Ancient One came and left, with a smile on his face.

And he was a bit perverted.

She had completely forgotten Doctor Strange and only thought about the pure version of the little witch.

I have to say.

Kamar-Taj's circle drawing is convenient for traveling.

It's almost catching up with the Space Stone.

Guan Fuyun watched the ancient boiled egg wizard leave, and then immediately moved a small stool and sat with Wanda.

The two heads, one big and one small, bumped against each other.

They were like two bandits, counting the goods they bought for zero yuan.

One is a magic cloak.

It looks ordinary, but it is actually a treasure with "device spirit" that can help fly and assist in combat.

It also has good defense.

The key is that these functions are completely "passive" types.

This perfectly makes up for the lack of physical strength of the little witch and improves fault tolerance.

Just put this on her.

As for the Eye of Agamotto... that is, the Time Stone.

It is really powerful.

According to the performance in the movie, it can allow the user to reach any time point, whether it is the distant past or the distant future.

Using this power, you can watch or experience any era, commonly known as reading a script.

For example, Gu Yitian studies how to fall to death more handsomely every day.

At the same time.

The time gem can control time and perform operations such as reversing, stopping, and looping.

But this depends on the user's qualifications and knowledge reserves.

For example, Doctor Strange and Thanos have met the requirements and can play time tricks. One negotiates with Dormammu and the other deducts Vision's yellow diamond.

But if it is the villain Casillas in the Doctor Strange set, he can't understand it at all.

Time is like a precise gear.

The gem only has the ability to adjust the gear. How to adjust it and how much to adjust it requires calculation.

Guan Fuyun thinks it is troublesome just thinking about it.

After all, people can do anything when they are forced to do something, but they can't do mathematics. If they can't do it, they can't do it.

He is the laziest.

Wanda, who is smart, does meet the requirements, but why does she, Scarlet Witch, need the useless Time Stone?

What really suits her is the combination of the Reality Stone, the Soul Stone, and the Mind Stone.

So the Time Stone is useless to both of them.

Even in Guan Fuyun's original conception, he didn't even think about the Time Stone.

Now that he has it, he sees that the most suitable one is A-Zu?

First of all, he has to open a Vought Company in Marvel and contact various heroes. He needs to read scripts and collect intelligence the most.

This is just the basic function.

Secondly, with his brain capacity and mentality, he can't create a time disaster at all.

Even if he messes up.

Guan Fuyun is not affected. The little witch has chaos magic and has learned the skills of the Ancient One. She is also a transcendent existence.

Even if A-Zu accidentally messes up, he can't harm his own people.

Even if you think from the darkest perspective.

A-Zu's current "95%" gratitude is the system's guarantee that he will not go crazy. And [Daddy Zonohu] ensures Wanda's detachment from the world.

Figured it out.

Guan Fuyun, Wanda, Godzilla, watching TV at home, waiting for Azu.


Soon, Azu came back.


Guan Fuyun asked Azu to come in and sit down. He briefly explained the situation and said frankly: "We plan to give you the Time Stone."


Hearing this, Azu was not so happy that he agreed, but frowned and asked: "But if this happens, won't Ancient One be angry?"

He knew how awesome Ancient One was after listening to Guan Fuyun's spoilers.

"It's for you to use, not for you."

Guan Fuyun said: "The Eye of Agamotto is still with Wanda. When it's needed, can't we just assemble it?"

"Wanda is the next Supreme Sorcerer."

"She has the right to use the Eye of Agamotto. She circulates the Time Gem within our family, and no one can find fault with it."

"At most, if there is a problem with the dimension, you can go and help kill a few demons, right?"

That's really the truth.

A Zu's mouth corners rose a little, but he turned to think of the adamantium knife that his father made for him, and that his father would give him the gem from Wanda's Eye of Agamotto.

He suddenly felt uncomfortable and blocked.

A Zu said weakly: "Dad... am I very weak, a drag, and embarrassed for you?"


Guan Fuyun turned his head and looked at the shy Hao Da'er, not understanding why he said that.

A-Zu lowered his head like a defeated rooster: "I don't know magic, my brain is barren, my knowledge reserves are zero, and sometimes I'm stupid. If I were like Wanda, Dad wouldn't have to worry so much."

"A-Zu, you have to know that in the eyes of others, you are almost a god.You are the god of Hydra, and you dominate the world's largest underground power."

Guan Fuyun said: "You can also absorb sunlight to become stronger, although it is slow, but the upper limit is infinite."

"Your physical strength is the best in the family."

"You are also the first in the family to start a company."

"You have your advantages and strengths. At the same time, exposing your shortcomings in front of your family is not weakness."

"After discussing, we decided to give you the Time Stone, not out of pity, but to help each other."

"Even if you can only use it to spoil, and you can't even spoil too much."

"But this is its use."

"If you can use it to find clues to more gems, such as the Reality Stone, the Soul Stone, the Mind Stone...wouldn't it go back to help Wanda?"

"At that time, it's not a bad idea to replace the core of the Eye of Agamotto."

"Open your mind, A'zu, no one is allowed to waste energy in the family."

"I'm your father, it's natural for me to worry about you, do you understand? "

Hearing this, A-Zu did not speak, but just looked up and stared at Guan Fuyun blankly.

Guan Fuyun said again: "Do you understand?"

A-Zu smiled shyly, drank milk, and whispered: "I understand..."

"Speak louder, haven't you eaten?"

"Understand! Dad!"

"Good, very energetic. This time gem, should it be put directly in the bracelet, or made into other accessories?"

"Dad, make it into a necklace for me too! It should be handsome!"

"Okay, go play somewhere else, take Godzilla with you, don't let it scratch me."

"Yes! ”


[Number one kid A-Zu, your gratitude level has increased!]


It took some points.

A necklace with a time gem that fits tightly around A-Zu's neck and can't be pulled off is now made.

It's really handsome.

With "Superman's black-framed glasses", A-Zu puts on a suit, wow, a gentleman who eats his own scoundrels.

He has temperament too.

This gift from his family made A-Zu so excited that he couldn't sleep all night. When he got up the next day, he shouted:

"Dad, Wanda, you must come to see the opening of my company! Remember to bring Godzilla!"

After that, he flew away in a hurry.


A-Zu's career and life goals are in Marvel's Vought Company. The "Dad is right" company is opening today.

It's full of Hydras who have changed jobs and found new jobs.

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