Feature Shows Extravaganza

Chapter 828: Luo Tianyi dubbing "Mao Man"?

The living cannot let the urine suffocate to death.

"Stopping food because of choking" is not desirable, but "turning on deaf ears" is also not desirable.

As a responsible company and a company with a strong sense of "social responsibility", at this time, whether it is "sincere" or not, it should stand up and show its attitude.

Officially does not support the "Loot" rule!

The pd expressly prohibits the use of pinball games for gambling, and all pinball contests and pinball activities will add relevant rules.


How you play in private is your own business. Uncle Meng has neither clairvoyance nor wind ears, so he can't see or control.

It's all nonsense!

But it is undeniable that sometimes what high-level leaders want is an attitude, as long as the attitude is correct and some small flaws in practice, they will not care.

Of course, Meng Lang was still interviewed.

The pinball game is really too sensitive. The winner-takes-all rule can easily breed acute problems such as gambling and school violence.

Meng Lang can only guarantee that PD, as an official, will severely crack down on this behavior in front of the leaders. At the same time, he also promised not to promote any "marbles".

The leader is fairly satisfied.

What they want is an attitude, the attitude of pd not to be evil.

As for Meng Lang's promise not to publicize marbles and to maintain "tools are not guilty and users are guilty", he neither affirmed nor rushed to deny it.

This matter can be regarded as over.

As long as there is no major problem in the follow-up, the game of marbles cannot be officially banned.

Of course, the price is also high.

pd is not allowed to advertise and promote the "pinball game" on any platform. Only secretly, relying on the children's "word of mouth" to spread the promotion.

This is undoubtedly a disaster for the upcoming "Legend of Pinball"!

Fortunately, after half a month of development, the pinball game has become quite well-known among students.

Even without publicity, "Legend of Pinball" can be popularized by word of mouth. Possibly, the time will be longer than usual.

But this is not a problem.

As long as it is gold, there will be a bright day sooner or later. The quality of "Legend of Pinball" lies here. Temporary burying does not mean that there will be no chance in the future.

Because of the "marble" matter, Meng Lang has not paid much attention to the crew of "Metal Hero Gibon" these days.

When he finished his work and returned to the crew again to provoke the burden of the "director", he discovered that there was a major omission.

The movie was filmed for half a month!

But the voice actor for this show has not been found yet.

This is no small problem!

As I said before, the protagonist of "Metal Hero Gibon", also known as Robocop Gibon, is essentially a robot. When filming, the crew also used "bionic robots" to play.

It's not just Gibon!

Many important supporting roles in this drama are basically robots.

Their voice acting is very important.

"Mr. Yang hasn't responded yet?"

Sitting behind the monitor, Meng Lang asked Yan Tao on the other end of the phone: "Is the price not negotiated? You tell him that our offer is absolutely satisfactory to him, and I hope he will reply as soon as possible."

"It's not a matter of price."

Yan Tao explained: “There are a lot of voice actors in China, but not many who are good at robot dubbing. Mr. Yang’s team has already been packaged by another crew, and will not be able to get out for a while.”

"Then what shall we do?"

Meng Lang was also very worried.

Many people think that robot dubbing is simple. As long as you "do not bring emotions", say the lines in a cold tone, and add "mechanical sound effects" later.

In fact, how simple it is.

Because the common robot characters on the screen usually have "emotions". So you will think that this dubbing is nothing more than that.

But what about the Terminator?

No emotions can be poured, cold and ruthless, a living humanoid machine. It takes a little skill to dub this kind of character.

At this time, no one was found.

"Or, let's use synthetic sound?"

Yan Tao was helpless and suggested: "For the audience, it just sounds like a robot. Although the synthesized sound is not pure, it can at least be used."

"It can only be the!"

Meng Lang sighed. Just about to hang up, he called Mr. Tang from PD Technology and asked him if he could send two technicians to support him.

Suddenly, he thought a little.

Machine synthesis sound? Synthetic sound!

This is not the virtual idol set!

Luo Tianyi has a sound source provider, but Jibang does not need a sound source provider, just pure synthesis.

In essence, the two are similar.

Therefore, it is feasible to be bolder and let Luo Tianyi dub "Metal Hero Gibon".

Is Gibon a male robot?

You fart!

How can robots have sex? Their voice depends entirely on the chipset in the body. Who says a "male appearance" robot must use a male voice?

Female voice is fine too!

And from the perspective of the technical route, if the robot wants to speak, the technology used is likely to be the "virtual idol" speech synthesis technology.

You only need a "sound source library ~www.ltnovel.com~ to make any words and sentences sound."

The technical route works!

Assuming that the designer of "Gibang" is a Luo Tianyi fan, then he designed his own robot to implant the "Luo Tianyi sound source library". Isn't that reasonable?


Let the virtual singer dub Gibon, the "cold and ruthless" criminal nemesis, and open her mouth is a soft, sweet and cute girly voice. Isn't this kind of cute contrast very interesting?

I have to say that this idea has exploded.

When he heard these words at first, Mr. Tang thought the boss hadn't woken up. But after the boss analyzed the pros and cons, Mr. Tang had to admit...

Really messed up!

First of all, it is clear that Luo Tianyi belongs to a "virtual idol", she does not belong to a real person.

Secondly, her voice is highly recognizable, and the audience knows that this is Luo Tianyi's exclusive voice.

Combining these two points, if Jibang used Luo Tianyi's voice. Although it sounds funny, people can't help but spray rice, but when you think about it, it seems quite reasonable...

Jibang is not a real person, and Luo Tianyi is not a real person. In that case, why can't Jibang use Luo Tianyi's voice?

"Mr. Meng, you have opened up a new idea. If this plan is feasible, will there be other roles in the future who will also come to Dub Luo Tianyi?" Mr. Tang asked.

"there must be!"

Meng Lang assuredly said: "Virtual idols, even if they have the word "virtual", are still idols. As long as they are popular, why can't they be dubbed?

In the early stage, the type of characters that Luo Tianyi dubbed may be relatively small, mostly animated girls, cute robots...

If Gibon can succeed!

The ruthless male robot, opening his mouth is the setting of a girly voice. Once the audience accepts it, Luo Tianyi will definitely receive more dubbing orders.

Kill two birds with one stone!

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