Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 785: Baicang, times have changed!

If Dinah masters time travel...

With Asuka's performance in TV dramas, he is always blamed by the captain for acting recklessly, and he is often crippled by powerful monsters, feeling confused and powerless.

At this time, he thought of the plug-in.

If he can go back to before he made a mistake, even before all mankind made a mistake, stop all this. Will the monster disappear? Or is it eliminated?

Although changing history without authorization may bring some unforeseen negative effects. But the Asuka, who only wants to "destroy the monster", can no longer take care of so many.

"We have to make some accidents..."

Meng Lang put his fingers up and said: "This kind of accident will wipe out Asuka's efforts. No matter how much he changes the past, he can't stop the monster from appearing, and he will eventually return to the original point."

for example!

The detection robot TM-39, which appeared on TV episode 32, was the detection robot launched by TPC to the Saturn satellite, but it ran away during the mission and was recovered by TPC, which led to subsequent disasters.

If Asuka goes back in time, stop TPC from launching the robot. However, due to various accidents, the robot was successfully launched. In the end... TM-39 disappeared and became an even more powerful TM-40!

Another example...

Gorzan reappeared, and Asuka learned of the analysis of the TPC staff from the captain. This Gorzan is most likely the one that was thrown into the volcano after Tiga defeated it!

So, he went to the time and space where Diga was and prevented Diga from throwing Golzan at the volcano.

Because of the inconsistency of ideas, coupled with the fact that Dyna is a "stranger giant" for GUTS. His behavior made Dagu very puzzling, thinking he wanted to save Golzan.

Then the two played against each other.

At the time of the fight, the dying Goerzan suddenly opened his eyes, and digging away while no one was paying attention to him.

Dyna and Diga looked at each other!

After returning to the original time and space, Asuka was annoyed by the fact that his trip was nothing. The captain suddenly called the whole team together.

"Golzan appeared again in B-25 area! And, this time there is one more!"


This reversal is full of drama.

As a special drama, the plot may not be reasonable, but it must be interesting. Let the children watch with relish, not only can't move their eyes, but also can't bear to go to the toilet.

This goal can be regarded as achieved.

After adding this plug-in to Dyna, with the personality of Asuka's "hot-blooded idiot", the plot becomes ups and downs, like a roller coaster.

"That's it!"

Rubbing his jerky eye sockets, Meng Lang said with a headache: "The screenwriter will write a script to me first, and the others will cooperate with all their strength. Let's end the meeting today!"

"Okay, Meng Dong!"

After the crowd dispersed, Meng Lang wanted Yang Ping to inform Wang Kun and let him come to the company. Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and a phone call from Bai Cang disrupted his arrangements.

"Someone deliberately swiped the ticket?"

Meng Lang said silently: "Do you still have to ask me about this kind of thing? It must be to remove this part of invalid data and send a notice to clarify!"

"I didn't express it clearly..."

Baicang explained: "Actually, he used money to buy audiences and let them vote for a certain ending. We don't know how to define this behavior!"

Spend money to buy tickets?

It's so boring...

Originally, this "final voting" was simply to satisfy the audience and increase Dragon Caval's popularity and TV ratings. As a result, some people swiped votes.

This is what Meng Lang did not expect.

According to information received by Shirakura, there is a big dog owner in Neon Osaka who posted a statement on the PD official website forum. As long as everyone vote for the "Ending Three" and send a screenshot and private message him, one person will be rewarded with 500 yen.

"Ending three?"

Meng Lang was stunned for a while at first, but then he remembered. Ending three, it seems that all the mirror monsters rioted and attacked the real world frantically. After Shinji defeated Dragon Tooth, he and Ren rushed into the monster group. The two lives are unclear...

This seems to be a tragedy, right?

Is the taste of big dogs so unique? It's puzzling to like this tune.

I can’t figure it out. This big dog’s approach, after all, violates the voting rules set by PD, and must be punished accordingly. Of course, the punishment can be lighter.

It's a big dog after all!

Meng Lang also counts on him to continue to consume...

The punishment announcement has been made, and the "spending money to buy tickets" behavior of big dogs has ended. But for the votes he has already bought, because the voters are all "living people", PD doesn't know what to do with them.

"The current situation is that the number of votes in the ending three is far ahead. The second is the ending six, which is the ending of Unii's sacrifice and the knights returning to the ordinary..."

"How many votes are ahead?" Meng Lang asked.

"Probably more than 100,000!"

"Not a big problem!"

Meng Lang confidently said: "I'm only ahead of this number of votes, don't worry. Tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow, the sixth ending will overtake."


Bai Cang believed this judgment, and at this time he also understood it. The audience's favorite ending is indeed the more "successful" ending six.

In the first few endings full of tragic colors, except for the third ending, the number of votes for the other endings ~www.ltnovel.com~ has not yet ended six high.

Judging by this result, he lost.

President Meng's control of the audience's taste is far more precise than him. He thinks the audience will like the bridge, it turns out that the audience doesn't like it.

This made Bai Cang very discouraged.

He wanted to prove that he was no worse than the teacher through Dragon Knight, but in the end, he almost destroyed Dragon Knight. If it weren't for Mr. Meng, this work might have been cut in half.

"Sigh for what?"

Meng Lang smiled, comforting Bai Cang and said, "Your thinking is not wrong, but this audience will not eat this set!"

Bai Cang Sang, times have changed!

The Kamen Rider in the past is the same thing as the Kamen Rider now? The horror and weird wind was very popular in the past, but that doesn't mean it works now.

We still have to keep pace with the times!

When Lao Xu first became famous, he was not so easy to be beaten by others. Why did the audience and readers fear him as he went to the back? Even wishing him go away?

Times have changed!

The previously popular theme elements may not meet the tastes of the new generation. People who have a delusional trick to eat freshly all over the sky must have not woken up yet.

Baicang is talented, no one denies this.

But the theme elements he chose were not pleasing, and it had nothing to do with his talent. No matter how good a cook, it is impossible to cook a **** into a delicacy!

Longqi is a victim.

In this work, Meng Lang delegated power to Bai Cang as much as possible. Although he knew that this might ruin the Dragon Knight, compared to the growth of Bai Cang, this sacrifice was acceptable.

From the results, he got it right.

Although Longqi was smoggy, Bai Cang grew at an amazing speed. In the past, he just moved along the route that Ishimori planned.

Now he can go out of his own way.

Meng Lang was finally able to trust him for the next ten years of Kamen Rider.

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