With the opening of the sunset restaurant, goofy, the big shopkeeper, is in a bad mood. He has to stay at the scene.

After confirming the 31st of this month as the auspicious day for opening, Mary asked the professional decoration team to work overtime to check the places where the decoration was not in place.

At the same time, at noon, she also talked with President Katarina of Germany on the phone and suggested that the restaurant's supporting facilities (such as red wine and other necessities) and restaurant staff should come to southern Hebei as soon as possible.

This evening is the last inspection work of the decoration team. After confirming that there are no defects, they will leave Southern Hebei tomorrow, but Mary and her assistant will stay and return home after the restaurant opens.

At 9:00 p.m., the finishing work of the sunset restaurant was officially completed, and the protective gauze outside had been removed. In addition to the four gold characters of "sunset restaurant" pasted with sticky paper, the luxury restaurant, which is no less than a five-star hotel, appeared in the sight of passers-by for the first time.

Standing on the steps below the door of the restaurant, Gao Fei turned his head and looked at the Royal western restaurant diagonally opposite. Gao Fei happily said to Lao Wang and Li Decai, "how about it? Now do you believe in the saying "goods are better than goods"? No matter what the food quality is, they can't compare with us in the dining environment! "

Lao Wang and Li Decai giggled: "ha ha, ha ha, boss, you're right. Once we open our business, they will definitely close down. But we have to be more careful. They are not sure they will make trouble. "

Goofy laughed contemptuously: "what I'm afraid of is that they won't make trouble. They will come. I promise to make them lose their wife and turn them into soldiers. OK, Decai, you go to the hotel over there to order. When the decoration team comes out, I'll treat you to dinner. Oh, by the way, Lao Wang, you call Xiao Zhuang and ask her to come over. "

Lao Wang waved his hand and was about to say something when a white BMW slowly stopped in the parking lot in front of the restaurant.

After seeing the BMW, Lao Wang's face changed.

He once drove this BMW 7, which is the special car of Shen Yinbing, the boss of Beishan group.

Gao Fei also saw the car and laughed but didn't say anything.

The door opened, and Mr. Shen, wearing a white floral dress and blue stiletto sandals, came out.

She came alone.

"Mr. Shen, are you here?"

Although Lao Wang was personally expelled from Beishan group by Shen Yinbing, the habit he developed for a long time still made him subconsciously bow down to say hello when President Shen came.

"Well, I'll talk to goofy about something."

Shen Yinbing nodded indifferently.

At this time, Mary came out with the decoration team.

Gao Fei clapped his hands and said in a loud voice, "Lao Wang, de Cai, you take Mary to dinner. I'll come later. Go."

Since Shen Yinbing said that he had something to talk with Gao Fei, Lao Wang would not say anything more. According to his instructions, he took Mary to a hotel nearby on foot with Li Decai.

Standing next to Gao Fei, Shen Yinbing looks at the brightly lit restaurant with her arms in her arms and nods in admiration: "the technology of foreign professional decoration teams is extraordinary. Compared with you, the Royal western restaurant will become a roadside bun shop."

Gao Fei smiles complacently: "ha ha, are you envious? Would you like to go in and have a look? "

"Well, I happen to have a bottle of red wine in the back compartment. I can borrow some drinks from you."

Shen Yinbing throws the car key to Gao Fei. Without waiting for him to say anything, Shen Yinbing carries the train in both hands and walks up the steps.

"Or treat me as a subordinate, dare to urge me to do things. Well, for the sake of your red wine, I don't care about you. "

Goofy murmured with the key and walked to the BMW.

When he came into the restaurant with a bottle of Lafite wine, Shen Yinbing held the railing and walked down from the second floor gracefully: "it's really good, although you have a general character, but the restaurant is absolutely the first-class decoration in Southern Hebei and even the whole East China. I just don't know if I understand the operation, but in the end, I can't even wear socks."

"Shut your crow's mouth, man. It won't be that bad."

Gao Fei scolded and sat on the backless high chair beside the bar. He took two paper cups: "it's OK to make do with this first. There's no other cup."

Shen Yinbing sat next to Gao Fei, with his left elbow on the bar, and took the paper cup: "it's really outrageous to drink red wine in a paper cup. This is the limited edition Lafite of 1986."

Goofy didn't think much of it: "no matter how limited the edition is, it's also drinkable - if you don't think the paper cup is good enough, let's blow it on the bottle. You and I are indirect kisses. But you have to brush your teeth first, because your mouth stinks

"Go away, your mouth stinks!"

Shen Yinbing raised her foot and kicked Gao Fei's leg naturally and casually.

"Next time you kick me, remember to take off your shoes. That's the way it feels."

Goofy raised his paper cup: "come on, beauty, let's go."

He touched the glass with Gao Fei. Shen Yinbing took a sip and nodded: "well, it's quite good to drink in a paper cup, and the taste is still authentic. It's like when someone's a jerk, it doesn't matter when and where. "

Gao Fei filled himself with wine and said faintly, "Mr. Shen, you didn't come to me tonight to satirize me, did you? I think you'd better talk quickly and have a drink. After that, I have to go to the hotel over there. Lao Wang, they are still waiting for me. "

Shen Yinbing also light said: "I came to you tonight, is to tell you two things."

"What's the first thing?"

"My dad told me a lot about the secret of your life."

"Your father told you about me?"

Gao Fei, who was about to drink, slowly put down his paper cup and looked at Shen Yinbing: "what did he say to you?"

Gently shaking the paper cup, Shen Yinbing said, "all that should be said."

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, took up the paper cup and drank it all: "you want to tell me all those things?"

Shen Yinbing shook his head: "I won't tell you."

Goofy's face turned cold: "then why do you want to say this to me?"

Shen Yinbing leisurely said: "I said this to tell you that if you want to find out your own life experience, I am the only one in the world who can solve your doubts, because my father told me that he would not talk about your life experience with anyone again."

He poured half a glass of wine for himself. Gao Fei said slowly: "in fact, when I heard that she had been very good, I don't want to know who she is any more."

Shen Yinbing sneered: "you are running away. You don't want to know who your parents are

Without waiting for Shen Yinbing to finish, Gao Fei suddenly whispered: "I'm just running away. What's your business?"

Gao Fei's sudden turn of face startled Shen Yinbing, but then he calmed down and continued to sneer: "but I don't believe you will never want to know who your parents are."

Slowly pinch the paper cup flat, red wine sprinkled on the bar, goofy voice a little hoarse: "then you will tell me this?"

Shen Yinbing nodded: "yes."

Gao Fei Huoran raised his head and grabbed Shen Yinbing's right wrist: "then say it quickly!"

Shen Yinbing struggled for a moment, shaking his head: "I will say, not now."

"When was that?"

"I think my dad told you all about it."

"Or use this question to coerce me?"

Gao Fei sneered, his fingers gradually increased their strength, and his tone was gloomy: "Shen Yinbing, if you are smart, say it. Don't think that I will cherish the fragrant jade, reluctant to torture women. If you annoy me, I'll make you regret knowing the secret

Feeling that his right wrist was like being pinched by a pair of vice, Shen Yinbing struggled fiercely without success, and his painful eyes were red: "you, you let me go, I'm in pain!"

"Tell me, and I'll let you go!"

"No, I don't!"

"I don't know!"

"No! Even if it's cut off, I won't say - goofy, you bastard, you bully girls, you're shameless! "

Shen Yinbing cried, tears of pain trickled down.

But Gao Fei is still gradually increasing his strength. His voice is cold, but his wording is very charming: "say it, it doesn't hurt to say it, darling, say it --"

"Say, say your head, you bastard!"

Shen Yinbing suddenly lowered his head, opened his mouth and bit Gao Fei's arm!

Gao Fei shivered in pain. He was about to pull back, but he was afraid of hurting Shen Yinbing's small white teeth. It would be a crime to pull down Shen Yinbing's two front teeth.

"Oh, do you belong to a dog? OK, I'll let go, and so will you

Since Shen Yinbing can not use strong, Gao Fei had to loosen her wrist.

Shen Yinbing also loosened his mouth, quickly rubbed his blue wrist, tears like beads, crackled on the bar, choked and scolded: "you bastard, stinking, you will know how to bully me, are you still a man?"

Looking at his arm bitten by a circle of bloodstains, Gao Fei said impatiently: "if I really bully you, I will take you off and kill you on the spot. I won't let you bite my arm!"

Shen Yinbing shrieked: "you go away!"

Gao Fei raised his legs and got off the high chair, turned around and took a step, but sat down again: "no, this is my place. It's you who should go away."

Looking at Gao Fei, Mr. Shen's eyes were infuriated and said: "I swear, I will take you tonight --"

Goofy waved his hand: "don't say anything to me. Swearing means farting to me. OK, I ask you, do you really believe what your Laozi told you, and think I can protect you? "

Faced with such a poor man, Shen Yinbing didn't know what to do. She wiped her tears and tried to calm down. She said faintly, "I don't believe it. But if anything happens to me, you'll never know whose son you are. "

After taking the paper cup and drinking lipstick, President Shen suddenly got better and said with a smile: "goofy, I'm actually very happy now, because I know you can't protect me, but you have to protect me. Hee hee, I'm more happy to think that you'll accompany me in the face of unknown danger and probably be scared to pee. "

"I cry and laugh for a while. It's a real psycho. Don't worry. I haven't peed in my pants since the day I stood up to pee. "

Gao Fei sneered: "even if it's urine, it's urine in women."

Shen Yinbing quickly covered his ears: "smelly hooligan, don't say such dirty words!"

Gao Fei hissed to the ground: "don't bother me with this problem in the future. Come on, what's the second reason for coming to me? "

Shen Yinbing released her hand covering her ears, looked up at the lamp on the ceiling and said leisurely, "you are in trouble."

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