approached him, he really used the Seeing Kill.

Wrap your body with overlord color domineering.

I want to shield Ye Fan's domineering probe.


The first generation Ghost Che in his hand began to use a strange angle, wanting to bypass Ye Fan's slash.

At the same time, he slashed towards Ye Fan's abdomen.

However, suddenly Ye Fan disappeared in his eyes.

Because now Ye Fan also controls the killing.

The speed of the two sides is too fast, and the naked eye alone cannot accurately detect the other party's movements.

St. Mohanda fell into panic for a moment.

Hurriedly retreated quickly to the rear.

But all his movements.

In Ye Fan's eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, as well as the eyes of the pure eye, it was so slow.

Every frame of the frame can be clearly seen.

Ye Fan slashed at St. Mohanda's abdomen.

Saint Mohanda was like a cannonball, and was slashed by Ye Fan.

His body, slamming into the distant city wall.

The hundred-meter-high wall of that section collapsed with a bang because of the huge force.

St. Mohanda punched away the brick that buried him in the ground.

He looked very embarrassed, and his whole body was covered with dust.

The most terrifying thing is.

On his chest, a huge wound appeared, almost cutting him directly from the waist.

St. Mohanda took out a bottle of potion from his arms.

Swallow directly and quickly into the stomach.

The wound on his chest, visible to the naked eye, was healing rapidly.

The female emperor Boyahan Cook was already flushed.

"Lord Ye Fan is too handsome, he is worthy of being the man I fancy."

Seeing Ye Fan's move, he seriously injured the powerful five old stars, and the female emperor Boyahan Cook was too happy.

Didn't think of it.

Ruling the world for nearly a hundred years, the five old stars who were extremely powerful were actually vulnerable in front of Ye Fan.

The most surprised were Hawkeye Mihawk and Solon next to him.

Green algae head Solon: "What kind of sword art is this, their swords are covered with power that makes me feel terrifying, I have a feeling that I don't need the sword to cut me, as long as I get close to the attack range, it will be torn to pieces." "

Hawkeye Mihawk: "This is the power of the overlord color domineering entanglement, the red-haired Shanks back then, relying on such a sword technique, rampant across the sea, became the power of the four emperors, this is the power that the four emperors level powerhouse can use."

The green algae head Solon immediately knelt on the ground and said with great sincerity: "Master, please teach me such a power, I also want to learn such a powerful slash."

Hawkeye Mihawk said with an embarrassed face: "Sorry, I don't have such a power at the moment." However

, what surprised Solon was still ahead.

Saint Mohanda used the Seeing Kill, and then Ye Fan also used such power.

"Obviously we can see their movements, how do we feel, they seem to disappear in an instant, this sword technique is too terrifying."

The green algae head looked at Hawkeye Mihawk with a puzzled look.

Hawkeye Mihawk was also full of doubts, and at the same time scolded his mother in his heart.

I don't understand how they did it, and I want to know, why are you asking me.

The green algae head Solon gave another look, that meaning said.

Master, isn't your old man the world's number one sword man? In this world, how can there still be swordsmanship that you don't understand.

Grandma Hawkeye Mihawk, the world's number one swordsman, the dog is not appropriate.

Ye Fan did not expect the live broadcast of his fight with Saint Mohanda swordsmanship.

It will have such a serious impact on the world's number one sword Hawkeye Mihawk, and the future number one sword Hao Green Algae Head Solon.

It almost made the two number one swordsmen doubt whether their kendo was correct.

Seeing Ye Fan's move, Saint Mohanda, one of the five old stars, was seriously injured.

Steel Bone stood at the front of the line.

He was able to become the general marshal of the three armies.

The most important thing is his terrifying defense.

He is the most powerful Draco shield.

He is the strongest shield that guards the five old stars.

He is the most powerful warrior in the world.

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