Ye Fan glanced at the dragon who came to his side.

Said lightly.

"You are not his opponents, it is better to find a way to save more people."

Dragon: "Are you just quietly watching him destroy the whole world?" Even if we can't fight, we must at least fight him, rather than directly admit defeat.

Ye Fan: "Please." The

dragon clenched his fists and launched his strongest attack at Im.

The sky is filled with terrifying hurricanes.

The dragon's punch full of terrifying power bombarded Im's chest directly.


His entire body passed through Im's body, and there was no way to hit Im.

Dragon: "How is this possible.

Ye Fan: "This is just a spatial projection of Yimu, and when he absorbs all the DNA of Draco, his essence is the moon in the sky." Yim

clapped his hands.

"Wonderful, I didn't expect that you could see through my body, it's really powerful."

"So why don't you make a move on the moon in the sky?"

Ye Fan: "The distance of 300,000 kilometers is too far, and I don't have the ability to cause harm to you at such a distance."

"What's more, you will also take the initiative to come to me to start a war, and I am not in a hurry about this battle."

Im: "Don't you care if everyone lives or dies?"

Ye Fan: "I care, but I will send me to death, in a place far away from this planet, it is impossible for me to defeat you."

Im: "Then you can wait slowly, but it won't be long before the ark accelerates faster and faster, at most half an hour, it will reach the space of this planet." "

This time.

In the sky, there was finally an explosion.

The Valley of the Gods in the sky, the defensive resource-gathering battleship, was finally destroyed by the Heavenly King.

Without this, one cannon can destroy a battleship on an island.

On the Red Earth Continent, it has become a very safe place.

Minimal, for the time being, safe.

However, after this place became a battlefield for Ye Fan and Yimu.

I'm afraid it's the most dangerous place.

Ye Fan said to the dragon: "The war between us, you can't participate in it, it's better to take those slaves and move farther to the Red Earth Continent, the farther away from the Holy Land of Marie Joya, the better." "

The Red Earth Continent is not just a piece of Mary Joa, a sacred land of light.

The entire Red Earth Continent, like a belt, circled the entire pirate planet.

They stay as far away as possible to be safer.

It is now time for the final showdown.

Ye Fan couldn't be distracted for those slaves.

If he loses to Im.

All the people in this world may be cleaned up by Im.

Then he erased everything.

Replanting the seeds of life is raising a more obedient next generation of humans.

For Im.

All life in this world is dead, and it doesn't matter anything.

He just needed to defeat Ye Fan.

It is possible to find a way for him to absorb the power of the Devil Fruit and destroy the will of this planet.

The dragon turned and left.

Not for a while.

Karp, Red Dog, and others arrived.

The yellow ape who was the first to strike.

This was followed by Karp.

Many high-ranking officials of the navy have tried later.

It was discovered that they really could not cause damage to Im's projection.

Look up at the approaching Moon.

Everyone sighed helplessly in their hearts.

Karp said to Ye Fan: "Without waiting for the moon to approach, do we really have no way to attack Im?" So how to save all the nations of this planet.

Ye Fan: "I can't do it with my current ability, but the will of this planet can do it."

"If your grandson Luffy can communicate the will of this planet, maybe you can calm such a violent climate."

Hades Renly, who was on a desert island, heard the words on TV.

It turned out that there were also a few newspaper delivery birds who were not afraid of death, and they were still broadcasting live in the sky.

Spread Ye Fan's words.

Hades Renly immediately said to Luffy next to him: "You quickly communicate the will of the planet and calm the whole sea."

Luffy looked confused and innocent.

He said to Hades Renly: "Master, but I won't."

Hades Renly suddenly remembered something.

Picking up the phone worm, he dialed Morguns' number.

Not for a while.

The picture of the live broadcast is no longer the picture of Yimu and Ye Fan.

It's a picture taken by newspaper birds all over the world.

A huge tsunami engulfs countries and islands.

Appears in front of the TV.

See it all.

Kind and naïve Luffy.

Finally, a violent reaction was triggered.

His mood changed a lot.


A roar of pain.

The rubber fruit in his body began to expand wildly.

Then blend into the dirt of the island below.


A cloud of light began to spread along Luffy's island.

Finally, it spread to the entire pirate planet.

The entire Pirate Planet emitted a faint light.


The raging sea suddenly returned to calm.

Countless countries about to be inundated by ferocious tsunamis.

They began to return to normal.

Look at the big tsunami that suddenly appears and disappears suddenly.

All the people.

They all let out laughter for the rest of their lives.

And Luffy.

The swollen body shrank dramatically.

It's like a deflated ball.

Paralyzed on the ground.

fell into a deep sleep.

He hasn't grown up yet, and now he has only developed three gears.

Reluctantly use such power.

Although let the sea calm again.

Luffy also needs to sleep for a long time because of his overdraw.

Watching the sea return to calm.

The dragon and Saab also appear in the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who flew in the distance, also arrived on the battlefield.

Plus two marshals of the Navy, Sengoku and Akainu.

Admiral Fuji Tiger and Yellow Ape.

Naval hero Karp.

On this sea, the strongest in place, there are ten people in Ye Fan.

They have a common enemy.

It is the master of Draco.

Domination on the Void Throne.

Im, who has controlled the fate of everyone in the pirate world for thousands of years.

Artificial intelligence with the goddess of life.

He created the ecology of the pirate world.

All life has also been cultivated as food for thousands of years.

A god who creates life and destroys it.

Finally today.

On this sea, the nine most powerful powerhouses, plus Dragon Emperor Ye Fan.

He was challenged.

This battle.

Will determine the future of the entire pirate world.

It is no longer as simple as winning or losing a war.

It's like orangutans in zoos who challenge humans.

If the orangutan wins, the orangutan becomes the master of the planet, and if the humans win, they will kill all these orangutans.

It is a battle between two life systems.

Whether to succeed in killing the gods or to be destroyed by the gods.

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