"I've been in trouble ever since I met you."

Goofy yawned and murmured, "you don't have to gloat. You've long been used to living in trouble. Come on, what's wrong with me? Are you pregnant, suspecting that I'm the father of your child and taking me home to be your husband? "

"You, you bastard, a dog can't spit Ivory out of its mouth!"

Shen Yinbing's face turned crimson and raised her foot to kick Gao Fei's left leg with a thin high heel.

Gao Fei's left foot was lifted, and his left hand quickly copied down. He grabbed the little foot, put his finger into the shoe, and scratched her feet quickly.

"Go away, go away, let me go!"

Shen Yinbing hurriedly retracts her feet, grabs the paper cup and tries to splash it, but her heart is pounding: the feeling of being scratched is itchy and numb, which is not only uncomfortable, but also with inexplicable desire.

Gao Fei didn't care. He lit a cigarette and said, "come on, what's wrong with me?"

As if afraid of Gao Fei scratching her feet again, Shen Yinbing pulled down her skirt and covered her feet. Then she said, "do you remember when you were in Beijing, you bullied a girl in the bath city?"

Gao Fei asked: "do I have one? I'm such a man of high moral character. Can I do that? "

Shen Yinbing sneered: "hum, don't put gold on your face. It will make me sick. I tell you, I saw that girl today. She came to me. I believe you should know why she came to me. "

Goofy said, "what else can she do when she comes to you? Most of all, she found that she was pregnant, so she rushed to southern Hebei to find a father for her child. "

It's pregnant again. We need to find a father for our child!

Shen Yinbing hated: "Gao Fei, why didn't I find out before? You are so shameless, you have no quality, you are extremely obscene, you have dirty thoughts, you are more disrespectful than scum, your mind is full of --"

"I'm full of ideas about men stealing and women prostitutes. When I see a beautiful girl, I want someone to give me a baby... I'll add these for you. Are you satisfied?"

Gao Fei's face suddenly became serious and said seriously: "to be honest, I am such a person, and I also regard these as advantages. But I am not ashamed, but proud, because I have thoroughly implemented the purpose of being a real villain, and I am proud of it. "

Shen Yinbing was really defeated by Gao Fei. She didn't want to talk to him anymore. She simply said, "that girl's name is Liang Jiaojiao, the daughter of director Liang of the development department. She was transferred to southern Hebei as a police officer and is currently Deputy Director of the square District branch. She came to me this afternoon and asked me about you

After a pause, Shen Yin said with a cold smile: "Gao Fei, she's the deputy director. Your restaurant is under the jurisdiction of others - I think she's not looking for you to be her child's father."

"She's here to take revenge on me. I didn't expect that Lao Liang's ability is not small. It's a joke that such a fool can be sent to southern Hebei to be deputy director."

Gao Fei took another paper cup, poured on the wine and asked, "she went to ask you about me. You will tell her where I am, won't you?"

"Of course, you just wait for the storm like revenge. I will cheer for you and give you spiritual support."

With a sneer, Shen Yinbing jumps off the high chair, grabs the small bag on the bar, and walks to the door of the hall with high heels.

Gao Fei ignored him, drinking alone.

In fact, he was very clear that Shen Yinbing had not told Liang Jiaojiao, otherwise she would not have come here.

She said that just to scare him.

"Che, do you think my brother is scared?"

After seeing Shen Yinbing's white BMW on the road, Gao Fei murmured, "Liang Jiaojiao? Oh, so her name is Liang Jiaojiao. Xiaojiaojiao, I advise you to be more stable, or you can't find a tune to cry when you have good fruit to eat. "

After a slow drink, goofy picked up his cell phone and was about to close the door to the hotel, but he thought about it and asked.

Since Shen Yinbing was added as a friend, Gao Fei, in order to distinguish her from other female netizens, specially set up a group for her. The name of the group is: mental hospital.

The only head in the mental hospital is on.

After clicking on the portrait, Gao Fei sent a question mark and said, "what are you doing now?"


"This son of a bitch, it hurts me so much. However, I've bitten his skin too. It's not too bad, hum. "

After shaking some painful wrists, Shen Yinbing heard a message coming from his mobile phone.

Since the addition of detective Zorro as a friend, Shen Yinbing's request is always online.

But her setting is to refuse anyone to add her as a friend.

Shen Yinbing quickly stopped the car by the side of the road. When she picked up her mobile phone and saw the message from Zorro, her eyes lit up and she quickly replied, "I went to a friend just now. I'm on my way home."

Detective Zorro quickly replied: "friend? Is it a boyfriend, or a boyfriend? "

"How can he ask me that? Does - does he care about it? "

After thinking like this, Shen Yinbing suddenly had a sweet feeling in her heart and quickly replied: "she's a girlfriend, a good friend from the University before."


"Well, women are all hypocritical. They don't blush when they open their eyes and tell lies. They even tell me that I am a woman! Oh, she said that because she was afraid that Zorro would be angry and jealous. Damn, it's trying to please Zorro. "

Gao Fei scolded low, but the cat's bad taste of playing with mice became more intense, typing back: "are you busy recently? If I'm not busy, I'd like to see you

When Shen Yinbing asked to see Gao Fei, he would not agree and refused.

But now, he offered to meet people.

Shen Yinbing, of course, doesn't know what Gao Fei really thinks. She's only excited about Zorro's desire to see her. When she's about to reply "yes, yes", she retracts her finger and murmurs, "although our palace wants to see him very much, our palace is a girl after all. We can't agree so fast, or we will lose the initiative."

Shen Yinbing is in a good mood, opens the CD on the car, and a piece of "moonlight goddess" flows out.

Gentle music, flowing slowly in the car, with the warmth of happiness.

Shen Yinbing deliberately pretends to be reserved here. Gao Fei knows very well. He just scolds the hypocrisy and doesn't ask again. He walks out of the restaurant with his mobile phone.

When the automatic rolling shutter door falls, the sound of information comes from goofy's mobile phone.

He didn't have to look, but he knew it was Shen Yinbing.

Sure enough, the girl replied: "I'm really busy with my work recently - I've just worked out my work schedule, so I should be able to spare a day. You say, I'll arrange to see you some day as soon as possible. "

"I'll see you some day? Cut, wait

Gao Fei sneers, but doesn't reply. He goes offline and walks to the hotel to find Lao Wang.

Shen Yinbing estimated that he had been reserved for about the same time before he sent a message back to detective Zorro. Then he closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, listening to the soft music. He began to wonder: when he asked me to meet, would he choose night or day? If it's daytime, it's better to say. But at night? After meeting in the evening, he will definitely invite me to the bar or coffee shop. Will he ask me to go to the hotel later? So, shall I go?

No, I will never go to the hotel with him. Even if I admire him, he is my Savior, and I should promise him by example, but I am a decent woman after all——

After thinking of the word "good family woman", Shen Yinbing couldn't help but chuckle, but felt that her cheek was a little hot.

This word, it's easy to think about that.

And most men also like good women.

After thinking for a long time, Shen Yinbing finally made up his mind: if he had that kind of request for me, I would never agree! At least, I won't agree until I know him thoroughly.

After making up her mind, Shen Yinbing found that there was no request for information in her mobile phone. She quickly opened the screen saver to see: Cha, that detective Zorro has gone offline!

Shen Yinbing had some silly eyes and some anger: "I'm so angry. How can he get off the line? Did he get angry that I didn't reply immediately? But he is a man. When a man invites a girl, shouldn't he have enough patience to wait for a reply? How can he get off the line? "

Looking at the gray head of detective Zorro, Shen Yinbing regretted: "well, he must have mistakenly thought that I didn't reply to the message immediately, but he didn't want to meet, so he got off the line in a rage. Shen Yinbing, Shen Yinbing, you are so stupid. Why should you be so reserved? Well, people are angry and don't pay attention to you. Let's do it for ourselves

Shen Yinbing's good mood disappeared immediately, as if the sound of "goddess of the moon" had become noise. After staring at her mobile phone for more than ten minutes, she sighed dejectedly and started the car.

More than 20 minutes later, Shen Yinbing arrived in front of the unit building in her residential area. It was already ten o'clock.

At 10 p.m. in midsummer, it is absolutely the prime time to enjoy the cool in the city. In the small park in front of the unit building, many residents gather here to play chess, play mahjong, drink and chat.

Shen Yinbing got out of the car and said hello to some old ladies with a strong smile. He quickly went back to his residence.

After getting into the room and shaking off her high-heeled shoes, Shen Yinbing didn't take a bath either. She went directly into the bedroom and lay heavily on the comfortable Simmons, rubbing her hair with her hands.

"Face is killing people."

Shen Yinbing murmured, she was thrown on the pillow of the mobile phone, but at this time came a clear message prompt sound.

It's almost a fish jump. Shen Yinbing jumps forward and grabs her mobile phone. Then she sees a message sent to her by detective Zorro: "sorry, the mobile phone just ran out of power and didn't reply to your message in time. Well, let's meet at 10 pm the day after tomorrow at Yanzishan square, OK? If you agree, I'll see you the night after tomorrow. If you don't agree, I'll talk about it later. "

"Ten o'clock in the evening at Yanzishan square? How could he find such a remote place? What does he want to do? Does he really want to plot against me? Do I agree or not? "

Shen Yinbing stared at the information for a moment, and finally clenched his teeth and quickly replied: "OK, at ten o'clock the day after tomorrow evening, Yanzishan square, see you

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