
Lu Dan said elegantly and casually.

He racked his brains and made careful plans. He thought about the possibility of mission failure and how to deal with Ross's torture.

But he never expected that Hulk would come back and Ross would die.

This is just like being married and Jill is gone. Are you here to make fun of me, brother?

And so far, we don't even know who did it!

Do villains nowadays dislike pretending so much? !

"Why not let Hulk go to Xavier's School for the Gifted first."

"I can also be a spiritual mentor."

Upon learning the situation, Professor X said so.

He is Charles, a mutant.

But there are more than just mutants in this world who are extraordinary?

Spider-Man and Iron Man will never encounter the dilemma of mutants.

Charles felt that he should probably make more friends.

This can be regarded as a reflection and progress after being criticized by A-Zu.

"It has to be this way."

Lu Dan replied.

He was happy to get rid of the burden.



In the kitchen, Wanda was washing the pots and dishes with chaos magic, Godzilla was nudging Guan Fuyun, who was dozing on the chair.

The scene was warm and farm-like.

The only thing that disturbed it all was the expanding and circling sparks, and the boiled eggs that suddenly popped out.

The Ancient One is here.


Suddenly startled, the little Godzilla stood up, his throat flickering, as if he was about to fire an Italian cannon.


Wanda was stunned, then looked at Guan Fuyun.

"Ancient One, Charles, Charles' sister, Nick Fury..."

Guan Fuyun opened his eyes and muttered something.

Then he imagined the scene of three boiled eggs and a stewed egg and radish meeting, and he laughed out loud for no reason.

Ancient One: "..."

She looked at it calmly.

When people live long enough, they can encounter all kinds of situations, and they are no longer surprised.

She did not just watch.


Gu Yi snapped his fingers, and the space around him suddenly changed layer by layer, collapsing, rotating... This is the mirror space, the home of the magician.

But there is no danger in the home, there is only a tea table and a few cups of tea.

Gu Yi sat upright in his seat, and then pushed a cup of tea to Guan Fuyun.

The meaning is very clear-

"Guan Fuyun, I am here to negotiate terms."

Guan Fuyun signaled the little witch and little Godzilla not to be nervous, then picked up the teacup, drank a big sip like a cow, wiped his mouth and said: "Master, have you tried to kill me, or expel or seal me?"

"Yes." Gu Yi said calmly.

"Did it succeed?" Guan Fuyun asked.

"What do you think?" Gu Yi asked back, she looked at Guan Fuyun, this freak, with a helpless look.

Ancient One said calmly: "As the Supreme Sorcerer, my duty is to maintain the security of the dimension."

"You are actually a dimensional invader."

"So, yes."

"In countless possible futures, we did fight, and I tried every means against you."

"But the result was only failure, without exception."

"After experiencing long-planned battles with people who have never met before, I think we can choose to live in harmony."

Guan Fuyun translated it, which means:

I can't beat you, so annoying, I want to retire and be a salted fish, let's not torture each other, okay?

"Then I feel relieved."

Guan Fuyun said, talking to someone who has read the script is easy.

And making friends with a suspected super-father-level existence like Ancient One is really a wonderful experience.

Yes, she is the strongest father among the starting fathers, and is likely to be super-father-level.

Although Ancient One's way of leaving by falling to death is very funny, she is one of the few beings in the Marvel Universe who can contact the origin god.

She threw herself to death in order to retire completely, to pursue eternity, to travel the universe, and to pretend to be dead.

I saw that the bald head of Ancient One had been looking at Wanda with admiration.

Guan Fuyun said, "You are a bit of a pervert."

"Vulgar words."

Ancient One drank tea and said slowly, "But this child is indeed a treasure."

"Do you want to take her as a disciple?" Guan Fuyun also figured it out.

A born evil Uchiha... No, a girl born with evil power, with deep hatred and bitterness, became a disciple of a peerless master, and finally got the Dark Book in one hand and the Book of Vishandi in the other, combining good and evil, and being invincible in the world.

How pleasant it sounds.

"There is such a plan."

Ancient One directly admitted, "She is better than Stephen Strange and more suitable to be the Supreme Sorcerer."

That's not nonsense!

In the words of metaphysics, Stephen Strange is only mortal blood, but his bones areSurprise, destiny favors.

Wanda is a natural magician, with magic flowing in her veins.

Dormammu, Stephen Strange's nemesis, is just a younger brother in front of Wanda, who can already ignore the side effects of Sithon.

She can beat Dormammu into a mentally retarded person by learning a few forbidden spells.

Stephen Strange will lose a lot when he becomes the Supreme Sorcerer, and there is even a risk of blackening.

Wanda is different.

Now she is just going to enjoy herself.

"There are a hundred benefits and no harm, right?" Ancient One smiled, she just wanted to retire, very anxious.

If Guan Fuyun and Wanda have no objection, she will throw herself to death in a few days, and she has even thought of the landing posture.

"You're right, but let me ask you something."

Guan Fuyun lowered his body, mysterious, solemn and serious: "Do you magicians know that? That's the fireball spell."

Fireball spell, the most basic and conventional spell.

Classic, it can't burn people to death.

In this era when ninjas have begun to "shock the stars", it stands to reason that the requirements for magicians should not be so low.

But the problem is that, including Gu Yi, all graduates of Kamar-Taj are the same. They all like to draw circles and then use the magic swords and shields formed by spells to chop people.

Or chase and chop!

Everyone has Gandalf's disease.

Guan Fuyun doesn't want Wanda to return from school and change from a cute girl to a knife-wielding girl.

Let the child learn something serious!


Hearing this, Gu Yi's face turned black, and he almost turned from a boiled egg to a boiled egg.

The corner of her mouth twitched: "There will be spells. If you are really worried, I can give her the Eye of Agamotto and the magic cloak directly."

She was sincere.

But Guan Fuyun shook his head and said: "It's not a question of whether I am worried or not."

"Whether to become your disciple or not, this needs Wanda to make a decision herself."

It was as if Azu's career and life plan were Azu's own choice from the bottom of his heart.

Guan Fuyun hoped that Wanda would be the same.

As he said.

Both of them looked at Wanda.


Wanda pointed at her nose with her finger. She was so flustered and at a loss on the spot that she was really cute.

After Guan Fuyun simply explained "This is a tutor", "Three years of simulation of the Supreme Master for five years", "You don't need to leave home, just go to Greenwich Village in New York", "The Godfather will always support you", "Go home if you are not happy".

Wanda nodded hesitantly and reluctantly agreed.

"Okay, okay."

Ancient One was overjoyed.

He immediately entrusted me with the Eye of Agamotto and the magic cloak.

He smiled excitedly as if he was about to fall to his death.

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