Bello Betty held up a piece of the Liberty Alliance's military chessboard and waved it vigorously.

All the people were inspired by her, and their combat effectiveness was greatly improved.

There are other ability users, and they also have a large increase effect on the entire army.

This is a contest between armies.

The devil fruit that pays more attention to the increase performance of the team, rather than the fruit ability of individual combat power.

The dragon moved too.

Suddenly, the entire bridge kingdom was covered with dark clouds, heavy rain began to fall in the sky, and thick smog filled the sky.

Let the vision of ordinary people less than fifty meters.

These thousands of people obviously made a very complete battle plan.

They rely on such dense fog.

Quickly hide in every corner and move forward quickly.

Sneak into the guard buildings at various heights secretly, and kill these people who monitor the work of the slaves.

The whole movement is skilled and precise.

The area in front of me was quickly cleared.

Ye Fan carefully felt the power of the wind in front of him. Although he had determined that the dragon controlled the power of the wind a long time ago, he didn't know his detailed ability.

Many people have speculated that the dragon's fruit ability is the dragon form.

Because the dragon also has the ability to control the wind, but now it seems obviously not, because Ye Fan's father-in-law Kaido is in the dragon form.

The only thing that is certain is that there are three natural disasters in the pirate world.

Volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes.

Among them, the volcano is Akainu's natural system - magma fruit.

Earthquakes are Whitebeard's Superman, Tremor Fruit.

Among the three natural disasters, the most terrifying is the hurricane.

It should be the ability of the dragon, but as for what the fruit is, Ye Fan doesn't understand.

But it soon became clear that the sneak attack of the Freedom Alliance could not last forever. If they really sneaked along the way, they could prevent the army guarding the slaves from discovering that they didn't need Ye Fan's help at all. .

Ye Fan used the ability of the thunder fruit to quickly come to a huge gate.

Open the free door according to plan.

Then let the slaves liberated by the Freedom Alliance leave quickly.

The Kingdom of Bridges is different from other countries.

Because this country is directlyon a bridge.

The significance of the existence of this country is to directly connect the main countries on the sea with bridges.

This is an extremely large bridge, compared to the sea-crossing bridge seen on the blue star.

The length of this bridge is very exaggerated.

The length has reached thousands of kilometers.

The key point is that there is not only one bridge of this kind. They have built several bridges in the past few hundred years.

Now the Kingdom of Bridges lives on their latest cross-sea bridge.

For every meter of the bridge built, countless slaves died as a result.

A large number of slaves are replenished every year, so the army guarding the bridge does not care about the death of slaves.

In fact, the goal of the Tianlong people is to let these slaves who dare to resist die in hard and dangerous labor.

The bridge connecting the major countries not only strengthens their rule, but also eliminates those who dare to resist.

It's a multi-tasking thing.

It's just that the means are too bloody and cruel.

Sure enough, it was not beyond Ye Fan's expectation.

Just over an hour.

A group of patrolling troops discovered the anomaly and sounded the alarm.

Soon rows of troops rushed over from all the gates of the bridge.

The Liberty Alliance also relied on the fortifications on the bridge to carry out defensive efforts.

Ye Fan said to Yamato beside him: "It's about time for us to make a move. I will deal with a general. You three can hold a general. Remember not to be hard steel. Your task is to hold a general. That's it."

Yamato said worriedly: "My husband, is it really okay for you to deal with a general alone? Even a general of the army will not be much weaker than a general of the navy."

Rune q: "How about I team up with the son-in-law, and Master Yamato and Peggy Wanyi. Peggy Wan has a thick skin and can be beaten."

Peggy Wan had black lines all over his face.

How could this elder sister cheat on her younger brother like this.

Peggy Wan said with a bitter face: "How can my little defense block the general's attack?"

Ye Fan said: "Don't worry, my attack power is not good now, but my defense power is not much weaker than my father-in-law Kaido. I am also in dragon form."

Ye Fan has already felt that there are more than a dozen people wearing red justice cloaks in the distance, and they are rushing towards this side quickly.

The generals of the navy wear a white cloak of justice, while the generals of the army wear a red cloak of justice.

Ye Fan said: "Let's go, let's go up to meet them. If those generals really surround us, their Freedom Alliance will be in danger."

Ye Fan turned into a giant purple dragon to meet him first.

A dozen army generals in front stopped.

The leader of the wolf said: "Dragon Emperor Ye Fan, do you want to help the Liberty Alliance and the Tianlong people to fight against it?"

Ye Fan: "I am a pirate, and you are the lackeys of the Tianlong people. We are enemies from the beginning, and your brain is not very bright."

"What's more, it took your navy more than ten days to attack our Hundred Beasts Pirates. How could our Hundred Beasts Pirates swallow this tone?"

Canglang: "The navy suffered a lot from that operation, not to mention that our army has no grievances with your Beast Pirates."

Ye Fan: "No matter the army or the navy, since you have offended my Beasts Pirates, you will bear the anger of our revenge. The Kingdom of the Bridge must be destroyed today."

Canglang: "You are too smart. I really don't care about the three generals of our army. Today I will let you see the power of the generals."

Chapter 59 The Wolf

A pair of extremely sharp claws suddenly grew out of the wolf's tightly clenched fists.

Why does this look so much like Wolverine.

Stepping on the moon, he rushed towards Ye Fan who was in the air.

The wolf's speed was very fast, and his whole body was covered with jet-black armed domineering.

Ye Fan aimed in one direction, making sure that the soldiers below were not slaves.

"Momo is ten times the quality, dragon's breath."

Ye Fan spit out a fierce dragon's breath from his open mouth.

A terrifying heat wave occurred, and the temperature in the air rose by more than ten degrees.

A huge flame tens of meters thick spewed out from Ye Fan's dragon mouth.

Canglang sensed the crisis.

Use your own speed to dodge and dodge.

But the armies on the bridge below him had no such luck.

Powerful flames bombarded the bridge deck below.

More than a dozen army generals desperately used their speed to dodge.

But the army soldiers on the bridge who were attacking the Freedom Alliance were not so lucky.

In an instant, hundreds of people were hit by Ye Fan, and their bodies were directly burned to ashes.

at the same time.

Ye Fan's ten times stronger dragon's breath is already more terrifying than Kaido.

Kaido's dragon's breath just burned a mountain.

Ye Fan's attack directly destroyed the tens of meters wide bridge below and a section hundreds of meters long.

This was Ye Fan's intention.

In this way, the army support troops in the rear have no way to continue to support the battlefield.

The direction of the army's advance was directly cut off by Ye Fan.

The white deer roared loudly at the wolf in the sky: "The wolf stop him quickly, we will lose a lot of troops with such a reckless attack."

Canglang: "He flies too high, but since I got close to him, he is already dead."

Gray wolves can't fly, and it is indeed very troublesome to fly to a height of several thousand meters by relying on moon steps.

But now he is close to Ye Fan.

"Super Rapid Wolf Claw."

In an instant, the wolf's body turned into hundreds of afterimages, appearing everywhere on Ye Fan's giant dragon.

Thousands of sharp claw strikes hit Ye Fan's body.

The dragon form can use various abilities such as wind, fire, thunder and lightning, can ride the clouds and ride the fog, and has super powerful attack and defense power.

With so many advantages, sinceHowever, there are also huge disadvantages.

That is, the body suddenly becomes several thousand meters and loses flexibility.

Although knowledgeable and domineering, he can feel the opponent's attack.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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