
Odin is still dancing in the square, so coquettish.

Guan Fuyun threw himself into Wanda's arms, and then saw layers of mirror space, like lotus flowers opening.

Chaos magic has the magic power to modify reality.

Plus the dual enlightenment of the reality gem and the mind gem.


Wanda was also broken.

She also reached the planetary level of life, farm, father +1.

Unlike Azu, who focuses on sunlight recovery, strength, speed, and evolves biological force field, and is almost indestructible.

Wanda takes the magic route.

Her instantaneous explosive power, immediate destructive power, and single-target lethality are not as good as Azu.

But her ability to control the field, as well as her ability to last for a long time, destroy, attack in groups, and multi-level application are far superior to Azu.

Of course.

There is also imagination.

For example, at this moment——

Guan Fuyun pounced over, and Wanda seemed to turn into a peach tree, "bang" exploded.

Nothing was there when he touched it.

He only felt the furry peach, the moonlight scattered among the mountains and valleys, the dreamy and magical plants, and the wonderland like Alice in Dreamworks.

They were all Wanda.

He wandered in the beautiful scenery.

Occasionally picking up a wild flower, or taking a deep breath, he could always hear a few giggles, or smell the fragrance of Daleiyin (a kind of temple).

If he continued to pick flowers and grass.

That would be terrible.

The wild grass would light up with crimson magic light, and chaos would spread out layer by layer, followed by wild flowers and wild chrysanthemums, and each petal would expand from the inside out, lighting up with bright red light.


The crimson light ball of chaos magic filled everything he could see.

Buzz buzz buzz...

From it, a myriad of magic runes emerged and turned into magic circles.

Like a hundred thousand year old soul ring, each one was put on Guan Fuyun, with his mother wrapped around him and his wife as a sheath.

Warm and considerate.

Similar to a talisman.

These strange magic circles were completely created and conceived by Wanda, and were designed specifically for Guan Fuyun.

If anyone else wanted to "plot against" Guan Fuyun like Thanos.

These magics would work and turn into a strong shield.

Even if it was only for one second.

It was completely enough.

In addition.

These magic circles, which last forever, are similar to Iron Man's armor, which can bless Guan Fuyun's strength and speed.

If I must describe it, it's like washing the tendons and cutting the marrow.

It made Guan Fuyun's physical condition, brain speed, memory, reaction, and learning ability all reach perfection.

It made him feel "infinitely powerful" and "wanting to output".

"No wonder the magicians of Kamar-Taj like to chase people and chop them down, and they can chop them down for eight blocks."

"This magic is indeed wonderful."

Guan Fuyun suddenly understood.


At this time.

Marvel, America, the territory of Trask Industries.


There are sentinel robots, their own armed forces, their own arsenals, their own production bases, and they can even live completely disconnected from the outside world.

If this is not the lords and territories of the Middle Ages, what is it?

For these lords.

Private property is, can be sacred and inviolable.

But even the noble grandfathers of the old American Stars and Stripes are now very troubled.

Because after the appearance of the old father's company.

Their invincible media hegemony.

It can't be said that it was torn into pieces, but at least it was fragmented and gone forever.

I have enjoyed the happiness of saying what is right and smearing who is garbage.

The noble grandfathers can't stand losing.

Can't accept the reality.

So, I also set up similar companies and media.

"Mutants are born lowly!"

"They are just not as good as us!"

"They are here to steal jobs..."

"Mutants can't control their abilities and often cause tragedies!"

"Once a mutant, you will be a disaster for the rest of your life!"

Opening map cannons, pulling hatred, abusing fans, purifying...

A female anchor dressed in cool clothes is madly leading the rhythm, mainly talking nonsense.

She used to be a member of the presidential campaign team and has strong business capabilities.

Usually, many mutants are broken by her.

There are also IDs like Lizard Man, Purple Man, and Oi, who give her rewards to show their support.

Sometimes, the pear will also issue a statement saying that she is fake news, and the two sides will quarrel in the air, as formal as two presidents.

But today, it is particularly quiet.

There are no fans calling, and no black fans come out to swipe the screen.

"Who is stealing traffic?"

The female anchor frowned. Could it be that someone used a magnet to suck away all her viewers?

This was something that the Queen Mother could not tolerate.

Wash your hands and press the button!

The female anchor was planning to catch the most popular directThe broadcast room started to spray, talk nonsense, and eat a wave of black traffic.

But she never expected that she would see herself in the broadcast room.


It should be said that she saw the entire Trask Industries.

Because at this moment, the fellow villager, with the posture of a god, led many heroes, was supported by all living beings, and reigned here!

[Family, some people really deserve to be slaughtered. ]

[My fellow villager, today I will perform a burst of killing. ]

A Zu started broadcasting.

He used to be from Blue Star, but now Blue Star is his.

After becoming a planetary life.

He no longer needs to be cautious on this planet, and can live a more awesome life.

Just like now.

As soon as he started broadcasting, all the traffic of the company was attracted, and the live broadcast room was full of barrages, all of which were "Long live Zu".

Under his feet, many fans came and kissed his toes.

"Kill Trask!"

"I like Wolverine and I bought his peripherals! He's not a bad guy!"

"If there weren't a lot of mutants, we would have been dead long ago if we hadn't applied for artists at Daddy's company and acted as a theater tour!"

"Whatever Zu said is right!"

"Gua, I want to see a river of blood, that's what I want to see!"

Whether it's Marvel or DC, ordinary people don't have a sense of participation or presence.

But the black robe is different.

Because of popularity, traffic, money, life... ordinary people with the largest base can completely dominate anchors and stars.

When danger comes, this is a channel for saving lives.

When the crisis is over, this is a platform for settling accounts.

What mutant threat theory, what sentinel robots, damn, who killed more people, wouldn't passers-by know?

And they all have X genes in their bodies, but they haven't been activated yet.

Let these brainworms mess around.

Isn't it the end of the world again?

The more I think about it, the higher my blood pressure rises. Sure enough, superheroes still need training and traffic control. When Zu Zong comes, the master of Qingtang will be here!

"Zu Zong, we can discuss something."

This scene of mountains and seas cheering and people worshipping scared Trask's executives, and a group of people came out directly waving white flags.

They thought, if they turned their backs on the enemy and surrendered with courtesy, they would still retain their titles, wouldn't it be wonderful?

"I'm too lazy to tell you, you don't deserve to hear it."

But Zu just punched.

A simple punch, but the power contained was invincible, and it actually gave Blue Star a middle part, and the punch ran through the entire Trask Industry.

Countless sentinel robots were swept into it and shattered.

Of course.

There were also people.

In the face of absolute power, people are just like mosquitoes, just a pool of blood.

This brutal and bloody scene shocked everyone.

First there was silence.

"Ye, Ye Si!"

Then I don't know who shouted first.

"Zu Zong is awesome!"

"Ahhhh Zu Bao is so handsome and awesome! (,,´•ω•)ノ"(´っω•`。)!"

"It's worth dying to see this kind of scene!"

"Even if it means being against the world! We must protect the best Zu Zong!"

Exclaiming, praising, roaring, the sound was like waves, one wave after another, deafening.

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