As the ark gradually approached.

On the planet Pirate, the climate has undergone terrifying changes.

This is because the mass of the ark is too heavy.

Two massive spheres, attracted by each other's gravity.

This caused drastic changes in the sea water.


Ye Fan also studied.

The tidal changes of the Blue Star Ocean are affected by the gravity of the Moon.

At this point, even if it is a pirate planet, the gravitational pull of the moon is not as strong as that of the blue star.

It can still make many sea areas feel the changes in tides.

And the moon of the pirate world is the ark.

It is Im's ultimate weapon.

Who would have thought that a weapon turned out to be a planet.

Strong gravity, Pirate World is another planet where the ocean occupies the vast majority.

Immediately, a terrifying spectacle unfolded.

The waters around some islands suddenly disappeared, revealing silt on the seabed.

Some islands are facing tsunamis of several kilometers, terrifying natural disasters, directly engulfing a country.

The Ark has not yet attacked.

Just approaching the pirate world, a large number of countries have been destroyed.

This is the horror of the Ark.

It doesn't even need to attack.

It only needs to be very close to the planet Pirate.

Fly around Pirate Planet a few times.

In this world.

There are not many lives left to survive.

Come out such a powerful navy as Red Inu Karp.

A terrifying pirate like Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

Except for these supreme powerhouses.

Everyone else was killed by the ferocious sea water because of such a huge natural disaster.

Morguns switched several frames.

It is the picture of some islands, some countries, completely engulfed by the big tsunami.

Morguns has seen all kinds of big scenes.

He controls the news of the entire planet.


He had never seen such a post-apocalyptic natural disaster.

In a sad tone, he said: "The admiral of the navy, the emperor and the four emperors on the sea, does anyone dare to stand up against Im?" Let the moon get so close to our planet like this, and everyone will be killed by Im!!

Morguns' words.

Let both the navy and the Hundred Beast Pirates hear.

The red dog stood up first and said, "It's time for us to make a move, we can't let Im continue, he will destroy all the countries."

Karp stood up as well.

"Today I see that your kid is very pleasant, the old man goes with you, we will definitely be able to defeat Yimu."

Lieutenant General Tsuru: "Karp, you can't, you are not a Devil Fruit ability, you will be absorbed by Im in an instant."

Sengoku: "Our naval headquarters, there are still a few devil fruits, as long as Karp eats one, it will not be absorbed by Im."

The yellow ape outside the door also stood up and said: "I will also go with you, we fought with Im." "

The yellow ape with the shining fruit actually arrived at the naval headquarters a few minutes ago.

Saw Yim on TV shoot.

He was also very interested in this god on the Void Throne.

The challenge to the marshal position was not launched against the red dog at the first time.

But when he saw that Yim was so easy to devour all the Draco of the upper three races.

He learned that after taking the Devil Fruit, he would never be able to defeat Im, which was a lie.

In fact, it is to let them Draco not take the Devil Fruit.

In this way, Yim can be controlled by himself at any time.

When the general Yellow Ape saw the Draco of the upper three races, they had all been devoured by Im.

He also challenged the red dog, which made no sense.

There is only one thing he wants to do now, which is to kill Im.

Vice Admiral Tsuru: "By the way, in order to ensure the safety of the naval base, I think I should contact Kaido the Hundred Beasts."

And Lieutenant General Karp in the conference room had quickly left the conference room.

Go to the warehouses of the headquarters of the Navy.

He wanted to choose a random devil fruit and go to fight Im.

Although Im only devoured Draco, he did not devour others.

But everyone was afraid that he had a means to directly kill people who did not take the Devil Fruit.

Karp is fast.

In just a dozen seconds, he had already run into the Navy warehouse, found a random devil fruit and ate it.

For him, it didn't matter what kind of devil fruit it was.

His main method of fighting still relies on the domineering tricolor.

Inside the conference room.

Akainu has also dialed Kaido's phone.

This red dog, who has never compromised with pirates, reached an agreement with pirates for the first time.

Together they go to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, their navy and the Four Emperors, to deal with Im together.

Im cannot be allowed to destroy the whole world.

Kaido's side, he didn't care about this.

He still firmly believes that Ye Fan is Joeyboy, and he will defeat Yimu.

But heard the red dog say.

When the ark is about to reach the sky above the planet, almost all countries will be destroyed by the violent tsunami.

He couldn't sit still either.

Because it's simple.

Even his son-in-law finally defeated Im.

In this world, there are no more human beings.

What else does it mean to be the king of the world.

They had to strike together.

Stop Im from destroying the whole world.

If Yim only destroyed one or two countries, or even dozens of countries, Kaido would not care.

But destroy the whole world.

That was a situation that he would not allow to happen.

Kaido turned into a dragon, and Charlotte Lingling stepped on Homiz and flew towards the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

It is not surprising that Charlotte Lingling went out.

She doesn't care if anyone else lives or dies.

But if all the islands, all the countries were destroyed.

Where she goes to get dessert, there is no dessert and cake.

Might as well kill her.

She is a woman who cannot do without food.

On the Red Earth Continent.

The dragon said to Saab: "Now that they leave the Red Earth Continent, it will be more dangerous, you take the cadres to protect their safety, I will go to the Holy Land of Mary Joa to stop Im from destroying the world." Saab

also saw that below the Red Earth Continent, the sea that had become extremely violent was already visible.

Even many waves have exceeded two kilometers, and they have even reached the height of the red earth continent.

At this time, allowing hundreds of thousands of slaves to escape through the ocean would kill them.

The Freedom League has only two masters.

The dragon goes to participate in the battle against Im.

Then he Saab must stay to protect the safety of more people in such a terrifying environment.

Saab said to the dragon: "Don't worry, I will protect their safety." "

A gust of wind blew through.

The figure of the dragon turned into a violent wind.

In just a few seconds, he had already reached the battlefield.

And in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, there is actually a figure who is fleeing quickly.

That's the steel bone.

The five old stars are all dead, and so are the Draco.

The direction of his escape is the Kingdom of Bridges.

The army there is still his subordinates.

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