A moment of truth.

St. Ferdinand, the master of the Six Styles, stood up.

"Six Styles of Ultimate Mysteries, Tie Lan Finger."

I saw that one of his index fingers became pitch black, different from the kind of black covered by the armed color domineering.

It's an absolute black.

It is so black that it does not produce reflection, and people will feel dizzy when they see this black, as if they see the feeling of a black hole.

St. Ferdinand pointed at Susano's blue body.

The huge fluctuations generated by the real Susano.

A large number of cracks were created.

St. Ferdinand's move is too concentrated.

Susano, who caused Ye Fan to control, was not completely immune to the damage of this move.


St. Ferdinand also paid a huge price.

This index finger of his could not withstand such a terrifying force.

It has been twisted and deformed, and the entire index finger is already like a paralyzed earthworm.

The bones of the fingers have been completely crushed fractures.

But after he took the nanoworm potion.

St. Ferdinand quickly recovered.

St. Mohanda saw such an opportunity.

He also didn't keep his hand.

Inject his overlord-colored domineering energy into the original Ghost Cher.

And then.

No customary slashes were used.

Instead, the more penetrating jab was chosen.

A knife towards the crack in Susano's top.

Stabbed towards Ye Fan's body.

Not anymore.

Susanoo has reached his limit.

Ye Fan stayed inside again.

His body will be stabbed by St. Mohanda with the original ghost.

Ye Fan had to take the initiative to close Susano.

Pull out the blue sunwheel knife at your waist again.

Then use the sight to dodge St. Mohanda's attack.

A knife slashed at St. Mohanda's abdomen.

The same trick has already been performed on St. Mohanda once.

This time.

St. Mohanda reacted quickly.

After seeing that Susanoo was lifted by Ye Fan.

He stopped his body and quickly retreated.

It's just that Ye Fan's speed is faster.

Ye Fan's slash still hit Saint Mohanda's body.

A shallow knife mark was left.

And St. Mohanda took nanoworm potions.

This little injury, he will soon be because of the repair function of the nanoworm.

In a very short time, the state of total victory was restored.

There was a series of fights between the two sides.

By the end.

Except for Stavros, who turned into the form of a giant beast dragon, the others were not seriously injured.

Forgot, there are also deliberately injured steel bones.

Seeing that Ye Fan had canceled Susano.

Stavros is also not in the head iron, and continues to use the form of the giant beast dragon.

He has figured it out.

Using this form to fight, he was Ye Fan's target.

It was he who was seriously injured.

Resolutely turned into a human dragon form.

Then he took out the nanoworm potion from his pocket and swallowed it in one gulp.

The many wounds on his chest that were slashed by Ye Fan were also recovering quickly.

Didn't think of it.

Fought for half a day.

Except for a small part of the buildings in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, they were destroyed.

Both hair were not even harmed.

It returned to the origin of the war.

Stavros: "Ye Fan, although you are powerful, you are far from the point of challenging Lord Im and challenging the entire Draco.

"If you give in to us now, you can also restore the previous conditions and make you a Draco, otherwise, your final end will only be death."

Ye Fan: "Sure enough, arrogance is the nature of the Draco, each of you was cut by me, and you are not yet capable of hurting me in the slightest, and you even feel that I can't defeat you."

"You seem to have forgotten how I killed the red-haired Shanks, as the elite of the Upper Three Clans Draco, the red-haired Shanks also has a nanoworm potion."

Hearing Ye Fan's words.

The five old stars took a few steps back in unison.

Ye Fan did have a way to eliminate them.

The nano-insect potion does not guarantee the restoration of all the damage caused by Ye Fan.

And the newspaper bird in the sky transmits the dialogue between the two sides to the whole sea.

Immediately caused a stir.

Morguns' tone began to become exaggerated.

This is the big news he hears, the big secret.

Performance after an adrenaline rush.

"OMG!! It's really big news, the red-haired Shanks who won to be killed by the dragon body Ye Fan turned out to be a Draco, or the most noble Draco of the upper three races among the Draco, it was really a big news, a big secret.

"Although the red-haired Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, has died, it is certain that the power of the Draco has penetrated into all corners, even among the Four Emperors, there are Draco."

And Luffy, who is holding a piece of roasted meat, eating and watching live TV.

Stand up in surprise.

Roared: "How come, how can Shanks die, this hateful guy, not only killed Shanks, but also spread rumors that he is a Draco, it's really abominable!"

Renly on the side was silent for a while before saying: "He didn't lie, Shanks is indeed a Draco."

"Back then, Captain Roger and your grandfather, Mr. Karp, defeated the legendary sea thief Lox in the Valley of the Gods, and we also ransacked a ship of Draco's treasures."

"When the ship set sail and was far from the Valley of the Gods, we heard the cry of a baby, and then we learned that the red-haired Shanks slept in a pile of treasure."

Hades Renly slowly tells Luffy why they took the red-haired Shinks on board.

Luffy's worldview almost collapsed.

The red-haired Shanks he respected the most, the man who gave him One Piece Roger's straw hat.

The one he became the guide of the pirates, the strong one he chased all the way.

It turned out to be a Draco, and it turned out to be the Draco he hated the most.

This world is really funny.

Luffy suddenly felt that the whole world was deceiving himself.

Luffy had been training on a desert island and had not seen the news of the red-haired Shanks' death.

Unexpectedly, just knowing this news, the identity of the red-haired Shanks, almost made Luffy's faith collapse.

Ye Fan didn't know his words, and almost destroyed the confidence of the future One Piece King Luffy.

The five old stars who are constantly receding.

St. Ferdinand stepped forward.

He roared, "None of the five of us is weaker than the little devil of the red-haired Shanks, and the fact that he can kill the red-haired Shanks alone does not mean that he can defeat the five of us at the same time." "

Hear St. Ferdinand's words.

The other four five old stars stopped retreating.

Together they firmly believe that they will kill Ye Fan today.

Ye Fan turned to St. Ferdinand and asked, "I wonder very much, the six styles of the navy, why there is such a terrifying power in your hands." St

. Ferdinand: "You really think that the Navy Type Six was invented by the Navy, and the Type Six was originally a defensive escort force, and only the noblest bloodline could learn, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the Navy, a simplified version was specially made for the Navy to learn." "

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