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Chapter 827: "Loot" rules

In the end, Pan Peng got his wish.

It's not that Pan Qiliang doesn't want to stop, but past experience tells him that it is useless to "toughly" stop such things. The more parents stop, the more children will love to play.

In the end, it got deeper and deeper.

The best way to deal with this kind of thing is to "draw a red line." Let your children know where the bottom line is, don't dare to cross the red line, and be vigilant at all times.

Pan Qiliang is very realistic.

The red line he drew is very simple. You can play marbles, but you must finish your homework every day, and your grades must not drop. Once he finds out that his homework has not been written and his grades have dropped, wait for him to be beaten.

It is very realistic and very useful.

After knowing his father's bottom line, Pan Peng finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he completes his homework on time and guarantees that his grades will not drop, the family will not object to him playing marbles...

There are so many children like Pan Peng, too many to count!

The marbles launched by pd, in terms of popularity, are not inferior to the original "Game King" card duel.

Even, there is nothing less than it.

Everyone has "gambling" sex!

Even adults do, and children are no exception. The biggest driving force for marbles to get hot is the "gambling" rule.

"You lose, your marbles belong to me!"

A very simple sentence aroused great enthusiasm among the children. Although the game of marbles is far less interesting than Yu-Yo, even the top yo-yo.

But it's easy to get started!

And the price is low, you can buy 10 for one dollar, which is a record of pd's "cheapest" toy.

The most important thing is that it doesn't matter whether the marbles are fun or not. The important thing is that through marbles, boys can get an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

This is something that has never happened before...

It’s good to play yo-yo, spinning top, or even ace card. Although it was great and happy to win, I always felt that something was missing.

Now when I think about it, it turns out that the "trophies" are missing!

Don't underestimate the "trophy" rules!

Although cruel to the losers, but very friendly to the winners. Moreover, no child thinks he will be a loser!

They all want to win!

This is the core reason why the "pinball game" has become popular in all primary schools, middle schools, and even universities across the country in just one week.

Do you say marbles are fun?

In fact, it is the same. If there is no "trophy" rule, this thing is a very ordinary glass bead, even elementary school students will not even bother.

But it has a loot system!

Therefore, under the human nature of "gambling", the game of marbles quickly became popular.

How hot is it?

Take Jiangchuan No. 1 Elementary School as an example. During the break time, you can see all the boys in the school gather under the same shade of trees, sitting on the ground in a group, facing a few glass beads, showing the expression of "aspiration must be achieved".

Similarly, you can also see parks, squares and other places during school hours, a group of boys yelling and playing marbles, their expressions are particularly excited...

This is a phenomenal product!

The "Pinball Fighter" is worthless, which is equivalent to "half sold and half free." Meng Lang never thought of making money from this stuff.

The bulk of profit comes from "marbles"!

10 for 1 yuan, sounds very cheap. But you will never think of how profitable this thing is!

In today's popularization of modern industry, the cost of glass products has been compressed to an "extremely amazing" point.

Not to mention, many of the raw materials for marbles come from "waste recycling".

Even if it is sold at a price of 1 yuan and 10 pieces, Meng Lang still makes a profit. Although the price is so low, the profit margin is really not high, but...

This stuff is huge!

Even the ancients knew the principle of "small profits but quick turnover", how could Meng Lang not understand? Don't look at the profit margin of this thing, but the quantity is too much!

The "game" of marbles, there are winners and losers.

No matter how you play, the winner is always a minority. Most of the children are "losing their belongings" and hurried to pd authorized stores to replenish ammunition.

There are few winners, and they generally don't buy marbles to supplement. After all, the marbles won may fill a swimming pool.

But this kind of person has made contributions to Uncle Meng in disguise.

The more they win, the more people prove to lose. What can you do if you lose all the marbles? I can only buy a little, and then challenge again.

Someone may ask!

If a certain person wins until he wins a lot of marbles. Will he sell this batch of marbles to make a profit and take away pd customers?

The answer is yes.

When Meng Lang was a child, he met a "big guy" who had superb skills and could win a big bag of marbles every time. Because there is no place to put it at home, I had to sell it to boys in the same school "cheap".

Because the price is twice as cheap as the commissary, everyone asks him to buy marbles.

This kind of thing cannot be avoided!

But Meng Lang didn't panic at all, even a little bit of "little cheer".

Because marbles do not have "circulation properties", they will cause huge losses over time.

Don't ask where the loss comes from!

Question is two words:


Whether it is a parent or a school teacher, confiscation will always bring "massive losses." The marbles in the hands of the children will only decrease. When the shortage reaches a certain level, they must go to the canteen to replenish supplies.

Don't worry at all!

There is also a hidden chain of interest!

Children buy marbles—lost to classmates—teacher confiscates—teacher discards—recycle at the waste station—pd remelt for melting—sell them to children...

How environmentally friendly! How efficient!

In this chain of interests, UU reading www.uukanshu.com children and teachers are all losers, and Scrap Station and PD are the winners hidden behind the scenes.

Uncle Meng's mouth splits...

However, the accident came too suddenly.

Just as he was happy about the popularity of the pinball game, a gossip from the top poured cold water on him.

"Someone has a complaint!"

Chen Huan explained: "The reason is that pinball games are suspected of gambling and affect the physical and mental health of young people and should be completely banned."

"Who made the complaint?"

"I don't know, but I guess it's either a colleague or a parent, or an old antique who is unhappy with us in the education world..."

Anyway, no one is easy to mess with.

Chen Huan’s suggestion is that pinball games are indeed dangerous. Once you have played with fire and caused high-level rejection, it is very likely to be really banned. It's better to take advantage of this, think of a way to restrain it, and make it clear to the top.

"Constrained? How to constrain?"

Meng Lang sneered: "In the gameplay recommended by pd, there is no content that is suspected of gambling. The so-called gambling and fighting are things that children ponder privately."

In other words.

The pd opened a knife shop, only responsible for selling knives. After the knife was bought, it didn't matter whether it was to kill a pig or a person.

Although it is a bit of a rogue, it is even a suspect.

But the fact is here, Meng Lang can't restrain the children from gambling privately, because in this way, the marbles will be completely abandoned.


He also has no such ability.

Even if he said, don't bet against each other and play the "pinball se hole" game honestly, few children will listen to him.

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