"Iron Man, Steve, Natasha, and Professor X, Cyclops, and Storm."

"These are the members of the new Hulk-catching team."

"...Will Natasha be too weak in there?"

"She can't withstand much impact."


Lu Dan muttered to himself.

It is true that the world is flooded with supernatural beings and accidents happen every day.

But the problem is that accidents also have priorities.

For example, William Stryker was just a colonel, and Lu Dan cut off his resources and stopped his experiments with just one sentence.

Released the mutants.

Won the recognition of Professor X.

Another example is Thaddeus Ross, who is a general, and not an ordinary general.

If there hadn't been a fight between Abomination and Hulk in New York.

Ross even had the hope of becoming the president of the United States.

Even if such a bad incident occurred, resulting in a reputation of -1-1-1-1...

Ross was still appointed as the Secretary of State.

This is already the fourth in line of the supreme authority of the United States.

It is also the lowest standard that Ross and the interest groups behind him can tolerate.

If it drops a little bit, it will explode.

In order to restore reputation and strive for progress, Ross Group, officials, businessmen, and the military... put too much pressure on Lu Dan and gave him a death order.

This is also the reason why he has been looking for that man.

He can stop the hatred.

Naturally, he can also stop Hulk. With his help, the arrest can be said to be a sure thing.

Now it can only be considered a sure thing, or even a sure thing.


Lu Dan plans to ask one by one to see if it is reliable.

He called Steve first, and the video call was connected. Steve was commemorating Bucky at the cemetery, drinking alone.

Lu Dan: "Captain."


"Do you have any suggestions on the operation to capture Hulk?"

"My suggestion is to take action."

"What about the specific details?"

"I can fight it for a whole day."


Lu Dan was silent. Steve was still in a state of being unearthed and could not use any electronic equipment.

In his cognition, the Hulk mutated by gamma radiation was probably similar to him after being injected with super serum.


"It's okay, Captain, continue crying Bucky."

Lu Dan then contacted Natasha.

The video call was connected, and Natasha was getting up.

As the best agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and an assessor of the Avengers Project.

Natasha's daily life is basically walking around the streets, or lurking and observing like on the set of Iron Man.

This means that she has basically slept with all the superheroes in New York City.

Sometimes, Lu Dan really thinks that it is Natasha who has corrupted the atmosphere of SHIELD, turning him, the commander, into a pimp.

Lu Dan: "Agent Natasha, how do you plan to capture Hulk?"

"The enemy is embarrassed, I will take off his clothes, and then slowly plan." Natasha.

Lu Dan: "I don't understand."

"I will sleep it." Natasha said confidently.

Lu Dan: "...It's okay, you go and get busy too."

The phone is hung up.

Lu Dan is wearing a mask of pain, and his one eye is almost growing out of anger. He contacted Professor X, Cyclops, and Storm again.

The result...

Can't get in touch.

Professor X was sprayed by A Zu to the point of breaking his defense and vomiting blood. He is now lying peacefully in the ICU.

Cyclops is busy dating Phoenix.

Where Storm is, it is either thundering or raining, and the signal is not good.

"No, you guys..."

Lu Dan covered his chest. He finally realized that these people were all talented and had unique skills.

He almost gave up hope and called Tony Shida Ke.

The video call was connected.

"Are you asking me about my plan to capture the Hulk?"

Tony looked relaxed and expected: "I have already made an anti-Hulk armor."

Lu Dan: "!"

Sitting up in shock from his dying illness, Lu Dan almost called his father. He smiled and said: "It has to be you! Teacher Tony!"

The two talked about it in detail.

Lu Dan hung up the phone happily, and then went home and said to his Skrull wife: "Change for me!"

His Skrull wife obediently turned into Steve, Natasha, Professor X and others.


Lu Dan went up and elbowed me, fighting, cool.

As a commander and a leader, he couldn't hold back his emotions and had to vent them.

This is what the drunken boy said.

Lu Dan felt that he had a point.

Stark Industrial Building.


“Is the anti-Hulk armor enough?”

Tony was thinking.

I don’t know why, but I feel less and less secure recently.

“What on earth is going on?What happened?"

He called up a video from a month ago.

Repeatedly top frame.

Staring at the man in the picture and the little boy he protected.

I have to say, this photo is very handsome.

The light, the angle, the hatred behind, the screaming crowd around, and the indestructible back.

The composition even has a bit of the flavor of the assassination of the king.

Especially with the constant appearance of Hulk, heading towards British Columbia, the sensation caused is getting bigger and bigger.

This picture is also circulated more and more.

The whole world is calling for that man.

But the whole world doesn't know who he is or what he looks like.

The whole world knows that little boy.

But the whole world can't find him.

This is weird.

Filled with the taste of the extraordinary.

"Hello? Coulson, yes, I am now a consultant for SHIELD. Please send me the information on the investigation of the men in black..."

Tony contacted Coulson and asked for the information.

He compared them one by one, and was suddenly stunned when he saw the combination of Guan Fuyun and A Zu.

It was like an apple hitting Newton.

The inspiration of a genius comes so irrationally.


[I'm here.]

"Simulate the appearance of the little boy in the first photo when he grows up."


The virtual light screen appeared, and the data was deduced, like an archaeological restoration, and also like a character generation.

A little boy with blond hair and blue eyes and blood on his face.

Finally, he became the sunny and cheerful A Zu.

He has always been by Guan Fuyun's side.

"! "

Tony's eyes suddenly widened, his face full of disbelief.

When he got a different answer from the professor, when he put on the iron shell for the first time, when he analyzed the isotopes of the Cosmic Cube...

He had similar expressions.

But that was often rash, arrogant and complacent.

It's different now.

Now he is completely shocked!

Because unlike the Hulk, the Abomination, and Iron Man's enemies, no matter how powerful they are, they still have to rely on basic physics.

Or develop a more powerful steel armor to deal with it.

If it doesn't work, Tony can also give himself serum and gamma rays to fight poison with poison.

So he is guaranteed to be undefeated.

So he is fearless.

But this guy named Guan Fuyun...

made physics disappear.

As Iron Man, Tony can understand and analyze more than others.

But because of this, he is more shocked.

The existence of Guan Fuyun is like a bug, which breaks through all his logic and knowledge, making him more confused than ever before.

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