According to Astoria's original plan, after receiving Maimaiti, she shot and killed more than 300 hostages at the scene to warn the Chinese authorities!

But since the unidentified armed forces rescued more than 100 people last night and killed most of them, simding's self-confidence has been greatly reduced, and he began to consider whether to let go the remaining hostages in exchange for their absolute safety.

Ashduoli sneered and replied haughtily, "simding, are you afraid?"

Simding a Leng: "I, what am I afraid of?"

"If you're not afraid, why do you ask this question? I tell you, after receiving Maimaiti, these hostages must die! We have to bury more than 60 brothers who died last night! "

Looking at ashduoli's ferocious face, simding shivered and murmured, "I, I'm not afraid, I just think hostages can be killed, but some hostages had better be let go."

Ashduoli stares at simding. After a moment, she moves her eyes and says faintly, "I see what you mean. You mean you can release foreigners except Chinese, right?"

Simding nodded hard: "yes, that's what I mean. I think that the reason why our organization has been growing over the years is inseparable from those hostile countries. If we kill the citizens of their country this time, it will certainly cause their dissatisfaction. That is not a good thing for us. "

Ashduoli was silent for a moment and nodded: "OK, now you can take people to negotiate with the South Vietnamese on the other side, saying that we can release all 19 foreigners, but they must announce to the world through TV to prove our position. We have no hostility to other countries."

"Well, I'll do it right away!"

Simding agreed, turned around, yelled at the two gangsters, put down his arms, held a white flag, and walked outside the base.

Looking up at the sun in the East, ashduoli murmured: "my dear maimaimaiti, why haven't you appeared yet? Do you know how much I miss you, how much I want to lie in your arms and kiss you heartily?"


When he heard simding's question from the communicator, Gao Yunhua's face suddenly changed.

At this time, the old man took the communicator.

Gao Yunhua was about to do something, but the old man said with a smile, "Colonel Liu, this communicator has recording function. I'll record these for you. I believe you will be useful."

"Thank you

Gao Yunhua thanks gratefully and takes the communicator again.

Because of this sound, the waiting hall of nearly 200 people was silent, and almost everyone heard the conversation between simding and ashduoli.

When they heard about Astoria, they decided to let go all the foreigners, but left the Chinese alone. On the spot, some people hid their faces and cried silently.


After there was no more voice coming from the phone, Gao Yunhua scolded him severely, turned around and yelled: "Xiao Li, get me through to the office of the General Administration of national security immediately!"


Xiao Li loudly agreed, immediately took out the satellite phone, dialed the encrypted channel: "Col. Gao, the phone is connected, director Wang of the general administration is here!"


After listening to Gao Yunhua's brief report on the situation over there, director Wang Haoran burst into a rage, slapped the table and roared: "Gao Yunhua, I order you to stop Maimaiti from Nanyue as soon as possible! Don't do anything until I hear from you

Wang Haoran grabbed the red confidential landline and quickly pressed several numbers. He said in a heavy voice: "chief, there are new changes in South Vietnam. The gangsters are going to let go the 19 foreigners in their hands, but they are trying to kill more than 100 hostages after receiving Maimaiti - please wait a moment, I will pass the recording there right away."


After Gao Yunhua took people to manglan airport, Ruan Ge lit a cigarette and looked at maimaimaiti, who was sitting on the ground with his knees crossed, with contempt and contempt in his eyes.

Although he didn't like the Chinese people, what he expected most was not to use such despicable terrorist means. He even hoped to have a plan like that in the 1970s and 1980s, and fight with the Chinese people on a large scale. Although he died, he was still proud.

Just as he was about to take Maimaiti to the meadow on the plane, he received a phone call from his superior saying that the gangster was going to release 19 foreign hostages. After the hostages were safely evacuated from the meadow, he was asked to send maimaimaiti to the meadow.

So he had to wait, wait for the hostages to be released, and send them to the police.

As for the fate of the remaining Chinese hostages, what does it have to do with him? At most, he would have a moment of silence to show that after the deep pain in his heart, he would continue to eat when he should and drink when he should.

Ruan GE's surname, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. Before the superior came down to order, two jeeps appeared in his sight.

The soldiers of South Vietnam, who were in charge of the guard, immediately met them and tried to stop them with guns. However, the two cars did not slow down and ran into them. They were scared to retreat and yelled at them.

Ruan Ge raised his hand and just about to give an order. The car had stopped. Gao Yunhua, who had just walked for more than an hour, jumped out of the car.

Ruan GE's surname was a little puzzled and said, "Mr. Gao, why are you back?"

Gao Yunhua's face was livid. He didn't pay any attention to Ruan GE's surname at all. He quickly walked to buy in advance, grabbed his hair and lifted him up from the ground with a little effort.

"What are you doing?"

Maimaiti flew into a rage and fought hard.

"What are you doing? I'll beat you up

Gao Yunhua roared and raised his hand to smash the bridge of Maimaiti's nose.

Maimaiti's scream made Gao Yunhua squirt out like a bloody arrow.

Gao Yunhua didn't care, and then hit him with an elbow, pounding him on the chin.

Maimaiti screamed again and spat out two big yellow teeth.

Like an angry lion, Gao Yunhua used both fists and feet. Without waiting for Ruan Ge and others to react, he beat Maimaiti black and blue, and lay on the ground like a dead dog.

At present, maimaimaiti is still a prisoner of Huaxia. Ruan GE's surname has no right to prevent him from being cleaned up, so he is watching.

"Come on, pull this up for me!"

Gao Yunhua's eyes were red and he yelled at his men.

Xiao Li two rushed over, a left and a right to buy the carry up.

Just like hitting sandbags, Gao Yunhua elbowed and beat Maimaiti hard. After a full minute, he threw down his hands and spat on his face. He said harshly, "smash it up and get it into the car. No one is allowed to get close to him without my order. No matter who violates it, you can kill him!"

Looking at the beating and dying Maimaiti being dragged to the car, Ruan Ge came over: "Mr. Gao, what's the matter?"

"Just a moment, please. I'll take a call."

Gao Yunhua took out his violently vibrating mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, immediately put his feet together and said in a high voice: "Wang Ju, I'm Gao Yunhua! Now I've mastered Maimaiti again, please give me instructions! "

"Very good, chief's latest instructions!"

Wang Haoran's steady voice clearly spread out from his mobile phone: "after the emergency meeting, the leaders have reached a preliminary agreement with South Vietnam. The hijacking of mh456 hostages will be taken over by the" storm "special unit of Southwest Military Region of China. Your task is to stand by and wait for the emergency report from the team! The next task is to wait for the team to arrive, and then wait for instructions! "


An hour later, a huaxiazhi-5 armed helicopter, escorted by two South Vietnamese armed helicopters, roared down to the meadows small airport.

As soon as the hatch was opened, the Chinese special forces, equipped with the latest individual combat equipment, jumped out of the engine room, bent over and ran out of the influence area of the propeller, and quickly formed a line.

A tall young man, with oil paint on his face and Chinese 95 assault rifle in his arms, ran to the front of the line and yelled: "stand at attention - relax! Count




After a tense and rapid count, the young man turned around with a slap on his heel and waved to Gao Yunhua: "report to the chief, the storm sub unit of special operations force of Southwest Military Region has assembled, please give instructions from the chief!"

Young people can recognize Gao Yunhua as the chief at a glance. They must have received his information on the way.

In response, Gao Yunhua was not surprised. After waving back, he took a few steps forward. Looking at the 13 valiant special fighters, he asked aloud, "who are you?"

Thirteen people roared and answered: "we are soldiers!"

"What kind of soldiers are you?"


"What is the duty of your existence?"

"Defend the country!"

"But now, someone has taken your brothers and sisters hostage and used them in exchange for the most heinous terrorists. They want to kill your brothers and sisters immediately after receiving the terrorists. Do you agree?"

Gao Yunhua waved his fist and yelled: "I ask you, do you agree?"


Thirteen special soldiers roared: "no, no!"

Gao Yunhua tried his best to roar: "then I ask you, what should you do?"

"Kill! Kill!! Kill

Thirteen soldiers roared and raised their guns, shouting: "kill them all, kill them all!"

With 13 special soldiers as the center, a powerful murderous spirit spread around rapidly in a circle, which startled the birds in the jungle in the distance. They screamed and flapped their wings and flew to the horizon.

Ruan Ge, who was standing beside him, could not help shivering. He suddenly felt that the idea of having a real fight with Chinese soldiers was so ridiculous!

Before the nihilistic war started, the name of Ruan Ge was basically determined. The two countries went to war, and the defeat was still South Vietnam!

Because he didn't know what kind of way to destroy the Chinese soldiers' killing intention!

Although there were only 13 Chinese soldiers, they gave all the soldiers a sense of invincible terror in the face of thousands of troops.

Kill, awe inspiring!


When the South Vietnamese special forces received 19 foreign hostages and were preparing to send people to escort them out of the jungle, the high level of the South Vietnamese military ordered them to withdraw from the jungle.

They were puzzled by the order.

Especially when I saw an armed helicopter with Chinese military emblem landing on the outskirts of the meadow, and a dozen armed special soldiers jumped off the plane under the leadership of Liu Yunhua, I was even more surprised: did the high-level take the wrong medicine and allowed Chinese soldiers to come to the hinterland of South Vietnam!

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