Saint Five Old Star let out an angry roar.

He already had such terrifying power, how could he be defeated by Ye Fan.

He was not convinced.

Threw away the original Oni Toru in his hand.

A sweep of the eye.

It was found that in the Draco Palace that he crashed into, there were many famous knives on the weapon rack.

A wave of the hand.

These weapons came to his hands.

Now the ten hands of the Saint Five Old Stars each hold a weapon.

Although not as sharp as his original Oni Toru.

But each of the famous knives collected by the Draco people will not be ordinary.

Placed on the sea, it is also a famous blade that can be competed for by pirates.

Now with ten weapons in hand.

St. Five Old Star once again gained confidence.

No matter how sharp the weapon in your hand is, can you cut me one knife and two knives, can you cut off all ten famous knives?

Saint Five Old Star fell into hypocritical power.

He thought that it was not his own strength that was inferior to Ye Fan.


The knife in his hand was not as sharp as Ye Fan's.


Saint Five Old Star confidently charged Ye Fan.

The ten knives are all covered with terrifying power.

He had just been shot away by Ye Fan several kilometers away.

Now this distance, for the Saint Five Old Star.

It's not a long distance.

His ten fast runs, in just a few seconds, had already rushed to Ye Fan.

Ten knives, and launched his second attack towards Ye Fan at the same time.

"Ring bell~~!"

A series of sounds of double knives colliding.

The ten famous swords that Saint Five Old Star had just obtained were cut off by Ye Fan again.

This time.

Saint Five Old Star finally became sober from arrogance.

He finally understood at this moment.

The power of their own now.

It was completely crushed by Ye Fan.

Saint Five Old Star was already trembling.

Twenty eyes were filled with panic.


Saint Five Old Star fled into the distance.

The direction in which he fled.

It is now the Holy Land of Mary Joa, the only building that is still intact.

Between flowers.


In Ye Fan's domineering induction.

A figure.

He wore a black robe and a hood on his head, which covered his face.

Take a slow stroll out from among the flowers.

His speed seems to be slow, but the actual speed is extremely fast.

This kind of power is similar to the power of shrinking the ground into inches.

Meaning, he only advanced an inch away.

But he compressed the space of the earth.

It is equivalent to an ordinary person walking a thousand meters.

This person is the legendary Im.

On the Void Throne, the only master.

In this world, the only master.

He is the highest, the strongest, the most holy in this world.

The only deity.

The only saint.

He is the only and the strongest.

Im only slowly advanced a dozen steps.

It has already come to the front of the Saint Five Old Star.

Gently raise his hand.

An incomparably terrifying force.

Just break down the body of the Saint Five Old Star into DNA.


Into Im's body.

Im has absorbed the power of the Saint Five Old Star.

Then, a wave of hands.

A pitch-black space appeared next to it.

A large number of Draco with glass covers poured out from inside.

They haven't waited for it to land.

These Draco of the Lower Twelve Races all turned into DNA and were inhaled into the body by Im.

Yim: "For eight hundred years, you are the first person who dares to challenge the gods after the battle of the Lord God at dusk.

"Ye Fan, a strange name, a strange person, what interests me the most is that you are not Joey Boi, you are not the tree spirit of the Devil Fruit Tree."

"These forces, I originally wanted to completely destroy the power of the Devil Fruit Tree, but I didn't expect that eight hundred years of preparation was actually to deal with you."

"I'm very interested in your DNA, how exactly did you produce mutants that got you to this point."

Ye Fan: "Are you so confident that you can kill me by relying on the power of the ark?" Im

: "After eight hundred years of cultivation, I have finally fed these Draco to a sufficient number, and their number is already available, allowing me to fully activate the power of the ark."

"I know that you obtained the Heavenly King, but the Heavenly King back then faced only an ark with only one percent of energy left."

"And now, after eight hundred years of accumulation, I can already use the power of all the ark, even the king of heaven, in front of this power, is like a piece of dust."

Finish speaking.

Im raised his finger to the sky.

In the sky, a huge meteorite suddenly appeared.

As this meteorite slowly fell from space towards the ground.

High temperature that rubs against air.

Let the rocks on his surface fall off.

These rocks are actually formed by the dust accumulated over a long period of time on the spacecraft.

A super sci-fi battleship appeared at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Above it, one by one, the naval guns had already aimed at Ye Fan below.

And behind Ye Fan.

Suddenly, a door of ease appeared.

Two machines flew out of the free door quickly.

One is Joey Boi's Heavenly King mech.

The other is space fighters.

They quickly take to the air and begin to fight huge ships in the sky.

A large number of newspaper birds in the sky saw such a mutation.

Start a quick escape.

Of course, there are also a few professional ones that run away while placing the telephoto lens.

Aiming at Ye Fan and Yim below, there were also three weapons fighting in the sky.

Even if they are escaped newspaper delivery birds, they are extremely professional.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, fierce battles have already taken place.

With such advanced weapons, every power they run can destroy a country.


The battle took place on the Red Earth Continent.

This is the only continent in the pirate world.

If it's somewhere else.

The exchange of fire in the sky, every artillery attack, will make a country with a population of millions disappear.






Everywhere there were shells bombarding the Red Earth Continent, causing a huge explosion sound.

A newspaper bird broadcasts the craters that the shells blast out.

On the Red Earth Continent.

Already appeared, a large number of huge craters with diameters reaching tens of thousands of meters and depths reaching hundreds of meters.

That is, the power of these shells, every shot.

They are all more terrifying than the Blue Star World, the powerful mega-ton level of large mushrooms.

Im looked at the battle in the sky.

Instead, he showed an excited expression.

said: "I didn't expect that you could change the control system of the Heavenly King, it seems to be an advanced artificial intelligence, which actually makes the Heavenly King so flexible, if it were Joey Boi's Heavenly King, it would have been destroyed long ago."

Ye Fan: "There will be many things that make you curious, if I am not fully prepared, how can I challenge you, I am not an idiot like Joey Boi." "

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