"This time, we're guaranteed to win."

At the same time, in a certain base in the United States, General Ross, the leader of the new Hulk capture team, felt safe.

At the same time, there are SHIELD + X-Men to help.

It's just a Hulk, hey, hey, isn't it easy to catch?

And this time Steve Rogers is also involved in the operation!

The well-known Captain America.

As long as he exists, as long as you have a relationship with him, then the popularity and votes are not easy to earn?

The little war eagles can be directly obsessed with him!

With him, even if the plan changes or even fails, the voters will only feel sorry for his brother and be further purified.

What's more, it's foolproof?

Ross directly started the next step after capturing Hulk-

Build momentum and eliminate competitors.

Don't worry about building momentum, when the time comes, show the shield of Captain America, and the media will go crazy.

To eliminate competitors, the main thing is physical elimination, let them kill themselves.

Including his opponents in the government and the military.

Also including the man in black.

No way!

He is too well-known now. If he falls into the hands of political enemies, he will become a national idol with just a little publicity and white noise bombs!

In the United States, popularity is power, and popularity is money and lifeline.

Let others take away the popularity.

That is something Ross can't accept!

So if he can't get it, he will destroy it.

In the case of not being able to confirm who the man is, he decided to put all the targets on the assassination list.

These targets, that is, the SHIELD files, he now has a copy.

Just like after the creation of the Hulk, his first reaction was to eliminate it, and now it is the same.

This is called path dependence.

This approach is not smart, even Ross himself knows it is stupid.

But he is arrogant, he doesn't care.

He is a powerful person in the United States. If he encounters any problem, he can drag the United States and even the whole world to pay for it.

He can make as many mistakes as he wants, because the consequences of these mistakes will never be fed to him.

In this case.

He just needs to follow his heart and enjoy the pleasure.

Of course.

After all, the "Abomination Incident" has just happened.

Ross is also a rare smart one. He did not directly use his soldiers and agents to assassinate.

Instead, he exported and outsourced.

Anyway, what New York lacks the least is black gloves.

Like Kingpin, Hand... If he wants to contact them, isn't it easy?

Otherwise, why can they exist?



New York, which already has gun battles and deaths every day, became a little bloodier.

Some men in black died violently on the streets.

Some little boys went to hell to see the priest.

But because too many people died every day.

They couldn't make any waves.

Guan Fuyun didn't know all this, A Zu didn't know, and Hydra didn't know.

Because America is like a mental patient.

The main focus is schizophrenia.

It was originally a loose sand. Hydra could add some water to it, but it was impossible to really control it.

Even the president couldn't control it.

Of course.

With Guan Fuyun and A Zu's personalities, they didn't care if they knew.

Just kill, kill, kill and be done with it.

But some people would care a lot.

For example, Peter Parker.

He is a reporter for the Daily Bugle and also the Spider-Man swinging on the swing in the city.

As a reporter, he was about to be fired by his boss. As Spider-Man, he was admired by his girlfriend Mary Jane and kissed upside down.

After Spider-Man cheated on Peter Parker, he witnessed Mary Jane holding hands with his good friend Harry Osborn.

It can only be said that it hurts, it hurts too much.

Wash your black belt.

Now Peter Parker just wants to work and numb himself with his salary.

And the sensitive sense of smell brought by his dual identity, especially the experience of competing with Kingpin, made him discover a secret operation.

A killing against the man in black and the little boy!

The killers came from gangs, and there were even ninjas and superpowers.

Their real target might be that man.

The man who blocked the hatred.

As a reporter, Peter Parker envied that photo. Not to mention him, his boss said that whoever could make such a classic photo would be promoted and get a raise.

Peter Parker listened to it and took a big bite of the pancake.

Then he followed and pursued all the way.

When they arrived at the farm, they found no one.

The killers naturally shifted their target to Wanda. They were emotionless.

"Not good!"

In secret, Peter Parker's heart skipped a beat and he felt something was wrong.

He made a prompt decision, tore off his suit, revealing the Spider suit.

Then he rushed out, biubiuIn a few strokes, he subdued the killer with spider silk.

But it was too late.

The order to "kill the little girl" had been issued.

"It's bad!"

Peter was smart, he had a premonition of something bad.

He immediately started swinging in the city again, looking for the killer, wanting to do something good and be a good neighbor.


Spider-Man swung over the Stark Building.

"I can't do this question! I can't do it!"

Inside, Tony Shida was going crazy. The more he studied Guan Fuyun, the more he felt that this world was abstract.

He saw Spider-Man passing by.

Tony chased him out and gave him a hand cannon.

"God Gold?"

Spider-Man fought back, these industrial giants, like Tony and Norman, seemed to like to go crazy in iron shells.

And Dr. Otto, although not an industrial giant, is a science geek who likes to run around with eight iron claws.

Among them, only Norman has been mutated by taking drugs.

I really don’t know how the other two can control steel with their mortal bodies.

Will they really not be shattered and turned into canned meat if they fall down?

Spider-Man complained crazily.

After the incident, he still felt guilty and said to himself: "Dr. Otto, have a good journey. Don't come back to life again. I will burn incense for you."


On the other side.

Xiaoziziguodu has been ruined by Azu.

Guan Fuyun also woke up from a good sleep. He opened the system panel and found new gains.

Unlike Azu, who shines with a little sunshine and whose gratitude starts at 80 or 90 points.

Wanda is slower to warm up.

She is the type with great stamina.

For example, when she is with Guan Fuyun, she may not feel anything, but once they are separated, she will miss him immediately.

And the daily life on campus is plain but warm, which she has longed for.

She is even more grateful to Guan Fuyun.

[Number two baby, Wanda.]

[Gratitude 80%...81%...86%...90%]


[Gratitude 90%, extra bonus development entry is drawn once!]

[Do you want to use it?]


Guan Fuyun thought.


[Congratulations on getting the development entry: Daddy Zo Neng Hu!]

[Daddy Zo Neng Hu: The daughter is the godfather's little cotton-padded jacket, and the godfather is the daughter's fur coat.]

[Your image is rooted in Wanda's heart.]

[Like a giant.]

[Protect her from the wind and rain, and wipe out all the negative buffs and impurities on her.]

[But in the long run, her filial piety may be abnormally inflated.]

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