Ye Fan immediately understood.

The Navy Six is only a semi-finished product taught to them by the Draco.

This is not only because Draco wants to keep a hand.

The more important reason is that most navies are actually inferior bloodlines.

They can't learn the true Six Styles no matter what.

Not to mention the six styles used by the Draco now.

That is, many naval soldiers, who have trained hard for more than ten years, and those with poor qualifications, even if they are naval six-style, can only learn one or two at most.

Even if you only learn one or two things, it is enough to become a petty official in a branch like Sihai.

In fact, not an elite navy, even a weakened version of the naval six, can not be learned.

The people of the pirate world, because they are third-level civilizations, the descendants of advanced genetic technology and advanced races.

The gap between people is far greater than that of the blue star where Ye Fan is.

In Blue Star, as long as it is a normal person, the difference in strength will basically not be three times, and the difference in intelligence will not be three times.

No matter how rich the rich are, the life expectancy is only 1.5 times that of ordinary people.

But in this world.

The difference in strength can be more than 10,000 times, and the difference in intelligence can be more than 100 times, such as the intelligence of Vegapunk.

Lifespan is the same, many races can live for thousands of years.

This is a world where the gap between people can be reached in all aspects, and the gap between man and God.

I didn't expect that what broke through my own Susa was actually the six styles that I felt were jokes.

Draco's hole cards are still really a lot.

However, Ye Fan did not care about this.

Cover the ground with your hands.

The entire street, the large number of buildings around it, has been turned into gold.


was given magnetism by Ye Fan.

One by one, the golden mechs began to rise up.

There are twenty-five of them.

Ye Fan said: "Just now the five of you beat me one is very happy, now the five of you, play with my golden mecha, also five fight one."

St. Mohanda: "Ye Fan, you bastard, you also underestimate us too much, and you actually use this pediatric means to deal with us."

Ye Fan: "Is it a pediatrician, you five will defeat these golden mechs first." "


Twenty-five mechs began to take their bearings.


Super electromagnetic catapult Gatling frantically sprayed ultra-high-speed bullets towards the five old stars.

See this scene.

The five old stars know that it is not good.

Although in the population such as red dogs who fled back.

I have already learned about the combat power of the golden mecha horror.

But they didn't think of it.

The speed of these bullets turned out to be so fast.

St. Stavros is now in human dragon form, and his defense is already very strong.

His whole body is armed and domineering.

Cross your hands in front of you.

St. William, who has yellow hair and a flat head, is a master of tricolor domineering.

His armed color domineering aura was released outward, forming a shield in front of him.

He was the one of the five old stars who easily resisted this wave of attacks.

St. Nicholas's whole body turned into flowing mercury, and even if he was penetrated by a super-high-speed bullet, he would not be harmed.

But a lot of mercury fruit capacity is being consumed all the time.

St. Ferdinand's six-style master, he used iron blocks all over his body, and bullets shot at him.

Make a bell-banging sound.

But there was no way to break through his defenses.

As a master of swordsmanship, Saint Mohanda is the most embarrassing one at this time.

No matter how fast he wielded the original Oni in his hand, he couldn't be faster than the large number of bullets pouring out.

You can only move backwards while trying to block.

Shouted: "You guys hurry up and think of a way, these bullets are endless, and it is useless for us to delay." "

The domineering nature of the five old stars can already be felt.

Because the ground has turned to gold.

These golden mechs stand on such ground.

Although a large amount of gold is shot every second, they can directly fuse the gold on the ground into the mecha.

Other words.

Don't look at the attack for a few seconds, it is already a dozen tons of gold.

But in such an environment.

The bullets of these golden mechs are almost infinite.

Most of the ground and buildings of the entire Holy Land of Mary Joa were assimilated into gold by Ye Fan's golden fruit ability.

These golden mechs do not consume empty ammunition due to bullets fired at high speed.

Except that San Mohanda is difficult to consume in such dense firepower.

St. Nicholas was equally difficult to resist.

The six-barreled Gatling shot too fast.

Each Gold Mech has four six-barreled Gatlings, plus five Gold Mechs aimed at him.

That is to say, every second, he has to withstand the ferocious fire of twenty six-barreled Gatlings.

The mercury fruit ability on his body is consuming a huge amount every second.

St. Ferdinand said to the other two: "The three of us will strike together, hurry up and solve these toys, otherwise it will be a big loss." St

. Ferdinand looked at the dozens of newspaper delivery birds in the sky with camera phone worms.

He also seemed anxious.

As a five-old star, he was teased by Ye Fan like this.

Where is there any dignity after their five old stars.

St. Ferdinand was the first to attack the golden mech.

Moon step plus Arashi foot.

St. Ferdinand quickly approached a golden mech, covered with a kick of iron, and kicked the golden mech.

He was going to kick this golden gada into scrap metal.

However, what surprised him was.

The gold in the belly of the golden mech flowed rapidly.

St. Ferdinand's attack was frustrated.

To know.

A master of the six-style physique like St. Ferdinand, even if it is a senior admiral, it is very difficult to dodge his attacks with elementalization.

Ordinary masters of the sea, even people like Katakuri.

The ability to bear fruit and foresee the future has been awakened.

In the face of St. Ferdinand's ultra-high-speed attack.

It's also hard to react.

St. Ferdinand is not a Luffy that has just been developed in the fourth gear.

His attack speed was at least ten times faster than Luffy in the fourth gear period.


The golden mech that Ye Fan casually produced actually dodged St. Ferdinand's attack so easily.

This surprised him slightly.

Sure enough, it is the same as stated in the report.

These golden mechs also have a super domineering power.

He didn't know that this was the credit of super artificial intelligence.

At the time of these golden mechs spawning.

Their control system has been implanted by Ye Fan into Jarvis.

St. Ferdinand: "St. William kills them with what you see." "

St. Ferdinand's misjudgment felt that seeing and hearing to kill was an effective means.

So the task of quickly destroying these golden mechs was given to St. William.

St. William said with a smile: "Old fellow, I have long said that the three-color domineering is more practical than the Six Styles, see me to solve these transformation people." "

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