F*ck Yeah! I'm The Villain
Chapter 45
Third Person
The instructors for the illusion array feel their hearts drop when they realize that something is wrong with the simulation.
The aura in the illusion is off charts. Something evil is in there and it got in without them noticing.
Once they inquire the background of the child inside, they almost pee on themselves.
"It's the princess. You fuċkɨnġ idiots, if something happens to her, HERE, we are all dead. None of us will get off unscathed."
The leading instructor shouts to the rest. When they realize that freaking out and panicking will get them nowhere, they send the newest member to alert the Emperor and Empress of the dire situation.
It's human nature to be cowardly.
Somehow the information got leaked spreading to every nook and corner in the entire kingdom.
The public is in an uproar.
The entire royal family rush towards the scene of the accident, and the person's in charge are forced to kneel down on the hard ground. Their knees buckle under the pressure, as they accepting that their life may come to an early end.
Prince Sebastian had come to suprise Melia, and congratulate her on going through the ceremony, since he'd had his last month. His innate object was a sword. It means that he will be a slayer, a very rare talent. But when he learnt of what'd happened to his beloved, soon to be wife, he almost burnt down his carriage.
To Sebastian, those barren and hollow sentences are his lifeline.
Standing with Melia's family he listens to the report.
"A high leveled demon managed to escape from the forbidden land. It found out about the prophesied one's location and snuck into her specially modiefied illusion array. Its plan is to eliminate the threat, ahem, I meant your daughter."
Melia's parents innate magic looks as though they are on the break of exploding, a heavy and depressing aura full of rage looming over.
"T-there is more..."
"Go on." Her father says. Veins pulsating on his forehead.
"It has a-already, um, got her......."
Her father sends a shadow ball with hells fire at the man's face. He quickly ducks and the ball completely destroys the wall behind it.
"U-u-.....yo-your majesty pl-please calm down."
Melia's mom squeezes her dad's hand. It manages to sustain him for now, but what about her?
Sebastian's face is stone cold. He looks for Benjamin, but then he remembers that they kept him back at the palace. Melia's wet nurse Jezebeth is watching him along with her daughter.
Just the thought of that woman sends chills down his spine.
She is pure evil.
"I think I may be able to help." He says.
Everyone stops to look at him. A small child, only five years old would be able to ȧssist them in rescuing the princess.
They would laugh if they didn't consider his background and the enormous power he holds.
"Can you please elaborate prince Sebastian." The instructor says as he watches from the sidelines. 'Anything that can potentially save his plump, rich ȧss is worth grabbing onto.' He thinks to himself.
Sebastian, guessing his thoughts sneers to himself. Selfish bastard.
"I know that usually no one can enter the illusion array until after the chosen participant has completed it, am I right."
"Thats correct." He knods.
"Well, there is a soul removing technique called astro projection. I can temporarily remove my spiritual body from my physical form and in using that, I'd be able to pull Melia out of whatever "trance" the demon's got her in before it can kill her."
Is the task risky. Hell yes. His soul could be devoured by the time he so much as looks at Melia. But, Melia isn't just anyone. She's his wife, his best friend. She is someone worth risking his life for.
He may be a child, but his soul is that of a wise sage. Smarter than those so called genius scholars.
His parents contemplate. Sure, they know that their son is an unusual person with weird habits, and that his future will be filled with innumerable hardahips. But, he's their baby. They don't want to risk losing him so early.
Sebastian clearly feels their distress ans he turns to look at them with his big, clear eyes.
"Mom, Dad....you have to trust me. I know what I'm doing."
"How can you know anything. Your only five." His dad and mom are at a loss on what to do.
"Age is but a number when compared to losing the most important person in your life."
"Your life hasn't even begun yet." His mom says.
"Your wrong mom. The moment I met her, it started." Melia's parents want to say something, but they know that it would be useless.
That's their daughter out there. Fighting for her life. Of course they're ecstatic the moment they heard the little boy's suggestion.
Struggling, his mom reluctantly agreed, but anxiety still runs through her veins. His dad agrees with whatever his wife says, so all is clear.
The tension in the air is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
"Okay, I'm going to need you all to be very quiet. No one can disturb me once I start."
Everyone agrees.
Sebastian sits down in a lotus position. He holds his to hands clasped in front of his heart and begins to change foreign soundig words. You can feel the energy in the air heat up as breeze comes from out of nowhere and starts to howl as they whisp around the room, carrying the whispers of the faeries.
He feels his soul rip away from his body. The noise from awhile ago ceasing to exist in the plane he resides in.
He travels towards the double french doors, the only thing blocking him from the world where Melia is held captive.
Melia's POV
I can feel myself giving up. My heart and mind in a constant battle to see who will win.
My heart says yes, but my mind says no.
The foreign voice inside of my head sounds so soothing to me. Just let go, and everything will be alright it says.
I want to let go. But hesitation consumes me. Do I really want to run away from everything.
"I-I don't know."
Out of nowhere the voice snaps. A fiery flame appearing in front of me.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO." Glowing green eyes gaze at me, as though they want to eat me whole.
For the first time in my life, here in this world:
"Your a demon."
"No shit sherlock. Thank you for stating the obvious."
"Why are you here."
"I believe the question should be, when are you going to die."
I back away from it, but there is no where for me to turn to. It's a vast, endless ocean of nothingness, and I'm trapped, with no way of escaping.
"That's right. You are not going anywhere. I want you, and I'm going to have you. By hook or by crook."
The situation now seems so hopeless. I can't believe this is how I'm gonna die. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
I died alone before, there's no reason why it can't poasibly happen again.
The demon feeds off of my despair and desperation. It helps it to grow stronger.
My hope continues to diminish with each passing second as my body weakens. I try to fight back. But how?
I'm completely defenseless. Without my cultivation I'm an ordinary human.
"You should stop trying to be something you are clearly not. You are no hero, just a pathetic little girl who dreams too big but doesn't have the ability to back it up. You give up so easy, I truly thought it would be a challenge to kill you. But you saved me so much work. Guess I over estimated you." The demons mocking tone and words strike a chord in my ċhėst.
I should stop trying to be someone I'm not. It's right. I'm not Melia. I don't get cheated by some stupid sŀut, and her retarded ȧss of a daughter.
I don't get angry easily and strike out without reason, no one can scheme against me and get away with it, no one can kill my famuly and live to see the light of day, no one can kill me unless I give them the opportunity to do so.
And no stinking, rusty, dusty, dirty Demon can kill ME.
All of the pent up rage from my first life and now get released inside of me, and I feel raw power course through my veins.
"You know, you're right." I say to it. It seems shocked before agreeing arrogantly.
"Of course I'm right." It says.
Hmph, how could I have been so stupid. In this world, it looks like one can only save oneself from disaster.
I recall a demon devouring spell master taught me back at the sect.
He said I could only use it as a last resort because of how much energy it requires at my age. He really has foresight, I never thought I'd need it at only five years old and took his words as water.
I can't die just yet. And I won't let a demon kill me. That's such an unworthy way to die considering my status.
I suddenly hear my name being called. Its...TIAN TIAN!?
What's he doing here. I almost go to him, when I realize it could be a trick. If the demon could fake a Benjamin whose to say he can't fake a Tian Tian.
Using the moment that I'm caught up in contemplation, the demon quickly grabs hold of him. It's long nails dig into his arms and squeezes his frail body.
"MELIA! Help me!!" He screams. Now I know that can't be faked.
"Hahaha, killing the prophesied couple in a sitting, how great of a present is this? Like killing 2 birds with one stone and the best part was that one even came to me."
This demon must have a good pair of lungs because it's always talking.
The fool is freaking irritating.
I'm angry. How dare he try to kill my man. Who the hell does it think he it?
Cause he isn't no Melia.
I start to chant the high grade devouring spell. My powers all of a sudden coming back to help me.
I can feel the demon start to get scared.
"What do you think you're doing. If you think that can kill me then you're dead wrong. H-Hey! STOP IT! I SAID TO STOP YOU MORTAL!" It's voice comes out in a growling shout.
Deep amd sinister, you can feel the air shake because of it. Disturbing the surroundings. This thing is strong.
A bright red light comes out of my dantian and floats towards the demon. Growing larger the closer it gets.
The demon's hold on my Tian Tian gets weaker, and he escapes unnoticed from the scared demon. He goes behind it and pushes it towards the glowing light.
The demon gives a loud screen as it touches the light, black holes tearing apart its distorted form. I cover my ears from it's loud screams and continue to chant faster and faster to kill the demon.
When it's completed I open my eyes and uncover my ears.
I use my last bit of strength to run to Tian Tian, well, float. I fall in chubby arms and he catches me.
"Tian Tian, you came." I whisper.
"Of course I did. I'd never leave you."
He doesn't know how much those words mean to me and a few tears leak from the side of my eyes.
I want to ball like a baby, but that'd ruin my image. I don't want Tian Tian to know that I was scared.
He kisses the spot between my eyebrows and tells me to sleep. That he will take care of me. And I believe him. I trust Sebastian.
Sebastian's POV
Her body is so light. She looks so fragile.
The pair of eyes from before seemed to be that demon. I'm glad that Melly was able to kill it.
Being in this form has weakened my soul drastically considering the fact that I haven't completely gotten the hang of cultivation of the soul yet. I wasn't able to save her.
I couldn't be the knight in shining armour she needed. But something tells me that she probably wouldn't have been happy if things went that way. Although I would have, it's nice to know that she can stick up for herself. Who cares that she's only five.
I quickly leave the illusion aray with her, and enter my body.
Once everyone sees that she is fine and I'm okay they let out a big breath of air, and surround us. Our parents, I mean.
Melly and my parents start to cry because of how worried they are.
They take Melly and I back to the palace for us to get looked at by the head imperial physician. My eyes are on Melly through the entire process.
Hey guys, this is a freaking long chapter. Took 2 days to write. Hope you like it.
Also what's your fav netflix show?
Favorite color? Ps mine is red cuz I'm an aries
Zodiac sign?
Favorite subject?
Dont think too much about the questions I just want to get to know my readers better.
Anyways I am very tired its 12:14 where I am and my phone is on 23% so that's my cue to leave.
Lil Baddies Retreat!!!♥
The instructors for the illusion array feel their hearts drop when they realize that something is wrong with the simulation.
The aura in the illusion is off charts. Something evil is in there and it got in without them noticing.
Once they inquire the background of the child inside, they almost pee on themselves.
"It's the princess. You fuċkɨnġ idiots, if something happens to her, HERE, we are all dead. None of us will get off unscathed."
The leading instructor shouts to the rest. When they realize that freaking out and panicking will get them nowhere, they send the newest member to alert the Emperor and Empress of the dire situation.
It's human nature to be cowardly.
Somehow the information got leaked spreading to every nook and corner in the entire kingdom.
The public is in an uproar.
The entire royal family rush towards the scene of the accident, and the person's in charge are forced to kneel down on the hard ground. Their knees buckle under the pressure, as they accepting that their life may come to an early end.
Prince Sebastian had come to suprise Melia, and congratulate her on going through the ceremony, since he'd had his last month. His innate object was a sword. It means that he will be a slayer, a very rare talent. But when he learnt of what'd happened to his beloved, soon to be wife, he almost burnt down his carriage.
To Sebastian, those barren and hollow sentences are his lifeline.
Standing with Melia's family he listens to the report.
"A high leveled demon managed to escape from the forbidden land. It found out about the prophesied one's location and snuck into her specially modiefied illusion array. Its plan is to eliminate the threat, ahem, I meant your daughter."
Melia's parents innate magic looks as though they are on the break of exploding, a heavy and depressing aura full of rage looming over.
"T-there is more..."
"Go on." Her father says. Veins pulsating on his forehead.
"It has a-already, um, got her......."
Her father sends a shadow ball with hells fire at the man's face. He quickly ducks and the ball completely destroys the wall behind it.
"U-u-.....yo-your majesty pl-please calm down."
Melia's mom squeezes her dad's hand. It manages to sustain him for now, but what about her?
Sebastian's face is stone cold. He looks for Benjamin, but then he remembers that they kept him back at the palace. Melia's wet nurse Jezebeth is watching him along with her daughter.
Just the thought of that woman sends chills down his spine.
She is pure evil.
"I think I may be able to help." He says.
Everyone stops to look at him. A small child, only five years old would be able to ȧssist them in rescuing the princess.
They would laugh if they didn't consider his background and the enormous power he holds.
"Can you please elaborate prince Sebastian." The instructor says as he watches from the sidelines. 'Anything that can potentially save his plump, rich ȧss is worth grabbing onto.' He thinks to himself.
Sebastian, guessing his thoughts sneers to himself. Selfish bastard.
"I know that usually no one can enter the illusion array until after the chosen participant has completed it, am I right."
"Thats correct." He knods.
"Well, there is a soul removing technique called astro projection. I can temporarily remove my spiritual body from my physical form and in using that, I'd be able to pull Melia out of whatever "trance" the demon's got her in before it can kill her."
Is the task risky. Hell yes. His soul could be devoured by the time he so much as looks at Melia. But, Melia isn't just anyone. She's his wife, his best friend. She is someone worth risking his life for.
He may be a child, but his soul is that of a wise sage. Smarter than those so called genius scholars.
His parents contemplate. Sure, they know that their son is an unusual person with weird habits, and that his future will be filled with innumerable hardahips. But, he's their baby. They don't want to risk losing him so early.
Sebastian clearly feels their distress ans he turns to look at them with his big, clear eyes.
"Mom, Dad....you have to trust me. I know what I'm doing."
"How can you know anything. Your only five." His dad and mom are at a loss on what to do.
"Age is but a number when compared to losing the most important person in your life."
"Your life hasn't even begun yet." His mom says.
"Your wrong mom. The moment I met her, it started." Melia's parents want to say something, but they know that it would be useless.
That's their daughter out there. Fighting for her life. Of course they're ecstatic the moment they heard the little boy's suggestion.
Struggling, his mom reluctantly agreed, but anxiety still runs through her veins. His dad agrees with whatever his wife says, so all is clear.
The tension in the air is so thick, you could cut it with a knife.
"Okay, I'm going to need you all to be very quiet. No one can disturb me once I start."
Everyone agrees.
Sebastian sits down in a lotus position. He holds his to hands clasped in front of his heart and begins to change foreign soundig words. You can feel the energy in the air heat up as breeze comes from out of nowhere and starts to howl as they whisp around the room, carrying the whispers of the faeries.
He feels his soul rip away from his body. The noise from awhile ago ceasing to exist in the plane he resides in.
He travels towards the double french doors, the only thing blocking him from the world where Melia is held captive.
Melia's POV
I can feel myself giving up. My heart and mind in a constant battle to see who will win.
My heart says yes, but my mind says no.
The foreign voice inside of my head sounds so soothing to me. Just let go, and everything will be alright it says.
I want to let go. But hesitation consumes me. Do I really want to run away from everything.
"I-I don't know."
Out of nowhere the voice snaps. A fiery flame appearing in front of me.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO." Glowing green eyes gaze at me, as though they want to eat me whole.
For the first time in my life, here in this world:
"Your a demon."
"No shit sherlock. Thank you for stating the obvious."
"Why are you here."
"I believe the question should be, when are you going to die."
I back away from it, but there is no where for me to turn to. It's a vast, endless ocean of nothingness, and I'm trapped, with no way of escaping.
"That's right. You are not going anywhere. I want you, and I'm going to have you. By hook or by crook."
The situation now seems so hopeless. I can't believe this is how I'm gonna die. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
I died alone before, there's no reason why it can't poasibly happen again.
The demon feeds off of my despair and desperation. It helps it to grow stronger.
My hope continues to diminish with each passing second as my body weakens. I try to fight back. But how?
I'm completely defenseless. Without my cultivation I'm an ordinary human.
"You should stop trying to be something you are clearly not. You are no hero, just a pathetic little girl who dreams too big but doesn't have the ability to back it up. You give up so easy, I truly thought it would be a challenge to kill you. But you saved me so much work. Guess I over estimated you." The demons mocking tone and words strike a chord in my ċhėst.
I should stop trying to be someone I'm not. It's right. I'm not Melia. I don't get cheated by some stupid sŀut, and her retarded ȧss of a daughter.
I don't get angry easily and strike out without reason, no one can scheme against me and get away with it, no one can kill my famuly and live to see the light of day, no one can kill me unless I give them the opportunity to do so.
And no stinking, rusty, dusty, dirty Demon can kill ME.
All of the pent up rage from my first life and now get released inside of me, and I feel raw power course through my veins.
"You know, you're right." I say to it. It seems shocked before agreeing arrogantly.
"Of course I'm right." It says.
Hmph, how could I have been so stupid. In this world, it looks like one can only save oneself from disaster.
I recall a demon devouring spell master taught me back at the sect.
He said I could only use it as a last resort because of how much energy it requires at my age. He really has foresight, I never thought I'd need it at only five years old and took his words as water.
I can't die just yet. And I won't let a demon kill me. That's such an unworthy way to die considering my status.
I suddenly hear my name being called. Its...TIAN TIAN!?
What's he doing here. I almost go to him, when I realize it could be a trick. If the demon could fake a Benjamin whose to say he can't fake a Tian Tian.
Using the moment that I'm caught up in contemplation, the demon quickly grabs hold of him. It's long nails dig into his arms and squeezes his frail body.
"MELIA! Help me!!" He screams. Now I know that can't be faked.
"Hahaha, killing the prophesied couple in a sitting, how great of a present is this? Like killing 2 birds with one stone and the best part was that one even came to me."
This demon must have a good pair of lungs because it's always talking.
The fool is freaking irritating.
I'm angry. How dare he try to kill my man. Who the hell does it think he it?
Cause he isn't no Melia.
I start to chant the high grade devouring spell. My powers all of a sudden coming back to help me.
I can feel the demon start to get scared.
"What do you think you're doing. If you think that can kill me then you're dead wrong. H-Hey! STOP IT! I SAID TO STOP YOU MORTAL!" It's voice comes out in a growling shout.
Deep amd sinister, you can feel the air shake because of it. Disturbing the surroundings. This thing is strong.
A bright red light comes out of my dantian and floats towards the demon. Growing larger the closer it gets.
The demon's hold on my Tian Tian gets weaker, and he escapes unnoticed from the scared demon. He goes behind it and pushes it towards the glowing light.
The demon gives a loud screen as it touches the light, black holes tearing apart its distorted form. I cover my ears from it's loud screams and continue to chant faster and faster to kill the demon.
When it's completed I open my eyes and uncover my ears.
I use my last bit of strength to run to Tian Tian, well, float. I fall in chubby arms and he catches me.
"Tian Tian, you came." I whisper.
"Of course I did. I'd never leave you."
He doesn't know how much those words mean to me and a few tears leak from the side of my eyes.
I want to ball like a baby, but that'd ruin my image. I don't want Tian Tian to know that I was scared.
He kisses the spot between my eyebrows and tells me to sleep. That he will take care of me. And I believe him. I trust Sebastian.
Sebastian's POV
Her body is so light. She looks so fragile.
The pair of eyes from before seemed to be that demon. I'm glad that Melly was able to kill it.
Being in this form has weakened my soul drastically considering the fact that I haven't completely gotten the hang of cultivation of the soul yet. I wasn't able to save her.
I couldn't be the knight in shining armour she needed. But something tells me that she probably wouldn't have been happy if things went that way. Although I would have, it's nice to know that she can stick up for herself. Who cares that she's only five.
I quickly leave the illusion aray with her, and enter my body.
Once everyone sees that she is fine and I'm okay they let out a big breath of air, and surround us. Our parents, I mean.
Melly and my parents start to cry because of how worried they are.
They take Melly and I back to the palace for us to get looked at by the head imperial physician. My eyes are on Melly through the entire process.
Hey guys, this is a freaking long chapter. Took 2 days to write. Hope you like it.
Also what's your fav netflix show?
Favorite color? Ps mine is red cuz I'm an aries
Zodiac sign?
Favorite subject?
Dont think too much about the questions I just want to get to know my readers better.
Anyways I am very tired its 12:14 where I am and my phone is on 23% so that's my cue to leave.
Lil Baddies Retreat!!!♥
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