Blackbeard Titch: "The navy's power is expanding too fast, it seems that I have to speed up my plan."

During this period of time, Blackbeard Titch has used Shichibukai's identity to stabilize his power, and has prepared good devil fruits for his subordinates.

For example, Xiliu has obtained the ability of the invisible fruit, a great swordsman who can be invisible, and his strength has skyrocketed by at least double.

He originally wanted to lurk in Qiwuhai's position for a year or two, but now that the navy's changes made Blackbeard feel that he had to act faster and become a Four Emperors as soon as possible.

Ye Fan, who woke up from the bed, also saw this newspaper.

The course of history has changed.

It was originally a combination of the three generals Fujitora, Green Bull, and Yellow Monkey, but now there are more Aokiji and Momotu.

Speaking of which, before I crossed over, the green bull hadn't shown its ability yet, and I didn't even know what kind of devil fruit he ate. I only knew that this guy could go without food for several years.

Ye Fan suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

My golden finger is about to disappear, and now there are only two plots related to the protagonist, Doflamingo and Cake Island.

Whether it is Fishman Island or Zou Island, I have already changed in advance.

In other words, Ye Fan will no longer be able to gain plot points for changing the plot.Now I only have one plot point left to recover the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

It seems that all my abilities are almost exhausted.

Run Q at the side saw Ye Fan's solemn expression.

Said: "My son-in-law, is there anything unhappy?"

Then I saw the content in the newspaper next to me.

He said comfortingly: "Don't worry, my son-in-law. Even if there are two more generals in the navy, they will not dare to attack our Hundred Beasts Pirates. We are now the most powerful pirates in this sea."

Run Yanq also thought that Ye Fan was worried about the navy's large-scale military expansion.

This sentence reminded Ye Fan that as long as he is strong enough, he can deal with all crises in the sea.

It will be two years before the gathering of the Straw Hat Pirates.

During this period of time, as long as he stays in the Time Gravity Room to practice, Ye Fan believes that he can also quickly master the peak three-color domineering, and awaken the fruit ability.

I didn't dare to enter the Time Gravity Room to practice casually before.

That's because Ye Fan doesn't have eternal life.

A day inside is equivalent to a year outside.

It is good to quickly improve strength, but it will also consume a lot of life.

And in this sea, not everyone can be like Luffy who has awakened the fruit ability at the age of nineteen just by practicing.

As far as Doflamingo and Katakuri are concerned, they are already very talented people in this sea.

Even so, Doflamingo is 39 years old and Katakuri is 46 years old, only one fruit ability can be awakened.

Katakuri also has one more knowledgeable domineering awakening than Doflamingo.

It is extremely difficult for Ye Fan to realize the awakening of the three domineering auras and the awakening of the three fruit abilities.

Even if it takes decades, it may not be done. Ye Fan dare not say that his cultivation talent is more powerful than Katakuri.

But there is one thing, Ye Fan is very powerful, that is, the strong confidence brought by the golden finger, which makes it easy for him to master the domineering and domineering entanglement, such an extremely powerful attack ability.

There are still two years left, that is to say, all the cultivation in the time gravity room, and I still have six hundred years.

Ye Fan didn't believe that for such a long time, Ye Fan didn't believe that he couldn't exercise all his strength to the peak.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan became more confident.

He kissed Runqian on the forehead.

Said: "Don't worry, no matter how many more generals are added to the navy, they will not be able to defeat me."

Run q: "I believe that the son-in-law will definitely become the most powerful man in this sea."

Chapter 89 The Best Master

a week later.

The feast for the Whitebeard Pirates is over.

The Whitebeard Pirates had hundreds of franchise countries, but now there are only a dozen or so left.

Neither Kaido nor Big Mom killed all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The reason is also very simple.

The Whitebeard Pirates also have a large number of masters, especially Marko the Carrot Head and Ace the Fire Fist.

They voluntarily gave way to most of the countries, only a dozen or so dependent countries, and such a territory also conforms to their identity and strength.

If Big Mom and Kaido continue to attack their dependent countries, the territory they control will inevitably be attacked by the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

On the contrary, none of the three parties has any benefit.

After losing a large amount of territory, the Whitebeard Pirates have been removed from the Four Emperor Pirates.

Now there are only three sea emperors in the sea.

The sea fell into calm for a short time.

As for Ye Fan, during this period of time, he stopped making troubles.

I used to make troubles everywhere because time was too tight. If you slow down a little, you won't be able to get plot points.

Now it's time for Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates to start a steady two-year practice.

There is no such thing as the Child of Destiny.

It also calmed down the sea here quickly.

Ye Fan consumed the only remaining plot point.

The world drawn this time is the world of Fan Ma Ren Ya.

Ye Fan got a new skill Ghost Back.

This looks like a world of technological civilization.

It looks no different from Ye Fan's previous Blue Star in appearance.

But technological civilization is only a facade in disguise.

The most powerful people in this world have all reached the level of the world of high martial arts.

The most powerful person can even be attacked without fear of mushroom bombs, and one person can easily destroy a country's army just like in the world of pirates.

And the ghost back is the strongest force for muscle control in the world of Fan Ma Saber.

acquisition of this skill.

Let Ye Fan, who was already very strong in attack and defense, increase his strength to an exaggerated level again.

Over the ghost island, two giant dragons are fighting fiercely in the distant sky.

The two sides have been fighting for hours.

Finally, after a heavy blow from the cyan dragon, the purple dragon was thrown into the sea.

Black Maria: "Lord Kaido won again, but this time the son-in-law persisted for a full five hours, and his strength improved faster and faster."

Run q: "I believe that it won't be long before the son-in-law will be able to defeat Lord Kaido."

Flying slowly out of the sea, this time Ye Fan was seriously injured.

In the last attack, Kaido's dragon claw hit Ye Fan's head in the form of a dragon fiercely, making his head still dizzy.

Back to the island of ghosts.

Kaido happily handed over a bottle of spirits.

He laughed loudly and said, "Good son-in-law, your strength should surpass mine in a few years. I believe you will definitely become Joey Boy."

Actually Kaido is a poor guy.

He has been fighting for the country since he was a teenager, but he never expected to be betrayed by the country he was born in.

When I grew up, I joined the Rocks Pirates and lived a life full of food.meal day.

When he heard that there would be a strong man named Joey Boy in this sea, who would end all the suffering on the sea and bring laughter to people, he tried hard to make himself Joey Boye.

Kaido likes to commit suicide because he heard that only when a person is on the verge of death can he awaken the power of Joey Boy.

He ate Devil Fruits for the people of Wano Country because he heard that Joyboy could bring laughter to people.

But he struggled all his life and found that he couldn't be Joey Boy.

For example, in the future, Kaido knocked Luffy out with a thunderous gossip.

The sentence that was said was, unfortunately, you can't be Joey Boy.

But when Kaido saw Ye Fan.

He thought that Ye Fan was the legendary Joey Boy.

Ever since Ye Fan became his son-in-law, the Hundred Beasts Pirates have been full of laughter.

Even those slaves in Wano Country who have always opposed themselves, after this period of time in Yamato, have continuously released various policies that benefit the people, and they are full of laughter.

Kaido believes that he can't be Joey Boy, but it's not bad that he can be Joey Boy's father-in-law.

During this time, Ye Fan would fight Kaido every other day or two.

Ye Fan knows that his talent is far from the opponent of those guys like Luffy Sauron.

But I have a good teacher.

My own father-in-law is known as the strongest teacher in this sea.

The first stick is to let Luffy learn Liuying, so that a guy who is struggling to fight Doflamingo has the power to hurt Kaido.

The second stick, let Luffy learn the domineering and domineering entanglement, a power that can only be mastered by a powerhouse of the Four Emperors level.

The third stick, let Luffy change from a superman-type rubber fruit to an animal-type, phantom beast, human fruit, and Nika form, directly possessing the strength to defeat Kaido.


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