Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 824: The mystery of musical notes

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"How many times have you asked this question?"

Facing Tao Mi’s questioning, Meng Lang reluctantly said: "Where do I have any love history? I can barely count, that is, I have a crush on the library sister."

But that is a crush!

From the beginning to the end, he was unrequited love, things that had no results at all, how could it be regarded as "unbearable love history"?

"Then is anyone chasing you?"

"This one……"

Meng Lang smiled awkwardly, nodded and said, "Although I don't want to admit it, this is true!"

When he was in college, he was a "man of the wind" on campus. Although there are not as many "rich second generations" who pursue him, there are also one or two.


Meng Lang didn't take any fancy.

At that time, all he was thinking of was the library elder sister, and he wanted to live in the library 24 hours a day to get along with the elder sister. How could he take care of others?

"What girl will chase you?"

Tao Mi leaned her chin and asked curiously: "It just happens to be okay, you can tell me something!"

"What can I say..."

Meng Lang forcibly changed the subject, obviously not wanting to talk about the past in this regard. After all, speaking of it, he was very sorry for a certain neon exchange student.

Seeing that he didn't want to say more, Tao Mi didn't ask. Anyway, all belong to "unrequited love", and things have passed for so many years, so there is no such thing as a "ex-girlfriend".

"How come you have time to watch TV with me these days?"

Tao Mi stared at the TV, wondering: "Is it because of Dyna? It's impossible!"

"It's just to avoid the limelight!"

Meng Lang said with a headache: "As soon as the rich list was announced, reporters came to harass me every day. Instead, I kept quiet at home."

It's a mess!

Meng Lang is rich, this is a universally recognized fact.

But his money is mostly "fixed assets" rather than "liquid funds." PD Paradise is about to squeeze him dry, and I can’t wait to split a penny into two halves. How can netizens say so mysterious?

Someone actually said that the dishes and chopsticks used by Meng Heizhu for eating are all made of 24k pure gold. Even the toilet in the toilet at home is studded with diamonds...

Tell the truth!

No matter how rich Meng Lang is, he can't do such a thing, right? This is so much a prodigal to make a diamond-studded toilet and pure gold tableware?

In today's society, money is paramount. When it comes to the topic of "wealth", everyone's enthusiasm for discussion is extremely high, and it is not too tiring to talk for ten days and ten nights.

This troubled Meng Lang.

Being harassed by reporters and media every day, I can't do anything. If he doesn't suppress the heat, he can't go out yet?

"It's okay, it will be fine in a few days."

Tao Mi comforted Meng Lang, and then asked: "By the way, my sister is going to make a trendy brand and pull me in. Do you think it can be done?"

"Popular fashion brand? Make clothes?"

"Clothes, luggage, dresses are priced in favor of luxury goods."

"You can do it if you want!"

Meng Lang said indifferently: "Anyway, if our family has money, we can lose it. It is not a long-term solution for you to bring children at home every day. I support you."

"That's fine, I will reply to my little sister. The scale is small in the early stage, and I will invest 10 million to try the water..."

Tao Mi is rich.

When Meng Lang was extremely short of money in the first filming of Tiga, he directly borrowed tens of millions to him, and he has not repaid it yet.

During the years of filming, she saved a lot of money, and even if she lost all of her ten million investment, it would not hurt her muscles.

Besides, there is also Meng Lang.

Tao Mi uses his own savings to invest, if he loses or loses. She probably won't receive the money directly from Meng Lang, but she can "earn back" the capital in another way.

Anyway, the scale is small.

Ten million, sprinkle it!

After giving birth to a child, Tao Mi was indeed a little idle, staying at home all day, and rusting over time. Going out to find something to do, Meng Lang raised his hands and feet in agreement.

Doing business is just one of them.

Tao Mi also said that this investment is a partnership between her and her little sister. It is her little sister who usually contributes the most, so she doesn't have to worry too much.

So she has time to learn more about directors.

After marriage, she is not suitable to appear in public. But behind the scenes, being a director is her side job.

"You have a foundation, you should get started quickly."

Meng Lang planned for her: "Let's do it, isn't Yan Tao engaged in the robot Xiaoba? You go to lay hands with him and start with the assistant director."

"When will you be able to control the crew freely. I'll pick a suitable project for you as your debut."

"Okay! This is what you said!"

Tao Mi said with high spirits: "In half a year, I will definitely be able to learn to become a teacher. Just wait and see my performance!"

This time should be reliable.

After all, Tao Mi has a director foundation, not from scratch. Mastering the essentials of the crew for half a year is mostly easy.

With this in mind, Meng Lang couldn't help thinking, if Tao Mi learns to become a teacher soon, what kind of project should she practice for her?

Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Super Squadron and Metal Hero IP sequel to the "Dinghai Shenzhen"-level IP sequel is absolutely impossible to hand over to a novice.

Blockbuster IP works such as Armor Warriors, Transformers, and PD Incredible Comedy cannot be given to her.

How about Xiao Moxian?

Nearly ten years have passed since "Ballala Little Demon Fairy" was broadcast ~www.ltnovel.com~. What would it be like to make a sequel to the former "Magic Fairy"?

It's interesting to think about it.

In the Little Demon Fairy series, following the broadcast of the first one, Aofei has successively produced works such as "Rainbow Heart Stone", "Miracle Dance Step" and "Dream Melody".

However, these are animations.

In the case of live-action dramas, big movies include the trilogy of "Key to the Star", "Test of Magic" and "Magic Arrow Princess". In the TV series, there is only "The Mystery of Musical Notes".

Don't think about big movies.

In "The Mystery of Musical Notes", although the roles of Queen of the Devil, the Prince of Amusement, Xiaolan of the Devil and Mae Chee Miyuki are retained, the actors are all changed.

This also led to the collapse of word of mouth.

Originally, the plot was procrastinated and there was nothing to watch. The mentally handicapped plot of "love as friendship" misled the children, lacked positive energy elements, and the costumes were broken and the special effects were sparse. The audience could bear these shortcomings.

Everyone reminisces about childhood.

But you even changed the actors, who can stand it?

If it were the original version of the people, everyone would not be too harsh, but when the actors were changed, the show was completely shit, and Oufei was scolded **** by the audience, and never dared to make a live-action TV drama of the magic fairy. Up.

Such a project...

Is it really okay to leave it to Tao Mi?

Meng Lang has bad intentions!

Given the pulpiness of the mystery of the musical notes, even if he was asked to correct it, it might not be saved. Not even he can do anything, let alone Tao Mi.

I shot this for my debut, it was a "nightmare start".

"Are you still filming at your level? Go home and take your kids!"


Not surprisingly, Tao Mi will be discouraged by the audience's blows, and sadly abandon the "director dream" and go home to concentrate on bringing the children.

In this way, his conspiracy succeeded.

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