In other words, almost all the most advanced warships of the Navy docked at the Navy Headquarters were destroyed in this explosion.

What makes Akainu most angry is that it is not a pirate who attacked the Navy headquarters this time.

After asking to understand the reason afterwards.

It turned out that Fujitora wanted to kill Dragon Emperor Ye Fan with a smile, but Dragon Emperor Ye Fan used Zizaimen's ability to transfer his attack to the Navy Headquarters.

An admiral almost destroyed the naval headquarters.

Not only can the navy not be angry about this matter.

Even try to cover up the truth of the matter as much as possible.

Just in a corner, a camera has captured all of these.

The next day, World Economic News spread the story to every corner of the sea.

And the title is also very explosive.

Admiral Fujitora was defeated by Dragon Emperor Yefan, and the Navy Headquarters was destroyed by Dragon Emperor Yefan again.

Morgens, the head of the news, deliberately concealed that the gravity ball was made by Fujitora, but instead said that it was Ye Fan who once again destroyed the Navy headquarters.

The most important thing is that the Navy is still unable to justify this news.

They can't say that this was not done by Dragon Emperor Ye Fan, but by their admiral's own big move, which almost destroyed the naval headquarters.

Even knowing that he was framed by Morgons.

But they have no way to justify.

For this incident, Fujitora's smile will naturally be punished, otherwise many naval soldiers at the headquarters would not agree.

But the punishment should not be too severe.

This move of Fujitora's smile has already proved his strength.

The final result was that Fujitora Yixiao was grounded for half a year, and he could not leave the Navy Headquarters within this six months.

Chapter 109 Alabasta

Ye Fan said to Brother Ming: "I will send someone to Panksade Island in a few days, but don't worry, it won't affect your business. What I need is to ensure the safety of the island."

After speaking, Ye Fan left here.

After possessing the stomach of a gourmet hunter, he can solve the problem of eating no matter how serious his injuries are or how much energy he consumes.

But there is also a problem.

After every fierce battle, Ye Fan would feel very hungry.

But this time he didn't return to Ghost Island, nor did he drop by Brother Ming's for dinner.

Open a door of freedom.

Ye Fan came to the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Said to take revenge on Fujitora for a smile, Ye Fan naturally wanted to take revenge on him.

Coming to this country is also very simple, not only is the heir of this country, Princess Weiwei, but also Luffy's little fan girl.

What's more.

The Kingdom of Alabasta will propose to abolish the Qiwuhai system at the Tianlongren Conference.

He is the one who is on the side of Fujitora's smile.

If I want to trouble Fujitora, I naturally have to solve the problem of the Alabasta Kingdom first.

As for the remaining eight lucky ones, Ye Fan plans to randomly select them.

This is the horror of a strong man in the sea, and a strong man who can reach the level of the Four Emperors is even more terrifying.

Nine countries can be easily resolved, and a bad breath comes out.

Naferutali Cobra and Neferutari Weiwei, father and daughter, are discussing matters in the palace.

Although Sand Crocodile was defeated by Luffy a few months ago.

This desert country also has precipitation.

But desert countries, even with normal rainfall, are still water-scarce countries.

But to solve this country, it is still a superpower drinking water problem that is rare in the pirate world.

There is also the hunger problem of tens of millions of people caused by the drought, which is still very difficult for the Kingdom of Alabasta.

The Kingdom of Alabasta is one of the twenty most powerful nations in the Pirate World.

Don't look at the sand crocodile as a country that can be invaded by Shichibukai.

But this country can have a large population base, and there are 600,000 permanent troops.

Such a country with a huge population is not an ordinary small island country. The entire island is composed of tens of thousands of people.

To solve the problem of food and water, the Kingdom of Alabasta dispatched a large number of merchant ships.

Ye Fan suddenly appeared in the palace.

Both father and daughter were terrified.

A large number of guards immediately poured into the palace.

Ye Fan calmly found a chair and sat down.

He said to Princess Weiwei: "You should know that these ordinary soldiers are useless to me."

As a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, Princess Vivi can be said to be a pirate even though she is not on the ship.

Naturally, she will not be as ignorant of all kinds of powerful pirates as before.

Seeing Ye Fan's appearance, he can go anywhere freely through a door.

Princess Weiwei confirmed that the one who came here was the Dragon Emperor Ye Fan, an extremely terrifying big pirate.

Immediately said to the soldiers: "You retreat immediately."

The guards hesitated a little. The enemy in front of them made them feel very dangerous.

What if he takes a shot at the king and princess.

Neferutali Cobra: "Stand back."

The guards of the palace left the hall collectively.

Neferutali Cobra: "Dear Dragon Emperor Ye Fan, I don't knowIs there anything going on in this small country? "

Ye Fan: "There's a lot of food here, I'm hungry."

Neferutari Cobra immediately gave the order, and a large amount of delicious food was served on the table.

Even if their country is solving the drinking water and food problems of civilians.

But in the face of the strong in the sea, they must first provide food to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan can far surpass the big pirate of the sand crocodile.

He is a strong man who can destroy the Alabasta Kingdom with one move.

Then comes the long meal.

Plates of delicacies from desert countries were brought into the main hall of the palace.

At this time, a newspaper delivery bird suddenly appeared in the sky.

Throw down a newspaper.

As a king, their world economic reports are set annually.

It is not necessary to buy with 100 Baileys every time.

This is the difference between a kingdom and a pirate. Even a very powerful pirate is not sure that he will be alive tomorrow.

But basically as long as the king does not go to sea, they can live for at least ten years.

Unless you fight against the Tianlong people, you will not pay the heavenly gold.

Princess Weiwei glanced at the title.

Immediately showed a terrified expression.

Because there is a sentence in it.

Ye Fan wants to take revenge on Fujitora, and decides to destroy the nine alliance countries of the Tianlong people.

Has your own country been chosen?

Facing such a terrifying powerhouse, it is impossible for the captain living in Alabasta and thousands of marines to defeat Ye Fan.

Princess Weiwei knelt on the ground.

Said in an extremely sincere tone: "Master Dragon God, please don't destroy my country, I can promise you any conditions."

Ye Fan had a suspicious look on his face at first.

Although he was looking for the franchise country of the nine Tianlong people, revenge Fujitora smiled.

But it is not exaggerated to completely destroy nine countries.

For the young people of the new era living in Blue Star.

His way of thinking is still completely different from Pirate World.

The red-haired pirates seem to be very friendly.

When I was in Windmill Village, I talked and laughed with a villager.

Looks like there are some really nice pirates out there.

But for ordinary people, the biggest news of the red-haired pirates is that they directly destroyed a country in order to vent their anger.

But for the Blue Stars.

It is relatively more civilized. In the eyes of the Blue Stars, changing a country's ideology is tantamount to occupying a country.

That's the misunderstanding.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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