"Hurry up, get out of here as soon as possible, the farther the better, I want to report to Marshal Akainu and ask for a replacement, I don't have the ability to be General Fujitora's adjutant."

A team leader hurriedly said: "We have already used all the power, but the sea water is pouring into the sphere made by Admiral Fujitora, and the speed of the sea current has exceeded the maximum sailing speed of our warship."

The adjutant silently picked up the phone bug.

But this time he didn't call Marshal Akainu.

Instead, he called his wife.

"Honey, my military expenses over the years are under the tiles under the bedside table. With this money, you must live happily. By the way, when our son grows up, we will ask him to be a logistics soldier in the future." It's fine, don't be like me, be an adjutant to a general."

The squad leader next to him saw Fujitora's adjutant preparing his last words.

He also hurriedly took out a phone bug.

"Cuihua, our engagement has been cancelled. I hope you can find a better man. Don't find Haijun as your boyfriend. Bless you, my Cuihua."

Chapter 107 Gravity Ball

The members of the Red Heart Pirates had already stayed away from the battlefield.


"Captain, our power system is alarming for high temperature."

"No, our ship is not advancing but retreating."

Several crew members urgently reported various abnormalities of the yellow submarine.

After a few seconds, there was no reply from Luo.

At this time, they realized that Luo, who was usually calm, was surprised to see the direction of the island.

redThe people of Heart Pirates also looked at the periscope curiously.

I saw a large amount of sea water frantically pouring into the island where Ye Fan and Fujitora were dueling.

At this time, he realized why their captain was dumbfounded.

Because they have the same expression now, this kind of power, is this really the power that human beings should have.

Luo quickly reacted.

"Quick, let's float up to the surface of the sea and let's go paddling together."

Under Luo's order, the yellow submarine quickly surfaced.

As soon as Luo took the lead, he took out an oar and rushed to the bow.

In Blue Star, the power of paddling is definitely not comparable to that of a machine.

Machines can't run at the speed of the ocean current, so paddling is even more impossible.

But here is still a world of thieves.

Just by paddling with all his strength alone, the yellow submarine can move quickly.

Finally, with the efforts of everyone in the Heart Pirates.

They could stay away from that dreadful island again.

But above the island, Ye Fan turned into a giant dragon, but it was not so pleasant.

He was too close to this gravitational orb.

The gravitational force that nature exerts on him is also extremely terrifying.

Especially when Fujitora smiled and canceled a few tenths of his motivation.

Now the body has eighty times the terrifying gravity attached to it.

In the beginning, Ye Fan desperately created auspicious clouds, wanting to stay away from here.

But he simply can't do it.

Because the auspicious cloud created was also affected by the terrifying gravitational force, and flew towards the egg-sized sphere below.

Fujitora smiled and finally showed a rare smile.

He is also in the vortex of the gravitational field.

However, relying on the ability of the Gravity Fruit, he can stand on the island smoothly and appreciate all this quietly.

This is the horror of his move.

A super-dense sphere that absorbs surrounding matter all the time.

This process, even if it was the initiator of the trick, Fujitora Yixiao couldn't control it.

This is also the reason why, after he created this trick back then, he vowed not to use it again.

Back then, they just wanted to wipe out those nobles and their soldiers.

When Fujitora smiled and wanted to cancel it, he found that this huge gravitational sphere had lost control.

Let their former islands be destroyed.

But this sphere is not infinitely expanding.

When its mass reaches a limit, it will produce a terrifying explosion.

With the power of that explosion, even gods would be killed.

Fujitora smiled and saw that it was almost time.

No matter how Ye Fan struggled, he couldn't leave here.

Fujitora smiled and got up and flew to his warship.

Under the action of the gravity fruit, Fujitora's warship quickly got rid of the gravitational field.

Drive to the distance.

The adjutants and squad leaders next to them put down the phone bugs in their hands.

They hugged each other with tears in their eyes.

They were finally saved.

The general did not abandon them.

Fujitora smiled confidently and said: "Go back to the Navy headquarters, Ye Fan is dead, we may meet the wrath of the Beast Pirates."

The attack strength of this move.

Even Fujitora, who has developed the gravity fruit ability to the limit, smiled.

He was absorbed into the sphere, and he couldn't survive by himself, not to mention that a huge and terrifying explosion would happen soon.

Looking at Fujitora who left, he smiled.

There was a cold light in Ye Fan's eyes.

His knowledgeable domineering is also crazily calling the police.

The gravity sphere the size of an egg in front of him is already very unstable.

In this case, how do you want to kill me, I will return it.

On the warship, Fujitora suddenly felt a terrible crisis with a smile.

With his domineering look, he saw that Ye Fan had turned back into a human form.

Losing Xiangyun, Ye Fan's body quickly approached the sphere.

The current gravity ball is already very unstable.

For a strong person like Ye Fan, if the gravity ball hits, it will definitely explode.

He couldn't think of how Ye Fan could get out of the crisis under such circumstances, and it made him feel dangerous.

Soon, he knew why he sensed that Ye Fan was very dangerous.

Because there was an extra item in Ye Fan's hand.

Not a blue sunblade, but a very large door.

free door.

The door is open.

And this door is very large, before the gravity ball compresses it into dust.

Ye Fan waved his arms quickly.

Let the gravity ball pass through the free door.

The gravity ball was teleported to an unknown place.

Fujitora smiled: "You, you, where did you send the gravity ball?"

No matter where the ball is sent, at least it means the destruction of the island.

But Fujitora smiled and felt that Ye Fan would not send him to a deserted island.

Ye Fan: "Your navy may have to change to a new headquarters."

Fujitora smiled: "You bastard."

Ye Fan: "You destroyed the Naval Headquarters yourself, not me. I don't have the ability of gravity fruit."

Ye Fan's counterattack made Fujitora vomit blood with a smile.

An admiral who destroyed the naval headquarters with his own ult.

The navy has never encountered such a thing in its eight hundred years.

At this time, Fujitora smiled, and had no intention of continuing to fight Ye Fan.

Even his strongest forbidden moves couldn't kill the man in front of him, and if he continued to fight, he couldn't kill Ye Fan either.

In this case, it is better to retreat and wait for the next opportunity.

Now Fujitora smiled and finally understood.

Why are the generals and marshals of the navy, they can let strong people like the Four Emperors exist.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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