Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 822: The protagonist Pan...Panda? !

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Dyner premiered and everything went well.

Judging from the data provided by the backstage, Dynard’s premiere performance did not reach the height of Tiga, which is a slight step backward.

But this is normal!

Before Tiga aired, the "Ultra-Ancient Civilization" announced by the Carnival alone had attracted a lot of attention. The scale of publicity and the intensity of innovation are not at the same level.

Dyner loses in "Insufficient Innovation"!

Tiga made a "form switch" that amazed countless audiences. Coupled with the original world view and the "ultra-ancient civilization" system, it is hard to think about it.

And what about Dyna?

Worldview and form switching, these are the old routines played by Diga. The innovation worthy of attention is probably the limitation of Dyna's "form switching".

As we all know, Dyna has three forms.

They are basic (shiny), strong, and miraculous forms!

This is a bit like Tiga, but unlike Tiga, Dina’s form switching seems to have a "cooling CD" restriction. The strong and miraculous forms cannot be switched directly.

This is a small highlight!

According to the setting, it can be inferred that the three forms of Tiga represent three abilities respectively. Such as strength, agility (flying speed) and compound.

But Dina is different!

The basic form of Dyna, which is the shining form, is similar to "larva empty me" and "white board dragon knight". The final strength and miracle represent two different "strengthening routes."

If Asuka chooses the strong form, he can only retreat to the whiteboard first, and then strengthen to the miracle form. Between strength and miracle, it must be connected through the whiteboard form.

This is a bit of a brake!

It's not that the settings are not good, but there is no problem with the settings. The key is this restriction, which is not so good for playing.

Why does the new generation of Ultraman, including the new generation of Kamen Rider, change several forms in one fight? Not to increase the excitement of fighting.

Dyna's practice of changing the form only once in a battle is still too "conservative". At this time, Tsuburaya just wanted to consolidate the achievements of the "Heisei Ultraman" series, and never thought of further innovation.

Of course, they did nothing wrong.

Dyna is a "smooth transition" to ensure that the Heisei Ultraman series will not have any moths in the early stage. As for innovation, leave it to the later Gaia.

Do not ask for merit, but ask for nothing!

Tsuburaya's attitude determines the upper limit of Dyna. The final ratings also confirmed this point of view, and Dinah did make a smooth transition.


After the first two episodes were broadcast, the ratings curve was almost like a straight line. It's amazing that there is no surge, and no plunge.


For "stabilizing monsters" like Dyna, in order to stabilize the ratings, they must make sacrifices elsewhere.

For example, discussion heat?

In the past, the new Ultraman dramas were broadcast, and the PD forums were all screen discussion posts. All kinds of demons and monsters come to join in the fun.

As a result, Dina didn't make much noise this time.

Even fans who love quoting wars, seeing Dina's performance, have no interest in quoting wars for fishing, and they just chatted about the recent pandemic "Pandaman".

Pandaren fire!

That heat, almost dumped two streets from Dyna. To put it jokingly, many passers-by who don't watch Special Photos and don't care about what PD does have all joined this wave of discussions.

This is the appeal of the "king of heaven"!

Zhou Tianwang's status in the Chinese music scene is similar to that of Jordan when he played in the NBA. Weibo fans alone have 10 more Meng Lang than singer Zuo Lun.

[Remarks: 1 Meng = 5 million followers]

With so many fans, it's normal to have this discussion. After all, Zhou Tianwang has made his debut for so many years, and he has released a lot of records, but he has not acted a few times...

It is rare that Zhou Tianwang starred in a TV series, the theme is still the "superhero" series that young people love, it is unreasonable to not be popular.

It stands to reason.

Meng Lang should be happy to see "Pandaman" so popular. After all, although this drama is not a PD investment, it also has PD participation.

But he couldn't be happy.

"The higher the hold, the worse the fall!"

Chen Huan was a sensible person, and immediately explained why Meng Lang was worried.

Fans are looking forward to it, and they feel that the king of heaven is the best one, and "Pandaman" is definitely very good-looking.

But if...

This drama is poorly filmed, the King of Heaven has poor acting skills, and has nothing to do with special effects. What kind of expression will fans look like after watching it?

Scold Zhou Tianwang?

That's not realistic! Everyone is watching this drama at King Zhou Tian, ​​and no one can scold an idol!

The director is a good backer.

The producer PD film and television, including producer Meng Heizhu, also had to scold it. It must be this black pig who collects money and doesn't do anything, and shoots a bad drama to ruin the reputation of King Zhou, and wants to catch the bad money in the rice circle?

I bother!

No doubt, once something goes wrong with Pandaren. In the case of Zhou Tianwang's non-stick pan, Meng Lang and Da Sen must be the one behind the pan and bear the bombardment of Tianwang fans.

This is how to do?

For no reason, who wants to be scolded?

Meng Lang did not care about the Dasen three at all, nor did he intervene in this show. If he gets scolded after the broadcast, how wrong would he be?

"Have you seen the film?"

"Not yet! What's wrong with Dong Meng?"

Chen Huan curiously asked, "Did you find any problems? No, it's all set..."

"No problem, it's just...it's this story. UU reading www.uukanshu.com makes me feel uncomfortable!"

In 2030, Guangming City!

Kuangtian Group secretly develops animal control chips and brainwave controllers in an attempt to conquer the world and achieve an ulterior conspiracy.

On the other side, Pan Da, the young president of the Pan Group, invented a system called "PD Armor".

In order to track down the cause of his father’s death, Panda, Inspector Leo, and zoo keeper Chinansuke joined forces to become a "Panda Man" to cross Guangming City, punishing **** and eliminating evil, and defeating the Kuangtian Group's conspiracy...

Sounds normal right?

The problem is that the protagonist is called Panda, and the family business is called the Pan Group. The Pan Group’s LOGO, I believe everyone knows it, PD’s classic "panda man with arms akimbo" image.

Isn't this... a play?

Which **** wrote the script, the good PD Group suddenly took the last name Pan, and gave the protagonist the name of Panda, Meng Lang really vomited.

Are you afraid that others will not see it?

Do you think that the protagonist wears a panda mask, and the audience will not recognize him as Uncle Meng? Will the screenwriter stand up and cut it first?

Compared with the appearance of "Panda Man", it is obvious that the "Pan Group" in the play makes Meng Lang more heartbroken.

In the past, he was filming gangsters, but he never expected that he would be gangstered by others. And the people who made this show are his employees...


Meng Lang wanted to cry, although the screenwriter thoughtfully remarked: "This story is purely fictional!"

But everyone is not stupid!

The so-called Pan Group’s LOGO directly misappropriated the Pengda Group’s LOGO. There is also the protagonist Panda’s "Shameless Stingy" character, which is based on Uncle Meng as the prototype.

Purely fictitious?

Who are you lie to?

No wonder Zhou Tianwang does not play the leading role, he has to play a supporting role. After all, the protagonist is a pig in human skin!

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