Although the current Saint Five Old Star looks very weird and ugly.

But the power has skyrocketed.

His body surface is covered with a super armed color domineering, plus the top six-style skill iron block.

The skin is the scale armor of the giant beast dragon.

The Triple Defense Saint Five Old Star.

Face the attack of fifty golden mechs.

No more hard work to avoid injury.

The original Ghost in his hand sent out a terrifying range slash.

Even if Jarvis controls it, he can't let these golden mechs dodge.

Because the biggest problem with the golden mech is that it moves slowly.

The heavy power of gold, even if the movement of gold is controlled by electromagnetic force inside, it seems extremely slow.

It didn't take a while.

The golden mecha that had forced the five old stars into a desperate situation was all destroyed by the Saint Five Old Stars.

Stand in front of Ye Fan.

Saint Five Old Star said excitedly: "Ye Fan, I also want to thank you little ghost, if it weren't for you forcing that five wastes to a desperate situation, I wouldn't have been born." Saint

Five Old Star's voice was extremely strange.

His five heads, speaking together, have five different tones, combined.

Some sounds, combined, become a beautiful symphony.

But some sounds, combined together, become ghosts crying wolf howls.

The five people of the five old stars, they all speak with a majestic atmosphere.

But their combination, the speech of the Holy Five Old Star, is like the devil in hell.

It makes people sound eerie and full of malicious sounds.

Ye Fan: "You don't need to thank me, because you will be killed by me soon." Saint

Five Old Star: "Hahaha~~!!

"You kid, you really like fantasy, or arrogant fantasy, I have five supreme powers, I am an invincible existence in this world."

"Do you dare to take my slash head-on now?"

Finish speaking.

The first generation of ghost che in his hand slashed towards Ye Fan at an incomparably fast and strange angle.

With the top-level six-style physical skills, Saint Five Old Star's sword swing speed is extremely fast.

With top-level swordsmanship, Saint Five Old Star possesses extremely exquisite swordsmanship.

Coupled with the giant beast dragon form, the terrifying power blessing brought by it.

The combination of the three-color domineering and divine domineering of the five people made his domineering also reach the peak of terror.

This knife, skill, strength, speed, domineering, armed color domineering cover, sacred domineering entanglement.

Several forces have reached the peak of this sea.

Everyone in the Hundred Beast Pirates staring at the battle screen.

See Saint Five Old Star such a slash.

All of them showed worried expressions.

Charlotte Lingling: "How is this possible, even if it was Roger back then, in the face of such a slash, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die."

Yamato: "Come on husband, you must block it!"

Kaido was the most reassuring.

said: "Don't worry, Ye Fan is Joey Boi, on this sea, no one can defeat him."

Charlotte Lingling: "If Ye Fan can really defeat the five old stars, I believe what you say, your son-in-law is Joey Boi, and he will become the new king of this sea."

Ye Fan did not dodge.

He also took out the blue sunwheel knife in his hand.

A knife was cut at the original ghost.

The tyranny covered by Ye Fan's knife body was obviously not as powerful as the Saint Five Old Star.

The tyranny of the Saint Five Old Star was already about a meter away from the original Ghost Piercing Dao's body.

And Ye Fan can only do fifty centimeters.

His domineering is only half of the Saint Five Old Star, not to mention the original Ghost Cher, which is also covered with a terrifying divine domineering.

Coupled with his current strength and speed, he is no longer weaker than Ye Fan.

On this sea, except for Kaido, no spectator thought that Ye Fan could block such a powerful attack from Saint Five Old Star.


The two weapons collided.

The one who flew out upside down was Saint Five Old Star.

And Ye Fan, after withstanding such a terrifying impact.

He was still standing in place.

This result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Among these people.

Even including the patriarch of the Draco people of the upper three races.

Hera Palace: "How is this possible, Ye Fan's hegemony is obviously so much weaker than the Saint Five Old Star, how can it be shot away, but it is the Saint Five Old Star." St

. Odin: "He should also be hiding, what power we don't know, will it be Joey Boi's hidden power on the final island." Saint

Zeus: "Very likely, it seems that the back hand left by Joey Boi back then is a very terrifying power, let's carefully observe and strive to study Ye Fan's power." "

The power that can make Ye Fan win with weakness is indeed one of Ye Fan's hole cards.

Jiuxiao knife method.

Increases knife attack power by 150

%, increases the chance of a heart hit by 15%, and

real damage by 25 points.

The blade comes with 35 Flame Damage.

The blade comes with 35 wind attribute damage.

This was when Ye Fan had just obtained the Jiuxiao Dao Technique, and the attributes promoted by the Jiuxiao Dao Method.

However, this is the state when you have just learned it.

The Nine Xiao Dao Method is divided into ten realms.

Initial training, mastery, proficiency, etc., all the way to great completion.

Every boost.

Ye Fan's Jiuxiao Dao Method would be many times more powerful.

These last thirty days.

It is also thirty years in the house of gravity in time.

What Ye Fan practiced hard was the Jiuxiao Dao Technique.

After such a long draw.

Ye Fan finally obtained this ability that was far ahead of the plane of the pirate world.

Although this is only an introductory sword technique in the Eight Desolate World of Ghost Valley.

However, the eight wastes of the Ghost Valley are a terrifying flood world.

The power system of that world can easily destroy the pirate world.

Much higher than the power of the Pirate World plane.

The last thirty years of cultivation.

Ye Fan's focus on cultivation was the Nine Xiao Dao Technique.

Because of the power of the ghost's back, and the strength of its own flesh.

Ye Fan finally learned the Nine Xiao Dao Method to the realm of great consummation.

With that sword just now, it seemed that the power Ye Fan used was far less powerful than the power of Saint Five Old Star.

But under the bonus of the Jiuxiao Dao Method.

Ye Fan's strength actually surpassed Saint Five Old Star several times.

Therefore, Saint Five Old Star was easily hit by Ye Fan and flew out.

The steel bone in the distance completely stopped advancing.

Originally, after the Saint Five Elder Star Fusion was completed, he quickened his pace.

After the Saint Five Old Star easily destroyed all the golden mechs, showing incomparable power.

He started running in small steps.

However, when the Saint Five Old Star was easily beaten away by Ye Fan.

The steel bone stayed in place and did not dare to move.

Now the two monsters in the battlefield can easily kill him.

Not only did he not dare to move, he even wanted to escape.

Dozens of palaces were destroyed in a row.

Saint Five Old Star saw the first generation of ghosts in his hands that had been cut off.

Angrily roared: "How is this possible, how can you have such great power." "

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