F*ck Yeah! I'm The Villain
Chapter 44
Your mind is a book
Your thoughts
are your words
How you choose to paint it
Shows how you look on the world.
Your ears are the doors
Hater's words are the demons
Once you let them control you
Your book is now gone
And your words turn into
~illusion (me)
Soon, it is my turn to enter the sacred ceremonial room, and relucantly I bid goodbye to Ora. I hope mommy will let us have a playdate, later on.
As I step into the room, it is nothing like how I imagined it to be. The view mirrors a fantasy forest. There are tiny bright dots dancing around me, like stars. There are tall trees everywhere, standing upright like giants they dwarf me. Small bushes of green and blue are rooted everywhere. The sun's rays upon my skin felt invigorating. This was even better than the time when I first entered the sect's school.
The spiritual energy inside of this room was so dense, that I could feel it unconsciously seeping into my pores.
I didn't know I could do that.
It was like I was cultivating but with no added work. All I had to do is just breathe.
Making my way towards the obvious circle, splat in the center, I feel a deep vibration in the ground. It travels all the way into my soul, like a forbidden beat, tempting me to sin.
"Hello!?" I call out. Where are the instructors.
3rd Person (POV)
Unknowingly Melia has stepped inside of an illusion. And a high leveled one at that. Everyone's illusion is different. It depends on your status, worse fears etc.
Melia's illusion will test her worse fears, seeing how she will handle them and which path would suit her journey.
Darkness rolls onto the mainland. Shadows covering the lush terrain. The moon's rays provide the young child with natural light, illuminating her skin.
She hesitantly moves around, looking for a way out.
'This is probably a test of some sort.' She thinks confidently.
'All I gotta do is remember what master taught me and I'll be fine.'
A figure in her peripheral vision rushes past. Blurry, but still recognizable.
"BEN!" She shouts.
Her miniature stature gives chase. Eyes following the movements of her brother.
Suddenly, he stops. Melia quickly catching up.
"Why are you running?" She asks.
No answer...
"He-llooo, Im talking to you, you know, it's rude to ignore someone speaking." She goes up to touch his shoulder.
Upon making contact his body disentegrates into sand, seeping through her fingers.
"Okay, that's not creepy at all." She drawls out, slowly backing away.
That's when the ground beneath her caves in. Unable to escape in time, she falls into the dark abyss, floating in the seemingly endless hole.
The air howls like a raging storm around her, goosebums forming onto her skin. Her hair moves into different directions but their motive is unknown.
She wants to call out for help, but finds that she is unable too. It's like there is a plug in her throat, stopping all vocal movements from occurring.
She then opts to try and use her powers. It's useless. Then what about her space. She can't.
She's stuck in the black void with no way out.
Out of nowhere, Benjamin appears again. His four years old form popping up in front of his sister. He looks exactly like the first time they met.
He's turned around, but still, you can feel that there's something off about him.
Slowly, but surely he turns around. His face is full of confusion.
"Who are you?" He asks. Detachtment and allientaion clear in his voice. No warmth whatsoever.
'What do you mean who am I?' She wants to say.
"I'm your sister!" She manages to squeeze out.
"Your lying. I don't have a sister." He says angrily.
She clumsy floats towards him. Wanting to touch him. To show him that she isn't lying at all. He flinches. Jerking his shoulder back to avoid her touch.
"Don't. touch. me!" He says. Putting emphasis on each word he looks at her hand like it's some kind of disease.
Melia's gaze turns to one of hurt.
"But I- I'm your sister-", her voice cracks in the middle. A feeling of abandonment she thought she got rid of years ago surging up inside her heart.
Melia, unexpectedly, has a flashback pull to the forefront of her mind.
Flash Back
"Mels I want you to meet your big brother Benjamin." Melia's father gives her a heart warming smile and she just stares at him.
Hi big brother I am your baby sister the beautiful and most talented Melia. Show me lots of attention and shower me with compliments and we'll get along just fine.
Is what she wants to say.
Sadly all that they heard were the incomprehensible gurgles and coo's of an adorable baby.
"Babwy sista I am benamin your bwig brudda and I will wove and take care of you fa eva." He gives her a slobbery kiss on her right cheeck after that and she feels her eyes started to tear up.
That was so beautiful. Sniff sniff. Alright Benjamin since you are my brother I will love you also.
End of flash back
As the flash back ends Melia starts to tear up.
If this is just a test. Then why does it feel so real. She thinks.
Abruptly Benjamin's face twists up in pain. A scream emnating from his mouth.
Then his body starts to melt. Gory and messy. She watches as the blood and flesh tears from his bones, the metalic smell permeating throughout the air.
More scenes start to flash before her eyes.
The day she got admitted into the orphanage, how much friends she had. The day those friends left, how depressed she got.
Then it switched to the night her parents died. How apart of her was lost too. Seeing the life drain from her parents eyes. How her heart broke to pieces. The fact that they died to save her, but she never got to thank them.
Tell her parents how much she still loves them.
She then witnesses the scene of the serial killer getting shot before her again. His blood splatter falling onto her face and lips. Her tongue getting a taste of the red substance and how she wasn't repulsed by the watery liquid.
All of these memories and the feelings brought by them rampaged through her mind. Tearing her thought process apart.
Melia screams in agony, holding her head with her hands.
"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Make it stop!" She shouts in anger. At anyone who could hear her.
"Please, just make it stop." Her voice softly says.
Hot tears stream down her face, her nose red with snot draining from it.
She feels so alone.
No one is there to comfort her. To tell her that it's all going to be okay. Tell her that she's strong.
But how can one be strong when knowing they're not. That it's all a façade and believing that if they tell themsleves it a thousand times, then maybe on the one thousand and one try that somehow it'll start to become true.
'Everyone always leaves me.'
'No one ever stays.'
"They don't love you."
'No one loves me.'
"You're a disgrace."
'I'm so shameful that everyone wants to get away from me.'
"They hate you, once you outline your usefullness they'll kick you to the curb."
'They all tell me false promises, telling me that they will be with me forever. But in the end they always leave.'
"You should just stay here. Since no one is going to care where you are anyway. Stay with us. We'll take care of you."
The foreign voice lures Melia in it's depth trap. Leading her towards her unknown demise and Melia blindly follows. Her spirit broken and will power gone.
'What was I thinking. I can't defeat that woman and her child. I don't even know where to start. I'm weak and useless. I can't do anything and I always garner hatred where ever I go. People don't like me because of how ugly I am.'
She feels tired. Her body curls up like a cat as the soothing voice tells her to sleep.
Her walls are down and her brain is weak. Leaving it open to all the dancerous demons lurking out there.
In the abyss, is a pair of glowing green eyes with cat like irises.
'Yes my child. Lose yourself to me. I shall take very good care of you.' It let's out an evil laugh unknown to the drowsy and unsuspecting Melia.
This Moi here with another chapterrrrrr. For the green eyes reference to back to the chapter talking about the prophecy I believe it is chapter 13.
(One long chapter a week)
Anywayyy this is a thank you for us getting to over 70k views. I am so thankful to all of you. Never thought we were going to make it this far.
Sniff sniff
Lil Baddies Retreat!
Your thoughts
are your words
How you choose to paint it
Shows how you look on the world.
Your ears are the doors
Hater's words are the demons
Once you let them control you
Your book is now gone
And your words turn into
~illusion (me)
Soon, it is my turn to enter the sacred ceremonial room, and relucantly I bid goodbye to Ora. I hope mommy will let us have a playdate, later on.
As I step into the room, it is nothing like how I imagined it to be. The view mirrors a fantasy forest. There are tiny bright dots dancing around me, like stars. There are tall trees everywhere, standing upright like giants they dwarf me. Small bushes of green and blue are rooted everywhere. The sun's rays upon my skin felt invigorating. This was even better than the time when I first entered the sect's school.
The spiritual energy inside of this room was so dense, that I could feel it unconsciously seeping into my pores.
I didn't know I could do that.
It was like I was cultivating but with no added work. All I had to do is just breathe.
Making my way towards the obvious circle, splat in the center, I feel a deep vibration in the ground. It travels all the way into my soul, like a forbidden beat, tempting me to sin.
"Hello!?" I call out. Where are the instructors.
3rd Person (POV)
Unknowingly Melia has stepped inside of an illusion. And a high leveled one at that. Everyone's illusion is different. It depends on your status, worse fears etc.
Melia's illusion will test her worse fears, seeing how she will handle them and which path would suit her journey.
Darkness rolls onto the mainland. Shadows covering the lush terrain. The moon's rays provide the young child with natural light, illuminating her skin.
She hesitantly moves around, looking for a way out.
'This is probably a test of some sort.' She thinks confidently.
'All I gotta do is remember what master taught me and I'll be fine.'
A figure in her peripheral vision rushes past. Blurry, but still recognizable.
"BEN!" She shouts.
Her miniature stature gives chase. Eyes following the movements of her brother.
Suddenly, he stops. Melia quickly catching up.
"Why are you running?" She asks.
No answer...
"He-llooo, Im talking to you, you know, it's rude to ignore someone speaking." She goes up to touch his shoulder.
Upon making contact his body disentegrates into sand, seeping through her fingers.
"Okay, that's not creepy at all." She drawls out, slowly backing away.
That's when the ground beneath her caves in. Unable to escape in time, she falls into the dark abyss, floating in the seemingly endless hole.
The air howls like a raging storm around her, goosebums forming onto her skin. Her hair moves into different directions but their motive is unknown.
She wants to call out for help, but finds that she is unable too. It's like there is a plug in her throat, stopping all vocal movements from occurring.
She then opts to try and use her powers. It's useless. Then what about her space. She can't.
She's stuck in the black void with no way out.
Out of nowhere, Benjamin appears again. His four years old form popping up in front of his sister. He looks exactly like the first time they met.
He's turned around, but still, you can feel that there's something off about him.
Slowly, but surely he turns around. His face is full of confusion.
"Who are you?" He asks. Detachtment and allientaion clear in his voice. No warmth whatsoever.
'What do you mean who am I?' She wants to say.
"I'm your sister!" She manages to squeeze out.
"Your lying. I don't have a sister." He says angrily.
She clumsy floats towards him. Wanting to touch him. To show him that she isn't lying at all. He flinches. Jerking his shoulder back to avoid her touch.
"Don't. touch. me!" He says. Putting emphasis on each word he looks at her hand like it's some kind of disease.
Melia's gaze turns to one of hurt.
"But I- I'm your sister-", her voice cracks in the middle. A feeling of abandonment she thought she got rid of years ago surging up inside her heart.
Melia, unexpectedly, has a flashback pull to the forefront of her mind.
Flash Back
"Mels I want you to meet your big brother Benjamin." Melia's father gives her a heart warming smile and she just stares at him.
Hi big brother I am your baby sister the beautiful and most talented Melia. Show me lots of attention and shower me with compliments and we'll get along just fine.
Is what she wants to say.
Sadly all that they heard were the incomprehensible gurgles and coo's of an adorable baby.
"Babwy sista I am benamin your bwig brudda and I will wove and take care of you fa eva." He gives her a slobbery kiss on her right cheeck after that and she feels her eyes started to tear up.
That was so beautiful. Sniff sniff. Alright Benjamin since you are my brother I will love you also.
End of flash back
As the flash back ends Melia starts to tear up.
If this is just a test. Then why does it feel so real. She thinks.
Abruptly Benjamin's face twists up in pain. A scream emnating from his mouth.
Then his body starts to melt. Gory and messy. She watches as the blood and flesh tears from his bones, the metalic smell permeating throughout the air.
More scenes start to flash before her eyes.
The day she got admitted into the orphanage, how much friends she had. The day those friends left, how depressed she got.
Then it switched to the night her parents died. How apart of her was lost too. Seeing the life drain from her parents eyes. How her heart broke to pieces. The fact that they died to save her, but she never got to thank them.
Tell her parents how much she still loves them.
She then witnesses the scene of the serial killer getting shot before her again. His blood splatter falling onto her face and lips. Her tongue getting a taste of the red substance and how she wasn't repulsed by the watery liquid.
All of these memories and the feelings brought by them rampaged through her mind. Tearing her thought process apart.
Melia screams in agony, holding her head with her hands.
"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Make it stop!" She shouts in anger. At anyone who could hear her.
"Please, just make it stop." Her voice softly says.
Hot tears stream down her face, her nose red with snot draining from it.
She feels so alone.
No one is there to comfort her. To tell her that it's all going to be okay. Tell her that she's strong.
But how can one be strong when knowing they're not. That it's all a façade and believing that if they tell themsleves it a thousand times, then maybe on the one thousand and one try that somehow it'll start to become true.
'Everyone always leaves me.'
'No one ever stays.'
"They don't love you."
'No one loves me.'
"You're a disgrace."
'I'm so shameful that everyone wants to get away from me.'
"They hate you, once you outline your usefullness they'll kick you to the curb."
'They all tell me false promises, telling me that they will be with me forever. But in the end they always leave.'
"You should just stay here. Since no one is going to care where you are anyway. Stay with us. We'll take care of you."
The foreign voice lures Melia in it's depth trap. Leading her towards her unknown demise and Melia blindly follows. Her spirit broken and will power gone.
'What was I thinking. I can't defeat that woman and her child. I don't even know where to start. I'm weak and useless. I can't do anything and I always garner hatred where ever I go. People don't like me because of how ugly I am.'
She feels tired. Her body curls up like a cat as the soothing voice tells her to sleep.
Her walls are down and her brain is weak. Leaving it open to all the dancerous demons lurking out there.
In the abyss, is a pair of glowing green eyes with cat like irises.
'Yes my child. Lose yourself to me. I shall take very good care of you.' It let's out an evil laugh unknown to the drowsy and unsuspecting Melia.
This Moi here with another chapterrrrrr. For the green eyes reference to back to the chapter talking about the prophecy I believe it is chapter 13.
(One long chapter a week)
Anywayyy this is a thank you for us getting to over 70k views. I am so thankful to all of you. Never thought we were going to make it this far.
Sniff sniff
Lil Baddies Retreat!
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