Whitebeard also built the largest fleet of pirates.

There are sixteen pirate groups composed of his sons, plus 43 subsidiary pirate groups.

Such a huge force has sheltered hundreds of powerful alliance countries.

Among these franchise countries, there are even powerful giant kingdoms, fishman islands and other large countries.

This made the Tianlong people less collect the heavenly gold.

This is what the Celestial Dragons and the Navy cannot tolerate.

The sites of the other three Four Emperors combined are not as large as those controlled by the Whitebeard Pirates.

As a senior officer of the Navy, Garp naturally knew what the war was about.

This is why doves can release water on Luffy, and don't even care about whether Ace can escape.

But to White Beard, even the lazy Kizaru and the lazy Aokiji will attack with all their strength.

Ape's technology troops need a lot of Baileys, and the navy's fleet also needs a lot of Baileys.

From the beginning of this war, it was doomed that White Beard would die in the top war.

But this is not a bad thing for Whitebeard.

It is a tragedy for a strong man on the sea to die on the sick bed.

To die in such a magnificent war is his due destination.

Before coming, White Beard should have understood his solution.

That's why he chose to end alone.

Warring States is willing to use such exaggerated acting skills in exchange for Garp's full shot.

It is because it is obvious that Akainu cannot kill Ye Fan by himself.

The terrifying power of Ye Fan's door fruit made the Warring States tremble with fear.

The overall strength of the navy is far beyond that of the Four Emperors, but the territory the navy has to protect is too huge.

Ye Fan's ability to quickly shuttle to various branches is really restrained by the navy.

The meaning of Warring States is obvious, I let go of your two grandsons of Garp.

Now you have to go all out.

To kill Ye Fan, his current threat is more serious than White Beard in the heart of Zhan Guo.

After Garp saw the G2 base was instantly destroyed by Ye Fan.

He also hates the appearance of pirates like Ye Fan in the sea.

It hasn't been a full shot for forty years.

Is my pair of iron fists still as strong as when I was young?

Cap can feel his own emptinessweak.

In this sea, no one can resist their own aging.

Except for the one among the flowers of the Holy Land Mary Joa.

Garp adjusted his military uniform and tied the straps of the justice cloak tight again.

Stepping on the moon, it took only a moment to appear beside Ye Fan.

Now Ye Fan is surrounded by Garp and Akainu, the two highest naval forces.

Chapter 72: The Moment of Decisive Battle

Warring States said to Lieutenant General Crane: "Let's dispatch the secret weapon, now it's time to completely eliminate the Whitebeard Pirates."

Lieutenant General He immediately picked up the phone bug and contacted a mysterious force.

Warring States also slowly walked down from the high platform.

He wants to solve his old opponent Whitebeard himself.

Now retreat on the battlefield.

Kaixia Jinbe confronts the weakest Moonlight Moriah.

The 50-50 sand crocodile faced Doflamingo.

Empress Boya Hancock watched Ye Fan's battle with nympho the whole time.

Seeing that Karp and Akainu wanted to besiege Ye Fan, he couldn't help but stand up, and Yamato, who was on the side, no longer stayed in the back peacefully.

The life of good friend Ace is important, and the life of her husband is even more important.

How could she stay quietly behind her husband who was about to besiege her husband when she saw the two navy with the highest combat power.

The most dangerous ones are Whitebeard and Marco.

Marco the pineapple head was crushed and beaten by the general Huang Yuan throughout the process.

White Beard, who was already unable to move, barely fought Aokiji 50-50.

However, this time the Warring States came into play.

Even if it is not sick, the white beard is so old that it is difficult to even move his position.

Facing the combination of Sengoku and Aokiji alone, he can only barely contend.

The current him is simply impossible to be the opponent of Sengoku and Aokiji.

Even if Ace comes soon, his current strength is far from being an opponent of the Admiral, and he cannot stop Aokiji or Marshal Sengoku alone.

Ye Fan: "Garp, the naval hero Tekken, will also besiege a small person like me with Akainu."

Garp: "As a navy, isn't it normal to besiege pirates? In the battle when the old man became a naval hero, he joined forces with Roger."

Ye Fan: "I'm not as scary as Lockes, but I deserve your attention."

Garp: "You have a variety of fruit abilities, which is a terrifying ability that only Lockes has. The old man suspects that you are the son of Lockes."

Ye Fan: "Don't insult me, I'm only 25 years old this year, that guy Lockes died 40 years ago, I'm not a waste like Lockes, I have Golden Lion, Whitebeard, Charlotte Lingling and My father-in-law Kaido, unexpectedly, no one is willing to help him at a critical moment."

Garp: "It seems that you really have nothing to do with Lockes, but you, a person with multiple fruit abilities, must be eliminated. Your abilities are terrible."

Ye Fan: "Do you want to use the power that killed Lockes? It's just that at your current age, I'm afraid you won't last long."

Karp: "Boy, you know a lot of things, but you have forgotten one thing. You are also not as scary as Lockes. Back then, Lockes could develop all seven fruit abilities to awakening, and you, any one of them The ability to grow fruit is far from reaching the level of fruit awakening, so it doesn't take too long for the old man to kill you."

With a few simple words, Ye Fan learned a sliver of the truth about the Battle of the Valley of the Gods 40 years ago.

Rocks is really terrifying, he has awakened the power of seven devil fruits.

No wonder it can dominate the sea and try to wipe out all the dragon people.

It's just a pity that in the final battle, his men went to snatch the wealth of the Valley of Gods.

Everyone regards him as a tool to hold back the navy.

Lockes also completed his mission. After his death, his subordinates all became the overlords of the sea because of the huge treasures they obtained from the Valley of Gods.

Therefore, regarding the war in the Valley of the Gods, even Ye Fan's father-in-law Kaido didn't know what happened.

How Cap and Roger teamed up to kill Rocks.

After all, Kaido back then was just a substitute crew member of the Lockes Pirates, and he didn't know how terrifying Lockes' strength was.

Ye Fan said to Yamato: "You are disobedient again, now obediently go back to Ghost Island."

Ye Fan directly opened two free doors on the ice.

Throw Yamato back to the Wano Country, and throw the Empress back to the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

After finishing all this, Ye Fan said excitedly: "Now let me have a fun battle with you two top naval fighters."

Ye Fan's body shape changed again.

Now in his dragon form, there is an extra layer of lightning on his body.

This is the power of the thunder fruit.

This layer of lightning serves two purposes.

One is that it has a strong electric attribute attack, so that every attack of Ye Fan has a lot of electric attribute damage, and others who attack his body will also receive electric shock damage.

The other one is electrotherapy, which repairs Ye Fan's body all the time.

Ye Fan invented this trick mainly for his electrotherapy skills.

It is to repair the damage caused by the eight door dunjia to itself.

It is also a solution that Ye Fan can think of to extend the effective duration of Bamen Dunjia during this period of time.

"Eight Gates Dunjia・Eighth Gate・Death Gate・Xixiang、Yekai"

"Momo is a hundred times faster."

Ye Fan activated his ultimate ultimate move.

Immediately felt endless pain, besides a lot of lightning around his body, there was also a circle of blood red mist around his body.

This is a result of the blood rapidly evaporating and the cells burning.

Even with electrotherapy, he also has the terrifying recovery ability of the purple dragon form.

Ye Fan still feels that his life is rapidlyloss.

From the looks of it, I can only hold on for at most five minutes, but five minutes is enough.

Let me see what the most powerful domineering existence in the sea is like.

Ye Fan moved.

With the blessing of Momo's one hundred times speed.

At the initial velocity of less than one millimeter of his movement, he has already exceeded Mach one.

Instantly appeared in front of Akainu.

Akainu's powerful knowledge and arrogance have already felt the crisis.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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