Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 823: Past events

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads!

The last day of the first month.

Although it is a working day, there is still a long line at the gate of PD Paradise.

Because today is the last day of "Park Free Tickets", many people want to come and join in the fun. If you miss today, there will be no such good thing as "free ticket" in the future.

At the invitation of Yukino, Kotaro came to Kyoto Paradise with half pushing and half on the spot.

Actually he didn't want to come.

Today, he made an appointment with Mr. Nishi Pian to work together on a "folk translation" for a new PD drama. He let his friend's pigeons go, and he was ashamed of the trust in the father of the owner, which made him feel guilty.

That's right!

Western film is not only his good friend, but also one of the members of the translation team of "Justice Taste". The task received this time is to translate the newly released Ultraman Dyna.

This is an "unofficial" translation.

Dynamite has not introduced neon, how can there be an official Japanese version online? Fans who can't wait to watch this show can either watch the "Raw Meat" version of the resource or wait for the "Justice Fang" to release the translated version.

Of course, the "justice" is very busy. Due to heavy academic work and high work pressure, they have very little time for "business translation".

Therefore, the sponsorship of "golden master" is necessary.

After Dyna aired in China, a local tyrant and Austrian fan from Osaka deliberately contacted the Kotaro team. Individuals contributed 1 million yen to sponsor them for translation.

1 million yen is a lot!

For the Kotaro team, they have never received such a "huge" sponsorship fee.

It used to be within "100,000 yen".

The gold master is so powerful, Kotaro naturally can't let him down.

He promised that the team will complete the translation of the episodes of "Ultra Dyna" within three days, and then adjust the next translation plan according to China's progress.

The plan is pretty good...

It's a pity that Xue Nao, this stinky woman, has to interfere with him doing business. Wake him up through LINE in the morning, and then go to PD Kyoto Land.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Although Kotaro was here, he was not interested in visiting and looked listless. After all, he had gone to Kyoto Paradise no less than ten times, and he was tired of it.

Besides, he is still concerned about work.

Yukino saw Kotaro's abnormality and asked curiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Kotaro said the reason.

He originally thought that after Xue Nai learned the truth, out of a "humanitarian" spirit, he would definitely let him go. Let him go home early and start preparing for Dynaudio's translation work.

did not expect……

"That's great! You are not allowed to go anywhere today, and stay with me in Kyoto Paradise for a whole day!"

Listen, is this human?

Obviously at this time, as a "girlfriend", she should say empathetically: "That's it! Then come play again next time, your job is important..."

Did you take the wrong script?

Yukino, who smiled like a devil, saw Kotaro's indignant expression and asked pretendingly, "Azumi idiot, do you know who my mother is?"

"I'm not interested at all!"

Kotaro was very angry and suddenly felt that girls are not good things. Yukino grabbed his handle and squeezed him desperately.

And that classmate Takagi is the same, a more honest child in Nishikata, is it really interesting to tease him all day?

"The girls are so bad!"

Just as Kotaro was thinking about how to get out, he heard Yukino pretending to say unintentionally: "Do you really want to know? I think I can help you."

"you help me?"

Kotaro rolled his eyes and said, "Do you understand Chinese? Can you help me... Uh..."

Almost forgot!

This guy is from China!

Kotaro's eyes suddenly lit up, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and couldn't wait to ask: "Yuno, would you like to join us?"

"You beg me!"

Xue Nao pretended to be distressed and said, "If you don't beg me, how can I help you?"

"The kind, lovely, beautiful and charming Miss Yukino, please help me! I really need your help!"

"Let's do it!"

"For the sake of your sincerity, I have helped with this."

Xue Nao is an authentic Chinese!

Her joining has not only made Kotaro overjoyed, but also brought a leap forward in the overall work.

In just one day, the first two episodes of Dyna TV have been translated and uploaded to the [Ultraman] section of the Neon’s largest ACGN website "Lei World", which was highlighted by the moderator.

The sponsor is very satisfied with this speed.

He promised Kotaro that if he could maintain this speed, he would add a huge bonus to the original 1 million yen.

"Long live the golden master father!"

The Kotaro team cheered, and everyone talked about where they should go to dinner to celebrate.

But Kotaro found...

Xue Nao, a girl who "does not understand special photography", did not join the discussion. Instead, she picked up a "reference magazine" and stared at an interview on the insert.

Kotaro took a look.

That was an interview with Meng Lang, chairman of PD Group, in the [Video People] magazine. The above mentioned the various difficulties he encountered at the beginning of the birth of the "Ultraman" series. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.cOM

"Do you like Uncle Meng too?"

Just looking for an opportunity, Kotaro, who was grateful to Yukino, took the initiative to introduce this interview: "You don't watch special dramas, so you don't know him. Uncle Meng is really the best in the world..."

"I know him."

Xue Na closed the magazine and said with complicated eyes: "My mother, like you, often praises him for being great."

"Really? Auntie has a foresight..."

Before Kotaro finished speaking, Yukino interrupted, "However, I don't like him, or even hate him."

"Why... why?"

Kotaro was shocked.

Uncle Meng’s popularity among the passers-by is not very good, at least it is a fact that he is not welcomed by parents. But in the eyes of the children, Uncle Meng is definitely a cool hero. How can anyone hate him?

"Forget it, you don't understand."

Xue Na didn't want to say the reason, but Kotaro didn't intend to let her go: "Uncle Meng is a hero I admire. Even if you hate him, give a reason?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Of course! I think you must have misunderstood something, Uncle Meng is really a very good person!"

"Then I will tell you!"

"This man killed my mother."

Yukino used the most plain tone to tell the most horrifying facts. Hearing these words, Kotaro couldn't help but froze in place, unable to speak for a long time.


"I asked brazenly, did you admit the wrong person? Your mother is a neon person, how could she have a relationship with Uncle Meng?"

"My mother was an exchange student."

Xue Nao explained: "About 15 years ago, I went to Jiangchuan University from Neon for further study."

Seems to be an old thing?

Fifteen years ago, Uncle Meng was also studying at Jiangchuan University. So, do the two parties really have contact?

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