The rain stopped at four o'clock in the morning. The heavy rain washed away the blood on the ground and diluted the bloody smell in the air.

When the sun rises from the eastern treetops, the birds with colorful feathers are singing happily. The sky is full of white clouds, the cool wind is blowing, the trees are lush, and everywhere is full of the color of life.

If it wasn't for the bodies everywhere, the pain of the wounded, the two charred bamboo buildings, the invisible hostages in the water prison, and dozens of armed gangsters, this place would be a good place to relax.

It was not only the hostages who survived, but also ashdore who were haggard.

The hostages in the water prison, after being driven back to the water prison, were numb with fear after the life and death last night, so many people leaned on their companions and fell asleep.

But ashduoli did not dare, because in the early morning, South Vietnamese special forces appeared in the jungle opposite the base.

South Vietnam may be a country detested by many people, but its special forces are also well-known, known as the uncrowned king.

The reason why the South Vietnamese special forces have such a high reputation is due to the modern war, especially the counterattack against the United States.

In the world-famous Vietnam War, there were about 360000 casualties among the powerful Americans, of which 60000 were killed, most of them by South Vietnamese special forces.

According to statistics, the number of casualties of the U.S. Marine Corps, which is known as the "bull's ratio" in the world, compared with that of the South Vietnamese special forces is an amazing one to five!

Five Marines, one South Vietnamese special.

In another Vietnam War, the South Vietnamese special forces, once a headache for the Americans, encountered a more powerful and sharp opponent, the Chinese special forces.

In that war, nearly 40000 elite special forces in South Vietnam were almost killed.

Nanyue people have always thought that they are ruthless, dare to lay down capital, dare to use special forces as stormtroopers.

But Huaxia was even more ruthless, and even charged more than 100000 special forces as ordinary infantry. As a result of the collision, the whole army of South Vietnam was almost annihilated.

The painful lesson is that when the South Vietnamese hide in a corner and lick their wounds alone, it also makes them famous. Otherwise, astoli would not be so nervous when she learned that there were South Vietnamese special forces lurking in the opposite jungle.

In view of the surprise attack last night, ashduoli no longer dare to have the slightest carelessness, and divided dozens of subordinates into three groups, guarding three water prisons respectively.

And placed a remote-controlled bomb in the water prison - once there is another enemy invasion outside, they will immediately detonate the bomb and die with the hostages!

With bloodshot eyes and sunken eyes, ashduoli leans against the gate of the water prison, holding an AK-47 assault rifle in her arms, and looks at the jungle in front of the base for a long time without moving.

Simding, the biggest hero of mh456 flight, came with two cans and a bottle of mineral water.

Ashduoli shook her head and asked faintly, "what's going on across here?"

Simding looked around: "the other side is always silent."

With a smile, ashdoli took the mineral water and said, "I guess it won't be long before they send someone to negotiate. However, calculate the time, it's time for Maimaiti to come to South Vietnam. "

Simding is very sure to say: "Huaxia dare not delay 12 o'clock at noon, after all, there are more than 100 hostages here - astoli, I have a question."

"What question?"

When ashduoli unscrewed the bottle cap and raised her chin to drink, one of the men in the nearby water prison seemed to be unable to bear the current devastation. She grabbed the iron fence of the water prison, lifted it up, opened her mouth and murmured something, but her head leaned against the iron fence and fainted.

There was more than one person who fainted in the water prison. Ashdoli and others didn't care at all. Naturally, they didn't look at the poor ghost one more time. Simding didn't even bother to keep his voice down. He didn't care that the conversation was heard: "ashdoli, if maimaimaiti is delivered, these hostages will be solved as planned?"


After reporting the situation here to Huaxia Jinghua, Gao Yunhua immediately received an order: submit the purchase to Nanyue, and he immediately rushed to the rescued hostages. The Chinese side will immediately arrange a special plane to transport these rescued hostages back to China.

Without saying a word, Gao Yunhua immediately obeyed his orders. After submitting the purchase to Ruan GE's surname, accompanied by a Nanyue lieutenant colonel, he came to the airport in manglanshan.

Outside the airport, there are hundreds of South Vietnamese soldiers on duty. In the not too big waiting hall, nurses and doctors are busy, and more than 100 hostages who have been rescued are sitting there quietly.

Gao Yunhua and his party quickly walked into the waiting hall.

On their way to the airport, the commander of South Vietnam simply explained the hostage problem.

It turned out that after the unidentified armed forces rescued more than 100 hostages, several main rescue workers escorted the hostages out of the jungle and then returned to the jungle, leaving only one Scotsman, with more than a dozen volunteers from the World Red Cross rescue organization, to meet South Vietnam.

However, no matter how the South Vietnamese side inquired, the rescue party led by the Scots kept silent. They did not say that it was that force that rescued some of the hostages. They only said that they had received news and came to volunteer to save people.

In this regard, the South Vietnamese side is very helpless, but can't extort confessions from rescue workers by torture?

After the hostages were arranged by the South Vietnamese authorities at the airport, they had to escape. After a few days, they immediately relaxed. Most of them fell asleep, but they all woke up after dawn. After all, no one could sleep in this situation.

During the period after the hostages woke up, the South Vietnamese military kept getting in and out.

Looking at the strange soldiers in a strange country, the hostages looked distrustful. After such a long time, no one took the initiative to ask them a word.

However, when Gao Yunhua came into the hall with seven or eight of his subordinates and saw the familiar and friendly national emblem on their hats, the hostages finally saw their relatives and stood up and surrounded them. A girl even hugged Gao Yunhua and burst into tears on the spot.

Gao Yunhua eyes a red, patted the girl's shoulder, soft voice comfort way: "don't cry, children, don't cry, you are safe now, I will take you home immediately, let's go home!"

The girl cried more fiercely: "uncle! My father and I haven't escaped yet. My mother is still at home waiting for us to go back. Uncle, I beg you to save my father. Please

Gao Yunhua kept comforting her: "don't worry, we will be able to save your father! I have already reported to the superior leaders. If necessary, our country will send special operations forces to the scene to make every effort to ensure the safety of other people's lives! "

After comforting the girl for a few words, Gao Yunhua raised his hand and said in a loud voice: "brothers and sisters, please be quiet! Now I need to know the situation over there and report to the superior so that the superior can make a correct judgment! Excuse me, who can tell me what's going on over there? "

"I'll tell you."

A tall foreigner with half white hair and beard came up and held out his hand: "I'm a volunteer from Asia branch of international rescue organization. People who know me call me old man."

Gao Yunhua shook hands with him: "Hello, I'm Liu Yunhua, the captain of Huaxia Guoan."

"That's what happened, Colonel Gao."

The old man said, "yesterday morning, I got a mysterious phone call. When I received this call, I already knew about the accident of flight mh456. On the phone, the man said that he had found the place where the hostage was being held and began to prepare for an active rescue. Finally, he asked me if I could lead the rescue team to the manglan meadow jungle in South Vietnam and be ready to rescue the hostages who might be injured. "

After a pause, the old man said, "I asked the other party about his origin at that time, but he refused to say. He said it was up to me whether he would go to manglan meadow or not. After careful consideration, I finally took other volunteers to the jungle of manglan meadow and met those people. "

Gao Yunhua immediately asked: "excuse me, who are those people?"

The old man wry smile: "I don't know, because they are all wearing jungle camouflage clothes, and their faces are painted with oil. I don't know anything about them except five men and one woman. In order to facilitate our contact, they specially gave me this communicator. "

Gao Yunhua took over the communicator, only looked at it, and he was shocked.

He is a discerner. At a glance, he can see that this "phoenix eye" long-range wireless communication device is the most advanced one in the world. It is developed by kemles company of Canada, and the cost is very high. At present, it is only assembled to the Royal Air Force Secret Service Regiment of the trump special forces in Canada. At present, even the U.S. Marine Corps does not have this kind of communication device.

The old man continued: "I took people in the jungle. When it was close to zero, I heard the gunfire there. I knew that they were exposed when they moved. I don't know exactly how it was exposed, but I can hear more clear gunshots and screams from the communicator. "

The old man just said this, suddenly someone interjected: "I know how to expose."

Everyone looked up and saw a tall girl. She said, "Colonel Gao, my name is Shen Yinbing. The specific situation is like this."

Shen Yinbing secretly let the gorilla and others out, and finally let out a scream because of someone, which alerted the terrorists. The rescuers were forced to lead some of the hostages to retreat. He told them in detail.

Alas, it's a pity that the man who suddenly screamed, damn it!

Gao Yunhua sighed in his heart. As he was about to say something more, Shen Yinbing hesitated and said, "Colonel Liu, I've heard some uncertain bad news."

Gao Yunhua was worried: "what's the bad news?"

Shen Yinbing bit his lip and said in a low voice: "when we were withdrawing from the jungle, our rescuers told us that the terrorists planned to kill all the hostages after Huaxia released Maimaiti, which is a lesson to Huaxia. This is also the main reason why they were forced to rescue by force."

Gao Yunhua was shocked: "what? Is the news reliable? "

Shen Yinbing hasn't answered yet. Gao Yunhua's communicator suddenly makes a stabbing sound. A man's voice clearly comes out from it: "ashduoli, if maimaimaiti is delivered, will these hostages be solved as planned?"

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