The current Ye Fan is in the most powerful human-dragon form with all eight gates fully open.

He even used Momo's 100 times speed, an acceleration that exceeded the limit of the previous Momo fruit ability user.

Still unable to escape Garp's iron fist.

Still unable to gain the upper hand in a one-punch fight with Karp Xeon.

Spit out the blood from the stomach.

Ye Fan: "I didn't expect that Mr. Garp, the hero of the navy, would also attack from behind."

Cap wasn't embarrassed at all.

"The old man also sneaked up like this back then. He punched Lockes in the vest and killed him. There is nothing shameful about it. Facing vicious pirates, any way to win represents justice."

Akainu: "I didn't expect Garp, who is usually lazy, that you are serious and have the same justice as me. You are killing pirates by any means. Now we will join hands to send this little guy on the road."

Ye Fan deliberately opened his mouth to chat because he was strengthening the way of electrotherapy to recover the injuries in his body.

The domineering that comes with Karp's punch is not simple.

That's not any of the three-color domineering.

Chapter 74 Iron Fist Garp

Intense electrotherapy quickly recovered Ye Fan's injuries.

He already felt the domineering horror of Garp.

This kind of domineering is not to use all kinds of methods to destroy the cells in the enemy's body.

Instead, let the enemy's cells age rapidly.

On this sea, there are a large number of pirates with strong defenses.

For example, the most famous ones are aunt Charlotte Lingling and her father-in-law Kaido.

Their defensive power has been so strong that there is no other way to harm them except for the domineering and domineering winding.

And Garp's special arrogance, this arrogance that once killed Lockes, a Garp chased the entire Roger Pirates to escape everywhere.

This is a kind of domineering that cannot be defended.

Because there is no one way to increase the lifespan of the cells in your body.

Sure enough, it was the same as I guessed.

The special domineering Qi mastered by the Tianlong people is the existence that they can dominate the sea.

But this power also has huge flaws.

Even the user himself will consume a lot of life.

This is the reason why Wu Laoxing and Im never make a move easily.

Look at Karp's hair, there is already an extra strand of gray hair.

Obviously, such a domineering attack is also a great consumption for the already old Garp, and his remaining lifespan is running out.

It's just that in the world of pirates, there are more people who have the means of immortality.

For example, Im's immortal life surgery, such as the legendary pure gold and golden apples.

Only by possessing these things can one be able to compete with the Celestial Dragons.

The pure gold had already been swallowed by that lantern fish, and there was no way to find it in the deep sea.

And the golden apple only appeared in legends, and the golden apple is not immortal, it can only live up to a thousand years old.

Whether that Nolando can live for four hundred years is impossible to verify.

Ye Fan already knew the tip of the iceberg of Tianlongren's true ability.

he thisThe objective of this action has been achieved.

Rescuing Ace is just to prevent him from becoming the nourishment of Destiny's Child.

The real goal is to determine what kind of ability Garp used to kill Rocks.

Now Ye Fan can leave the battlefield.

Akainu, who is fighting with himself with all his strength, has no free time at all.

Go and kill the fleeing Luffy and Ace.

But when Ye Fan just wanted to act.

He found that he had been locked by Garp's iron fist.

If Ye Fan uses the ability of Zizimen now, he will be attacked by Karp immediately.

It seems that it is really troublesome.

Even if I want to retreat now, it has become a difficult thing.

In the sky at this time.

Several huge flying machines appeared.

It is completely different from Blue Star's aircraft.

The appearance of these aircraft is more like the shape of a ship.

Ye Fan didn't understand how such an aerodynamic product could fly.

But since Enilo is using the ability of the thunder fruit, let the Ark Proverbs fly directly to the moon.

The Tianlong people who control the world have such an ability, and Ye Fan will not be surprised.

These battleships in the sky began to crazily tilt their artillery fire towards the fleeing Whitebeard Pirates, Bucky the Clown and others.

A large number of pirates can only be attacked by them, without the slightest ability to fight back.

In the sky, several remodelers jumped down.

They are masters of the Air Force.

This plot did not appear in the previous Dingshang Wars.

Without thinking of its own existence, this little butterfly wing.

Marshal Warring States even called the most mysterious air force support.

The air force is currently a very mysterious army in One Piece.

Almost never participated in any combat.

The navy fights pirates, the army controls the slaves of the Bridge Kingdom and guards the holy land of Mariejoia.

But the Air Force never showed up.

I didn't expect that I would meet it today.

These Air Force generals seem to be transformed people.

This is not a rare technology in the sea.

Whether it is Sanji's family, Quinn, or Franky, they all have various techniques for transforming people.

The technology of Tianlong people is undoubtedly more advanced than that of pirates.

The goal of these reformers is obviously on Whitebeard's side.

They were about to kill Whitebeard quickly.

And now Ye Fan's situation is also not very good.

The two most powerful forces in the navy, Garp and Akainu, have surrounded him.

It seemed that he was really in a desperate situation.

This is the battlefield that Ye Fan did not expect.

But as a strong man, Ye Fan will not be afraid.

Karp is old after all, the duration of his domineering is not even as long as his own Bamen Dunjia.

In this case, Ye Fan's tactics have been determined.

Try to repel Akainu as much as possible and avoid Garp's attack.

As long as I can delay enough time, their combination will disintegrate.

But the premise of all this is that White Beard can persevere.

If he was under the cooperation of Sengoku, Aokiji, Kizaru, and several air force reformers, he would be killed soon.

No matter what, Ye Fan couldn't beat the highest combat power of the entire navy.

time does not wait.

Ye Fan decisively launched his own attack on the red dog.

Ye Fan threw out the blue sun wheel knife in his hand.

"Pick up the shape・M"

"Momo is one hundred times the mass."

The blue sun wheel knife glides quickly on the sea.

as it moves.

The sword energy composed of countless huge waves flew madly towards the huge elemental body of Akainu.

Red dog: "You are really naive to try to destroy my magma with sea water."

The temperature of the sea water, the temperature at which it is necessary to extinguish the magma, is naturally extremely difficult.

Even if there is no follow-up lava replenishment, even if the seawater in the entire port is poured on the lava giant of Akainu.

It was also impossible to cool the lava on his body to the point where it turned into rock.

However, in the large amount of seawater sword energy emitted by the pick-up type · M, there is more than just the ability to breathe water.

There is also Ye Fan's armed domineering cover.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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