Chapter 111 New Plot Point

Before Ye Fan crossed this world.

Only saw the first half of the Wano Country Campaign.

Judging from the revealed plot.

Only the fruit of awakening Nika, plus the three ancient weapons.

Only then can you defeat the gods of the Celestial Dragons, Lord Im.

And eight hundred years ago, Joy Boy had all three ancient weapons.

Joey Boy would be beaten by Im.

Apparently, the Rutari family, who controlled Hades, betrayed, and they became Im's younger brothers, that is, the Tianlongren system established by twenty powerful countries.

Although the Rutari family finally chose to give up the TianlongrenHowever, it was because of the betrayal of Pluto under their control that Joey Boy was unable to defeat Im.

But now, on this piece of historical text, it actually says that Hades is in Wano Country.

Grandma's, old thief Oda.

Could it be that the previous inference was wrong.

Momonosuke is the King of Pluto, not the legendary Uranus?

The Rutari family doesn't have any noble blood, but they just don't want to become the nobles of the Tianlong people?

Has the real king of heaven not appeared yet?

Then I have killed Momonosuke and his sister Hiyori. This does not mean that even if Pluto is created, there is no way to control this ancient weapon.

Since Pluto has not betrayed, has the most powerful Nika form, and has three ancient weapons in hand.

How Joyboy was defeated by Im eight hundred years ago.

What kind of terrifying strength, or what kind of terrifying weapon Im possessed, can defeat Joyboy and the three ancient weapons at the same time.

What is the last king of heaven? I thought it could control a huge animal like the Lord, whose body size is tens of thousands of meters. It turned out that it was very likely that it was the ability of Hades.

See the story on this historical text.

Ye Fan almost lost his mind.

I cursed several times in my heart.

The old thief Oda is really cunning and insidious, hard to guard against.

But there is also good news here.

That is, at least the only Pluto that was successfully built is actually on its own territory.

Even without the blood of the Guangyue family, it is impossible to control Pluto.

I still have plot points, maybe some technology will be born, so that I can easily control Pluto.

You can also change a lot of plots and get a lot of plot points.

Ye Fan didn't believe that with so many skills, he would still be unable to defeat Im and Joey Boy and become the strongest in this sea.

Princess Weiwei asked: "Lord Ye Fan, can you also understand the main text of history? Is the legendary weapon Pluto really in our country?"

In fact, Princess Weiwei is most concerned about the position of Pluto.

She didn't want to have Pluto, the legendary battleship that could easily destroy an island.

In One Piece World, an island is a country.

In other words, Pluto has the ability to completely destroy a country with one attack.

This ability is terrifying just by hearing it.

Even Blue Star's mushroom bombs need many rounds to completely destroy a country.

Princess Weiwei is really afraid that the legendary Pluto is in her own country.

In that way, even the navy will dispatch a few generals to snatch her country.

The strongest combat power is fighting in its own country. For Alabasta, this is a natural disaster.

This is what Princess Weiwei is most worried about.

Ye Fan also knew what she was worried about.

Said: "Don't worry, Pluto is not in your country. This is what surprised me the most. I always thought that your ancestors manipulated Pluto and betrayed Joey Boy in the past, which eventually led to his defeat. I didn't expect the truth of history. It's not like this."

Hear Ye Fan's words.

Princess Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief, covering her violently beating heart with her hands.

What she least expected to see did not happen.

The legendary battleship with the greatest attack power is not in the country where she is located.

She has no intention of dominating the world.

As long as one's own subjects can be happy and live a happy life away from war.

The Rutari family can be regarded as one of the few kings in this sea who have been friendly to their subjects for hundreds of years.

The information on today's historical text.

It still shocked Ye Fan very much. It seems that he still needs to find some more historical texts.

I didn't expect to see more than 900 levels.

The world view of this world is still somewhat different from what I think.

He used to think that he knew more about this world than Im.

Now it seems that he knows the world well.

It's not even as good as the five old stars, if I have the chance.

I really want to capture a five old stars alive. These five old guys are also riddlers. They know a lot of inside information. Do not know at all.

It took Ye Fan a day to deal with the matter in Alabasta.

He returned to the island of ghosts.

They are preparing to mobilize manpower to dig out Hades hidden in Wano Country.

He wanted to see what this legendary ancient weapon, a weapon that could destroy an island with one move, looked like.

Suddenly surprised to find.

I actually added two more plot points.

This really surprised Ye Fan.

Two plot points, how to get them.

Can I also get a plot point in the battle with Fujitora Yixiao?

Conquering the Kingdom of Alabasta by myself, and letting Princess Vivi quit the Straw Hat Pirates, can I also get plot points?

I didn't expect that I could get two plot points today after working hard for a long time.

It’s true that the flowers are planted intentionally and the flowers will not bloom, but the willows will be planted unintentionally to make shade.

Ye Fan happily started a new round of lucky draw.

Gain two brand new abilities.

And it's all from Naruto World.

Kaleidoscope Sharingan and Pure Senshou Bashirama Bloodline.

Good thing, I now have the two most powerful pupil techniques in the Naruto world.

As long as you continue to develop yourself, you can get the most powerful eyes.

Samsara Sharingan.

Eyes that only the Otsutsuki family can have.

This family is a family that creates a sacred tree and then devours all the chakras in a world.

Their strength can even be said to be a family above Im.

Im just controls a pirate world.

Otsuki HouseThe family is a terrifying family that controls many worlds.

If you can use Sharingan and Baiyan to the limit.

It has the ability to reincarnate and write sharing eyes.

Each kaleidoscope's Sharingan has its own terrifying power.

Ye Fan immediately wanted to try his kaleidoscope Sharingan, what kind of ability it has.

Ye Fan uses his own kaleidoscope to write Sharingan.

In the bar of Ghost Island.

Several givers are drinking happily.

The accident happened at this time.

Chapter 112: General of Wano Country

In the bar, several givers are tasting fine wine.

As the lowest-level cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, they also have their own rest time after completing their tasks.

It was supposed to be drinking hot liquor.

Suddenly, he found that the wine in the wine glass in his hand had frozen into ice cubes.

A few gift givers who were clinking glasses found that they could not drink wine and could only lick ice cubes.

At this time, they were already drunk.

Only then did I realize that the surrounding situation was not right.


Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian


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