The moon in the sky is getting closer and closer to the pirate planet.

The dust on the lunar crust also began to crack, and the entire moon was no longer a sphere.

Transform into an incomparably massive spaceship.

This is the essence of the Ark.

A spaceship with a diameter of up to three thousand kilometers.

Its incomparably huge body deeply shocked everyone in the pirate world.

No need to watch TV anymore.

Everyone, look up at the sky.

to see.

This incomparably large space battleship.

Through the thick lenses, Vegapunk saw the massive spaceship in the sky.

"How can it be so big, enough to hold several huge countries, what level of technology is this to be able to produce such a terrifying warship."

"Only by capturing a large number of metal-containing meteorites in space can such a huge spaceship be created, otherwise all the metals in the pirate world will not be enough to build such a spaceship."

Vegapunk full of desire to explore science.

Only when he faced such a terrifying enemy, faced the crisis of extinction.

What comes to mind is how to study such a technological spacecraft.

And the nine human powerhouses on the Holy Land Mary Joa were not in such a good mood at the moment.

Whether it is the Navy, pirates or people from the Freedom Alliance.

They can all be said to be the most powerful human beings in this world.

But it was still difficult for them to look directly at such a terrifying warship.

Such a huge volume.

The exterior is made entirely of high-strength alloys.

The length reached three thousand kilometers.

Even if you don't look at the densely packed weapons above.

Even if this spacecraft can't fly.

Stand there and give them nine people to fight.

I am afraid that in a few months, they will not be able to dismantle such a huge Tiegada.

Not to mention complete destruction.

They looked at such a huge spaceship in the sky.

I was a little dazed inside.

How to overcome such a huge guy.

Ye Fan had already taken control of the Heavenly King and launched an attack towards the Ark.


Just for a moment.

On the ark, hundreds of rays of death light were emitted.

From all angles, it completely blocked any possibility of the king of heaven moving.

It was destroyed by the Ark in an instant.

Im: "No need to struggle, there is no use, you cannot resist the power of the gods." Then

Im held out his hand.

His hands emitted a terrifying red light.


Kaido, Akainu, and the others all had no strength and were paralyzed to the ground.


The only one who can stand.

Only Ye Fan and naval hero Karp remained.

The reason for their physical weakness.

It is because the Devil Fruit ability in the body is deprived.

In the end, they lost their strength in an instant.

And Karp had just taken the Devil Fruit and did not develop it, and he was minimally affected.

As for Ye Fan.

Although Ye Fan absorbed many demon fruits, he developed the fruit ability to awaken.

But Ye Fan's true physical foundation was a physical technique like Ghost Back and Eight Gate Dun Jia.

Now he has even cultivated the Jiuxiao Dao Technique.

Im's attack did nothing for him.

Im: "Actually, Draco is not wrong, those who eat the Devil Fruit cannot defeat me." "

With the will of this planet, I have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and I have long had a way to quickly destroy the bloodline factor that possesses the Devil Fruit."

"This is the true divine domineering, which requires the consumption of terrifying life energy."

"But in the past eight hundred years, I have devoured tens of thousands of Draco, and the divine domineering energy in my body is beyond your imagination."

"These I originally planned to use to kill the soon-to-be-resurrected Joey Boi, but I didn't expect to use them on you."

The person who was instantly extracted by Ye Fan.

They have marshals, admirals, there are four emperors.

Such a strong person.

Unexpectedly, in front of Yimu, there is no resistance to thinking.

In front of the TV.

Everyone who saw this picture.

The happy mood that had just avoided the apocalyptic disaster became very bad again.

Such a terrifying enemy, really as powerful as the gods, can they really defeat?

So many strong people.

It was instantly killed in seconds.

Only the naval hero Karp remained, and Ye Fan could stand in front of Im.

Karp waved his iron fist at Im.

There are no surprises.

A punch passed through Im's body.


Im's fist strikes towards the back of Karp's heart.

Karp was hit by Im and flew out.

Smash a huge deep pit in the ground.

With a lot of blood flowing from his back, Karp stood up.

Puzzled, he asked, "How is this possible, I have already used armed color domineering, why is there no harm to your body now." Im

: "This is the power of the gods, but not the power of the devil fruit, and the armed color domineering has no effect on me." "

Karp's attack this time.

It was completely seen by Ye Fan.

In an instant, he finally saw through Im's trajectory.


I gained the ability to clear my eyes.


Ye Fan couldn't defeat Yimu no matter what.

In the beginning.

Ye Fan thought that Yimu's body on the ground was just a projection.

His essence should be on the ark.

But now it seems.

Not so.

Im's body is not on the ark.

but among the flowers of the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

His body does not use the power of space.

Instead, it can convert the body into particles and achieve super movement at the speed of light.

The moment someone else attacks his essence.

He returned to the interior of the Flower Capital.

Wait for someone else to attack.

Again in place.

It looks very similar to the Kamui space with soil.

But in fact, they are two completely different abilities.

Ye Fan and Yellow Ape can both use the power of teleportation.

But their cast pre-shake takes too long.

For example, if there is no change in the plot.

The battle between the yellow ape and the red-haired Shanks.

The yellow ape will be crushed by the red-haired Shanks in speed because of the long cast front swing.

Ye Fan's teleportation and ability to launch are much faster than the yellow ape.

But it is also far less frightening than Im.

His whole body turned into particles, and it hardly took any time.

Even if it was almost time, the other people's eyes and smells domineering, they couldn't feel that he had moved.

It makes people look like the power of space.

Ye Fan: "After observing for so long, I finally discovered your weakness, and I was almost deceived by you, and almost entered the misunderstanding."

Im: "Don't talk big, how can mortals see through the gods."

Ye Fan: "Your essence is still between the flowers."

When Yim heard this, he was obviously stunned.

Then he continued to say expressionlessly: "Even if this is the case, you know what, can you crack it!!" "

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