F*ck Yeah! I'm The Villain
Chapter 53
Don't let what
you cannot do
Interfere with what
you can do.
I lay on the dusty, paper covered ground.My mind is blank as I try to process all of this information.
So, Melia Veint Leigh Montecristo, the character that I whole heartedly fell in love with, was a...mistake. She was never meant to be in this and its all because of some dumb god that this happened. So then, what does that make me? The person who took over her body.
Question upon question flood my mind and I feel as though I've been lied too. Hopefully, there's someone who knows the answer to my question.
I leave the heavenly pavilion to clear mind. Benjamin's probably waiting on me for that tour, so I should probably go look for him, I mean how hard can it be to find a tall wizard?
I change into clean clothes to start off my day. something comfortable and warm, since we are now in the early stages of winter. Sadly, we have to wear uniforms but there is a variety that we can choose from, which means that I can add things onto it without getting in trouble, yay!
(Imagine that she has on black tights under her skirt.)
I close my dorm rooms' door and venture out on a long and treacherous journey. I swear I'm not exaggerating, these hallways are super long, and this school is humongous.
As I leisurely walk I bump into someone I least expected to meet.
If you guessed Elizabeth, then you're right.
I quickly turn around and walk tje other way, hoping she doesn't notice me, but of course it doesn't work.
"Big Sissy Lia, what are you doing here." I squeeze my eyes in despair, reluctantly turning around at the sound of her uncomfortably high pitched voice.
"Elizabeth funny meeting you here, tis really a small world."
Along with Elizabeth are her minions, I'm ȧssuming. She doesn't seem like the type to have friends, or have people that like being around her in general.
"I hadn't known that you were able to come to school, thought you were just going to focus on you other hobbies." Her face is all laugh and smiles but in her eyes I can see a flash of hatred.
'This bitch.' Every single time she speaks, its nothing nice. I feel as though when she was created they got her body parts in the wrong place. Because with the amout of shit she spews, that hole on her face could be mistaken for her ȧss.
She's trying to insinuate that I'm stupid and a good for nothing. What a classic. Sorry honey, but your petty simple-minded tricks don't work on me.
"No, its the complete opposite. Mother thinks that since I've already completed all of my study courses at an early age, that I should enroll into school to socialize and make some friends. Unlike you.
I pity you, really Elizabeth, having just started school at such a late age because of your special... circumstances. But don't worry, I'll be here if you need any help with any questions you have about your school work. You know how the kingdom praises me as a natural born genius."
Her friends beside her gasp in surprise. Hmph, bet you thought you won that hey, well sorry to dissapoint you I am not stupid, and I have a large ego.
"Oh, how could I have forgotten. Ehem, well me and my friends have stuff to attend to. Bye sissy."
Ooo, I just hate it when she calls me that. Sissy, do I look like a sissy. No!
She gave me that nickname because she knows how much I hate it.
"Tata Elizabitch!" I shout behind her. I hope she heard it. She'd have better heard it.
I continue on my path of the unknown where I bump into the 3rd male lead. He was just standing there looking out the one of the windows so I stopped to see what he was doing.
"What're you looking at!" I shout, awakening him out of his stupor.
"Ah! Who are you?"
"Hasn't anyone told you that its rude to answer a question with another question." My hands rest on my waist as I look at him pointedly.
"Oh my apologize, I was bird watching."
"In the winter?"
"It's a special kind of bird watching."
"U-huh, okay, that makes a lot of sense." Now that I think about it, he's from the Sermalon Kingdom.
They're most famous for the twighlight forests, thats where most of the spirit beasts lives and where they get their occupation from. Because they are beast tamers. It would be good if I can get him onto my side, what with the upcoming war and all. You feel me.
"Well, my name's Melia Veint Leigh Montecristo. I know, its very long." He laughs at that, his black rimmed glasses falling to the bridge of his nose which he pushes up as if its a normal occurence.
"Why Hello Melia. Veint. Leigh. Mintecristo. I am Maximus Lee."
"Ooo, it's short. I like it." He smiles at that. Someone's a happy go lucky.
His role in the game was pretty cool. He was chill, but someone he did not like was of course moi. Everytime he bumped into Melia she was always seen bullying the female lead, coinkidink I think not.(Yes I meant to say coinkidink).
On his route, after the Female Lead married him he gave Melia a quick and simple death. Poisoned wine. Much to the dissastifaction of the female lead, but he couldnt help it, he was one of the "good" guys in the game. I mean yeah, Melia didnt know the wine was poisoned, but it was better than what the other leads did to her.
Also did I mention that he's a prince of the Sermalon Kingdom, though he's not the crown prince, his older brother is. They have a close relationship.
"Sooo, what kind of birds were you watching?"
"They're called snow plumes. Snow because they are so white they resemble snow and plume because of the bountiful amount of feathers that they have."
(Plume is feather in french)
"Cool, they sound so mysterious."
"That's because they are. There's hardly any information on their habits, and I was hoping on studying some that may have come here for hibernation, so that I can record it in my journal."
"Oh so is this like a hobby of yours?"
"I wouldn't say hobby per say, more like passion."
"Well that's interesting."
"Also, you wouldn't have happened to see a tall, black hair blue eyed wizard runninf around have you?"
"Prince Benjamin?"
"Bingo! I knew those glasses weren't just for show."
"Haha, thanks. I actually did see him. I think he was in the library last time I checked."
"Thanks. Also, twas a pŀėȧsurė meeting you!" I wave goodbye as I run down the hall. Completely forgetting that I have no idea where the school library is. Meaning that I had to stop, and run back to him to ask him to give me directions.
"Oh your back, why?"
"Can, you tell me where the library is."
"Ah, I see. Are you new here by chance?"
"Why yes I am! How did you know? Are you a stalker or something?"
"Gods no. I just remembered that Benjamin told me he had a little sister coming to the school. So I took a guess and figured it was probably you, since your the only one I know who has to ask for his whereabouts."
"Oh he did. And I am! Also why is it weird that I don't know where he is?"
"Because the whole female population at this school practically has his scheduled imprinted onto their heart."
"Ohhh I see." I never thought my brother would be such a heartthrob. Then again, there is a first for everything.
"Soooo, the library..."
"Oh right, down the hall, take a right, then turn left and you will see a bunch of vines growing out of the wall. Follow them and they will lead you to a door thats on a huge oakwood tree. That tree is the library, just knocked and you should find your way from there."
"Wow, that's, a lot."
"Yeah, it is. Dont get lost. Follow my directions and you will be just fine."
"Don't worry, I will bye!"
As I walk I repeat Maximus' instructions like mantra inside of my head. I pray that I don't get lost.
and since I'm bored with nothing else to do (besides all the homework my teachers have been emailing to me but I'm a high leveled procrastinator so duces)
We are going to a short question answer cus I have nothing elss to say.
1.) If you were an animal what would it be? (Lion for me)
2.) Whats a mental health disease that terrifies you. (Schizophrenia for me)
3. Favorite element?(I love all)
4. Favorite song?( well right now it would be noah cyrus mad at you but that will change soon)
5. Any hobbies?(I have a lot: soccer drawing, reading writing, eating, sleeping etc)
Okay thats all for now guys..
you cannot do
Interfere with what
you can do.
I lay on the dusty, paper covered ground.My mind is blank as I try to process all of this information.
So, Melia Veint Leigh Montecristo, the character that I whole heartedly fell in love with, was a...mistake. She was never meant to be in this and its all because of some dumb god that this happened. So then, what does that make me? The person who took over her body.
Question upon question flood my mind and I feel as though I've been lied too. Hopefully, there's someone who knows the answer to my question.
I leave the heavenly pavilion to clear mind. Benjamin's probably waiting on me for that tour, so I should probably go look for him, I mean how hard can it be to find a tall wizard?
I change into clean clothes to start off my day. something comfortable and warm, since we are now in the early stages of winter. Sadly, we have to wear uniforms but there is a variety that we can choose from, which means that I can add things onto it without getting in trouble, yay!
(Imagine that she has on black tights under her skirt.)
I close my dorm rooms' door and venture out on a long and treacherous journey. I swear I'm not exaggerating, these hallways are super long, and this school is humongous.
As I leisurely walk I bump into someone I least expected to meet.
If you guessed Elizabeth, then you're right.
I quickly turn around and walk tje other way, hoping she doesn't notice me, but of course it doesn't work.
"Big Sissy Lia, what are you doing here." I squeeze my eyes in despair, reluctantly turning around at the sound of her uncomfortably high pitched voice.
"Elizabeth funny meeting you here, tis really a small world."
Along with Elizabeth are her minions, I'm ȧssuming. She doesn't seem like the type to have friends, or have people that like being around her in general.
"I hadn't known that you were able to come to school, thought you were just going to focus on you other hobbies." Her face is all laugh and smiles but in her eyes I can see a flash of hatred.
'This bitch.' Every single time she speaks, its nothing nice. I feel as though when she was created they got her body parts in the wrong place. Because with the amout of shit she spews, that hole on her face could be mistaken for her ȧss.
She's trying to insinuate that I'm stupid and a good for nothing. What a classic. Sorry honey, but your petty simple-minded tricks don't work on me.
"No, its the complete opposite. Mother thinks that since I've already completed all of my study courses at an early age, that I should enroll into school to socialize and make some friends. Unlike you.
I pity you, really Elizabeth, having just started school at such a late age because of your special... circumstances. But don't worry, I'll be here if you need any help with any questions you have about your school work. You know how the kingdom praises me as a natural born genius."
Her friends beside her gasp in surprise. Hmph, bet you thought you won that hey, well sorry to dissapoint you I am not stupid, and I have a large ego.
"Oh, how could I have forgotten. Ehem, well me and my friends have stuff to attend to. Bye sissy."
Ooo, I just hate it when she calls me that. Sissy, do I look like a sissy. No!
She gave me that nickname because she knows how much I hate it.
"Tata Elizabitch!" I shout behind her. I hope she heard it. She'd have better heard it.
I continue on my path of the unknown where I bump into the 3rd male lead. He was just standing there looking out the one of the windows so I stopped to see what he was doing.
"What're you looking at!" I shout, awakening him out of his stupor.
"Ah! Who are you?"
"Hasn't anyone told you that its rude to answer a question with another question." My hands rest on my waist as I look at him pointedly.
"Oh my apologize, I was bird watching."
"In the winter?"
"It's a special kind of bird watching."
"U-huh, okay, that makes a lot of sense." Now that I think about it, he's from the Sermalon Kingdom.
They're most famous for the twighlight forests, thats where most of the spirit beasts lives and where they get their occupation from. Because they are beast tamers. It would be good if I can get him onto my side, what with the upcoming war and all. You feel me.
"Well, my name's Melia Veint Leigh Montecristo. I know, its very long." He laughs at that, his black rimmed glasses falling to the bridge of his nose which he pushes up as if its a normal occurence.
"Why Hello Melia. Veint. Leigh. Mintecristo. I am Maximus Lee."
"Ooo, it's short. I like it." He smiles at that. Someone's a happy go lucky.
His role in the game was pretty cool. He was chill, but someone he did not like was of course moi. Everytime he bumped into Melia she was always seen bullying the female lead, coinkidink I think not.(Yes I meant to say coinkidink).
On his route, after the Female Lead married him he gave Melia a quick and simple death. Poisoned wine. Much to the dissastifaction of the female lead, but he couldnt help it, he was one of the "good" guys in the game. I mean yeah, Melia didnt know the wine was poisoned, but it was better than what the other leads did to her.
Also did I mention that he's a prince of the Sermalon Kingdom, though he's not the crown prince, his older brother is. They have a close relationship.
"Sooo, what kind of birds were you watching?"
"They're called snow plumes. Snow because they are so white they resemble snow and plume because of the bountiful amount of feathers that they have."
(Plume is feather in french)
"Cool, they sound so mysterious."
"That's because they are. There's hardly any information on their habits, and I was hoping on studying some that may have come here for hibernation, so that I can record it in my journal."
"Oh so is this like a hobby of yours?"
"I wouldn't say hobby per say, more like passion."
"Well that's interesting."
"Also, you wouldn't have happened to see a tall, black hair blue eyed wizard runninf around have you?"
"Prince Benjamin?"
"Bingo! I knew those glasses weren't just for show."
"Haha, thanks. I actually did see him. I think he was in the library last time I checked."
"Thanks. Also, twas a pŀėȧsurė meeting you!" I wave goodbye as I run down the hall. Completely forgetting that I have no idea where the school library is. Meaning that I had to stop, and run back to him to ask him to give me directions.
"Oh your back, why?"
"Can, you tell me where the library is."
"Ah, I see. Are you new here by chance?"
"Why yes I am! How did you know? Are you a stalker or something?"
"Gods no. I just remembered that Benjamin told me he had a little sister coming to the school. So I took a guess and figured it was probably you, since your the only one I know who has to ask for his whereabouts."
"Oh he did. And I am! Also why is it weird that I don't know where he is?"
"Because the whole female population at this school practically has his scheduled imprinted onto their heart."
"Ohhh I see." I never thought my brother would be such a heartthrob. Then again, there is a first for everything.
"Soooo, the library..."
"Oh right, down the hall, take a right, then turn left and you will see a bunch of vines growing out of the wall. Follow them and they will lead you to a door thats on a huge oakwood tree. That tree is the library, just knocked and you should find your way from there."
"Wow, that's, a lot."
"Yeah, it is. Dont get lost. Follow my directions and you will be just fine."
"Don't worry, I will bye!"
As I walk I repeat Maximus' instructions like mantra inside of my head. I pray that I don't get lost.
and since I'm bored with nothing else to do (besides all the homework my teachers have been emailing to me but I'm a high leveled procrastinator so duces)
We are going to a short question answer cus I have nothing elss to say.
1.) If you were an animal what would it be? (Lion for me)
2.) Whats a mental health disease that terrifies you. (Schizophrenia for me)
3. Favorite element?(I love all)
4. Favorite song?( well right now it would be noah cyrus mad at you but that will change soon)
5. Any hobbies?(I have a lot: soccer drawing, reading writing, eating, sleeping etc)
Okay thats all for now guys..
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