"Go ahead, don't leave any alive."

Azu landed, stomped on the female anchor's head, and said, "Kill them all."


Magneto showed a fake smile, drove the Golden Gate Bridge to hit people, he was just using a private car.

He alone.

He scrapped all conventional hot weapons.

"Hulk, smash!"

After greeting the fans, Banner switched to the Hulk and charged into the battle.

"Then, I'll come too..."

Green cape, iron mask.

Dr. Doom came out, his voice full of joy.

Fame, wealth, power and status... He has everything now, even more than before.

His whimsical ideas.

Also sponsored by the company.

Just need to write a report and file it, any laboratory and any equipment are available.

This made Doom progress rapidly.

He successfully combined technology and magic to open up a new path.

He even had the idea of ​​inventing a machine that could penetrate dimensions and lead to hell, and save his mother's imprisoned soul from the devil named "Mephisto".

Of course.

That was after completing the company's mission.

You can't handle the heat flow with impatience.

Doom understood this, and he also understood that as long as he had the help of the company, everything would be easy.

Listening to the arrangements was the shortcut.

If he insisted on his own way and messed around, then the disgust of Zu Zong and even that adult would be much more terrifying than Mephisto.


Doom murmured, and a large amount of electric current emerged from his mutated iron skin, rushing in his blood vessels, turning into boiling dark magic.

Like a Terminator.

Every time Doom's metal boots moved forward, they would smash a footprint on the ground, and the footprint was filled with flame-like black magic fluctuations.

He felt very strong.

This was not an illusion.

Under the amplification of dark magic, Doom's every move was enchanted. With a casual electric shock, he could destroy a small team of sentinel robots.

Even Red Hulk hiding in the industrial zone.

He could resist.

The two sides only fought for a moment, and Azu shot a hot gaze and smashed Red Hulk's head.

Then it was completely Wushuang mowing the grass.

When Azu went to war, no grass would grow. There was no surrender, only reincarnation.

Ant nests would be poured with boiling water, earthworms would be split vertically, eggs would be shaken to separate the yolk, and dogs would be slapped twice when passing by.


Flying like light, Azu appeared in different slaughter sites at the same time, and did not let any of them go.

Be clean.

Be careful in settling accounts.

Like Trask Industries and Sentinel Robots, they messed up when he was fighting for his father.

He had to steal the show, he had to show up, and he had to recharge the fear of the big snake.

This is a way to die.

Similar to this are Wakanda, the underwater people, the Inhumans, and the Skrulls, who all like to jump.

Thanos instigated and asked you to come out and make trouble, and you obeyed?

Do you all think "I am the best in the world" and you are invincible?

In the new version, do you want to win in the ranking?

There is no way.

Azu had to let them see what is truly powerful and crushing, and let them take the plaque.

Finally, there is the president who cooperated with Ebony Maw.

Active, passive, ambitious, stupid and controlled... In short, they are all disobedient.

All are recorded in the little notebook of the Time Stone.

Azu is so stingy.

He has a bad personality.


New York City, Daddy Company.

In a special room.


Professor X put on an X-brain cover for himself, and his mental power was constantly released and explored.

He could not control or discover aliens.

But "undiscoverable" itself is a kind of discovery.

Besides, he can control and read the memory archive of the boiled egg.

Although the Skrulls have given birth to many in recent years and have grown stronger, they are still crispy goblins that can be killed by a peanut.

In the TV series, the abstract super Skrulls are probably not born yet.

It doesn't matter if they are born.

At best, they can replicate the Hulk, Big Mom, and the purple potato spirit Thanos. To the golden legendary version of A-Zu, they are all younger brothers.

"Have you ever thought that the people you know around you have been replaced or killed?"

"Are you sure..."

"Are they human?"

"Take a deep breath, don't panic."

"Daddy's company, at your service."

"The criteria for identifying Skrulls are as follows--"

"They are fanatical believers who believe in the Skrull God. Because the race prophesies that Blue Star is their promised land, they secretly invaded."

"So they will shout the slogan 'Only Love the World' and then replace humans."

"'Only' is the main god ClayBoone."

"Just yell 'Lord God Clay Boone is a dog who likes to eat shit', and the Skrulls will get anxious and take out the props of the Promised Land to debate with you, trying to start a prop competition."

"You can take the opportunity to shoot them, remember to finish them off."

"Company bounty--"

"One hundred thousand dollars for each Skrull scalp!"

"Friendly reminder: Skrulls have the ability to change, and their fur quality and commercial value are very high! "

Daddy's company, Ai Shili, had people edit and produce many short videos.

Some are real-life, some are animated.

There are even small games.

And overwhelming advertisements and bounties.

Add to that Professor X's brainwave detection.

With a multi-pronged approach, the founding of the United States was triggered by the "Scalp Harvester". In just one day, the Skrulls were hunted to the point of being sent to the zoo.

Snake Shield Director Lu Dan was also exposed for his wife being a Skrull. He became a rapist on the planet and began his escape.



"Not my brother, you don't know how to use the mine at home?"

"What's the point of playing with a spear?"

"How about getting a vibranium star destroyer? How can you be a big brother if you have guns and cannons but don't use them?"

"You're still fighting to decide the throne of the king... Tsk, why don't you go hunt wild boars?"

"Don't call yourself Black Panther anymore, call yourself Wild Boar." ”

“Why don’t you try to be unconvinced?”

“Have you ever seen a fist as big as a sandbag?”

Azu tore open the energy field, and he walked in with a swagger, pointing everywhere, with a crazy face.

Then he carried the vibranium vein and left.

Black Panther: “?”

Black Panther wanted to cry but had no tears, and chased after him and shouted: “Vibranium! Vibranium! Who will treat me as a child without you?”

Black Panther’s black sister fainted from crying: “I’m not a real genius! I’m just a vibranium pendant!”

Wakanda’s female general, wearing a savage costume and carrying a high-tech spear, said wisely: “It doesn’t matter! We, who have vibranium spears, are still the best in hunting wild boars in the African continent! Terribly strong! ”


A-Zu had already flown far away, but when he heard them howling so earnestly and beautifully, their words were filled with amazing wisdom.

He carried the vibranium vein back to show off, took a group photo, and sent a dynamic message to Guan Fuyun.

Guan Fuyun first replied: “6.”

Then he replied: “Take the vibranium vein home and put it in Godzilla’s room.”

The third update will be later, please urge me to update QAQ, I wish you all good health, happiness, and awesomeness!

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