Doflamingo has black lines all over his head. If he wasn't his most loyal subordinate, he really wanted to slap this idiot Buffalo a few times.

Ye Fan: "The Shape of Land · Twisting Vortex"

Ye Fan spun quickly, and a large amount of water flow appeared on the blue sun wheel knife. These water flows spun rapidly, forming a high-speed vortex like a tornado.

The high-speed rotating water flow is very terrifying.

Ye Fan's strength had already far surpassed that of Ghost Slayer.

The land-shaped twisting vortex he used has a diameter of hundreds of meters, and the height of the water flow directly reaches the sky.

A powerful vortex of water that sucks items on the surrounding ground into the air.

For example, the absolute sword energy of the two of them smashed the gravel on the ground.

For example, those broken houses were directly sucked into the air due to the terrifying suction caused by the rapidly rotating water flow.

The No. 1 island of the Chambord archipelago is now like hell.

People in other surrounding islands also felt the anomaly of the No. 1 island.

Chapter 66 The War That Is About to Begin

"Go over there, is the hurricane coming?"

"It's terrible, let's leave the Chambord Islands quickly, we will die in such a strong wind."

"You idiot, how can our little pirate ship resist a hurricane that even the islands can't handle?"

"Mom save me, I don't want to die."

In the Chambord Islands, there has just been a case of a yellow ape kicking a mangrove tree.

Now there is such a terrifying waterspout again.

People on other islands were frightened and fled around.

Hawkeye Mihawk looked at the huge waterspout in front of him, flying towards him quickly.

This was the first time he and Ye Fan had a duel with both hands holding knives.

"One Sword Style・Nightingale・Great Darkness Slash."

Hawkeye Mihawk quickly swung hundreds of swords in one second.

Each sword issued a strong sword energy.

These sword qi are different from before.

It is no longer white sword aura, the color of the sword aura is as black as ink, and each sword aura is accompanied by a large amount of armed domineering aura.

Hundreds of domineering slashes full of rich armed colors struck the huge waterspout.

In an instant, the waterspout was divided into hundreds of segments.

Blocked Ye Fan's attack.

Hawkeye Mihawk was also out of breath due to the extensive use of armed domineering, so he could only insert the black sword Yoro into the ground, barely supporting his body.

Basic skills such as armed domineering and domineering domineering are the real gap between him and the Four Emperors.

It's just that in terms of fighting skills, Hawkeye Mihawk is indeed no worse than the Four Emperors.

Ye Fan: "Your physical strength seems to have reached its limit, do you want to continue?"

Hawkeye Mihawk: "As long as I don't fall down, go ahead and let me show you the rest of your moves."

Ye Fan: "In this case, let me show you my next move."

"Seven-shaped・・~ripple stabbing."

This sword no longer has any gorgeous special effects, nor does any water flow appear.

Because Qi Zhi・�~ Ripple stab is the fastest sword in Breath of Water.

After Ye Fan used the eight-door Dunjia, plus Momo's thirty times speed.

Even the yellow ape could hardly dodge this sword.

"So fast."

In less than a blink of an eye, Ye Fan had already completed the attack.

This time, Hawkeye Mihawk failed to block Ye Fan's attack.

He also failed to dodge Ye Fan's attack.

Just relying on the self-consciousness of the great swordsman, he shook his body.

The sword that made Ye Fan stab at his heart shifted a bit, just avoiding the position of the heart.

The lungs are hurt, Hawkeye・MA lot of blood flowed from the corner of Hawk's mouth.

He was still defeated, Ye Fan's seventh move after making a move, he still couldn't get through it in the end.

Ye Fan took back the blue sun wheel knife in his hand.

Said: "From now on, I am the number one swordsman in the world."

He ignored Hawkeye Mihawk who was lying on the ground and was seriously injured.

Ye Fan said to Yamato: "Let's go, let's go drink."

Ye Fan led Yamato to the gate of the auction house.

Buffalo greeted him like a pug.

Nodding and bowing, he said, "Welcome Mr. Ye Fan and Ms. Yamato to our auction house."

Ye Fan said: "Although there are many hotels in the Chambord Islands, I still think that the VIP room of your Don Quixote family auction house is the most luxurious place here. I come here to enjoy delicious food and wine, and it does not affect your auction house. Let's do business."

Buffalo: "It is an honor for our Don Quixote family to be honored by Master Ye Fan. Please invite me inside."

Ye Fan was taken to the largest VIP room on the second floor.

Afterwards, all kinds of precious and famous wines, and Neptune-like feasts from all over the world were quickly placed on the table.

The location of the Chambord Islands is very good, just on the edge of the red earth continent.

There is a place on the great sea route that is about to enter the New World.

Here, you can enjoy delicacies from all over the world, as well as the specialties of the great sea routes and the New World.

It is because of such an excellent geographical location that the Chambord Islands have become the most prosperous island in the pirate world.

The Don Quixote family not only controls the most prosperous No. 1 island, but also a large number of hotels and inns are their family's property.

When Ye Fan asked for various meat products.

With the order of Buffalo, hundreds of chefs began to cook delicious dishes.

These are the most delicious parts of various sea kings after years of trying.

It is very difficult to kill a Neptune.

I want to know how delicious Neptune is, and which part tastes the best.

Only an island like the Chambord Islands can have so many experienced chefs who can make Neptune.

Even if it is Sanji of the Straw Hat Pirates, he can only be the Neptune caught by Luffy, and the staple food on their ship is the Neptune.

Today is destined to be a gluttonous feast.

After having the stomach of a gourmet hunter, Ye Fan's food intake is also close to that of Luffy.

Obviously less than two meters tall.

But Ye Fan can easily eat the sea kings hundreds of meters long into his stomach.

And Yamato, who is next to him, doesn't pay so much attention to these meats.

Pick up a piece of barbecue and put it in your mouth, then slurp it with a bottle of spirits, just as a seasoning for the barbecue.

Tomorrow, I will participate in the Yamato of the top war, and I will inevitably feel a little nervous.

For the first time, she didn't show the image of a lady in front of Ye Fan.

After one night, the next day it was time for the top battle.

This time the top wars started together, and a slight change took place.

The strongest Shichibukai, Hawkeye Mihawk, was unable to participate in the top battle due to serious injuries.

Looking at the 100,000 navy below.

Yamato showed a nervous expression.

Said: "When Ace is pushed to the execution platform, my husband, you can use the ability of Zizaimen, and we will rescue Ace together."

Now Ye Fan and Yamato, it is Ye Fan who uses Xiangyun's ability, they are in the sky outside the port of Marine Vanduo, the headquarters of the Navy.

Looking at the 100,000 navies below, a large number of warships and coastal defense artillery fire, presenting a perfect fan shape, surrounding the entrance of this port.

Yamato knew that attacking Marin Fando would mean death.

But Ye Fan said: "Don't worry, wait for the Whitebeard Pirates to make a move first. Although we have to rescue Ace, it doesn't mean that we don't want the Whitebeard Pirates to disintegrate. They are also our hostile forces."

Yamato: "Does Whitebeard dare to come? Faced with such a defense, the Whitebeard Pirates will be destroyed by the intensive artillery fire from the Navy Headquarters."

Ye Fan: "Don't worry, White Beard is a man who is willing to sacrifice everything for his son. Besides, White Beard is not that stupid. They won't attack head-on."

Yamato: "Marin Fando only has such a narrow entrance. If you don't force them to fly in from the sky, the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates can't fly either."

Ye Fan: "You guessed half right. In fact, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates have already entered the battlefield. You can see them soon."

Chapter 67

This time Ace's public execution was broadcast live globally in One Piece World.

This action was originally for the Navy to declare their influence, and by the way, solve the Whitebeard Pirates that they hate the most.

For this reason, the Navy has made sufficient preparations.

Especially after the news that the Navy and the Beasts Pirates were defeated in the battle a month ago was spread throughout the sea by Morgens' World Economic News.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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