There is only a small forest on the island, and there are seabirds that occasionally pass by.

There are no other large organisms, because the area is too small to form a small closed-loop ecological circle.

The place where Ye Fan and Fujitora fought with a smile.

It is a reef area relatively close to the sea.

When Fujitora Yixiao uses Hell Brigade.

The trees and rocks on the entire island were tightly pressed to the ground.

In an instant the island became a smooth plane.

For the first time, Ye Fan felt that his feet seemed to be injected with a lot of lead.

Bastard, the manga misunderstood me.

Ye Fan cursed in his heart: Old thief Oda.

When fighting Luo, Fujitora's smile only changed the gravity of dozens of square meters around him.

And the gravity exerted is far less terrifying than it is now.

It can only suppress Luo who is still weak.

At that time, the three Luos couldn't beat Doflamingo, so they had to turn to Luffy to barely win.

In order to deal with Doflamingo, Luo has been training painstakingly for more than ten years.

But less than two months later, Luo and Kidd teamed up to get Charlotte Lingling out.

His combat power improved during that time, even faster than Luffy.

And what is the situation of this battle now.

The true strength of Fujitora's smile far surpassed Ye Fan's imagination.

This guy changed the terrain of the entire island with one move.

Although it is only an island the size of dozens of basketball courts.

Fujitora smiled and pulled out the sword in his hand.

"Gravity Knife Tiger"

This move will attach a lot of gravity to the body of the knife after he takes out the knife.

So that he can get a powerful slash with more than ten times the power.

Fujitora stepped on his wooden slippers with a smile, and rushed towards Ye Fan quickly.Seeing such a posture.

Ye Fan immediately activated the human-dragon form, his body covered with purple scales.

At the same time, Ye Fan opened the Eight Door Dunjia.

"The eighth gate, the gate of death."

"Momo is a hundred times faster."


The moment Fujitora rushed over with a smile.

Ye Fan activated three skills at the same time.

Immediately, I felt my whole body becoming fuller.

At the same time, his electrotherapy has also made great progress.

No longer like a Super Saiyan, with a lot of lightning all over his body.

These flashes of lightning are actually a huge waste of the fruit's ability.

Now Ye Fan's electrotherapy is directly integrated into every part of Ye Fan's body, into every cell in his body.

From the outside, it was impossible to tell that Ye Fan had already used electrotherapy.

However, the recovery ability of electrotherapy on his body was more than ten times stronger than before.

At the same time, because of the human-dragon form and the opening of the Eight Gate Dunjia.

Ye Fan no longer finds it difficult to move because of the terrifying pressure of the Gravity Fruit.

Now he can also run freely in such a terrifying gravity environment.

Being able to use the gravity environment so quickly.

It was also because of the gravity of time in the room, Ye Fan was used to ten times the gravity.

Although the gravity of the hell brigade that Fujitora Yixiao exerted with all his strength far exceeded ten times the gravity.

Ye Fan has already adapted to such a gravitational environment in a short period of time.

Pull out the blue sun wheel knife at his waist.

"Clang clang clang"

In a very short time.

Ye Fan and Fujitora competed for hundreds of moves with a smile.

Ye Fan was able to fight swordsmanship against a great swordsman like Fujitora Yixiao, and he was not at a disadvantage at all.

This is also thanks to his father-in-law Kaido.

In fact, the nickname Kaido of Beasts, many people think the translation is wrong, it should be called Kaido Baishou.

Because my cheap father-in-law can be taught by anyone, and he is still the most powerful skill in the sea.

If you don't have yourself, it took a few months to teach Kidd the ability to awaken the magnetic fruit.

In just a few days, the three sticks taught Lu Fei Liuying, Domineering Domineering, and the Nika form that no one can awaken for eight hundred years.

During this time, Ye Fan fought Kaido continuously.

Not only has his three-color arrogance and fruit ability been greatly improved.

The most important thing is that Ye Fan's combat skills, actual combat experience, etc., are already at a very high level.

This made Ye Fan, a completely layman in the way of swordsman.

In a very short period of time, he achieved the level of competing with Fujitora Yixiao.

Every time the two sides collide, a huge gully will appear on the ground of the island.

But it hasn't waited for the seawater to melt in along this gap.

The gravity of the island has been permanently affected by Fujitora's smile.

Because of strong gravity, the island came together again.

Doflamingo and Katakuri can only achieve initial fruit awakening.

That is the ability to turn the surrounding objects into one's own fruit.

But General Fujitora is the same as Aokiji Akakenu.

The fruit of their awakening has reached a permanent change of circumstances.

That is.

Even if Fujitora left here with a smile, the island would still last for many years, with an environment dozens of times the gravity.

This is the highest level of fruit awakening ability.

Long-term changes in the environment.

As for how long it can last, Ye Fan doesn't know.

Because of the ice and fire island where Aokiji and Akainu duel, two years later, there will still be an environment of icebergs and volcanoes.

And Fujitora's strength is obviously not weaker than that of Akainu and Aokiji.

It is even possible that he has the fruit awakening ability beyond Chinu.

What a terrifying enemy.

The character who can become an admiral is not a simple role.

Doflamingo in the sky had already shed a lot of cold sweat on his forehead.

Xindao: Fortunately, I am not directly above the island.

Look at seabirds that have been crushed to a pulp by gravity.

If it was above the island, he would definitely not be able to maintain the ability to fly.

The most frightening thing was that every time these two monsters clashed with each other, the terrifying shock wave would tear the entire island apart.

I was really on the island, and I didn't know how many times I was hit by the aftermath of their battles.

It was unexpected that the new admiral would have such terrifying strength.

And Ye Fan's strength has improved a lot compared to a month ago, and his progress is really too fast.

"Fufufufu, what two terrifying monsters!!!"

A warship in the distance is slowly approaching the island.

It was the battleship that Fujitora smiled.

As a new general, Fujitora Yixiao naturally has his own battleship.

But he has no loyal men.

His lieutenant is Akainu.

At this time, Fujitora's adjutant was holding a phone bug to make an emergency connection with Akainu.

"Report to Marshal, General Fujitora is fighting Dragon Emperor Ye Fan on an isolated island."

Amidst the phone bug, Akainu's growl was immediately heard.

"This old bastard, now that the new naval headquarters has not been completed, does he want to start a full-scale war with the Hundred Beasts Pirates?"


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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