
With a flash of lightning, and a thunder, in Gao Fei's ear, let him can't help shivering, raised his head.

Gao Fei looked up and saw that Yan Hong was looking at him. In her eyes, she was almost dripping water.

Then, both of them moved their eyes.

Yan Hong raised her hand and gathered up her hair. Gao Fei tilted her left leg over her right.

Next, they didn't speak, but an inexplicable ambiguity rose slowly in the car, which made them feel very unnatural.

Gao Fei knew very well that when he was staring at other people's red legs just now, they also saw the change of his lower body.

But, why didn't she become angry? Did she want to be with me? After thinking of this, Gao Fei felt that his voice was dry. Dong Dong, who tried to suppress him, became more upright and fiery!

Since going to the foreign legion, goofy has removed himself from the ranks of good people.

In those days abroad, only famous European and American actress, at least he slept seven or eight.

As for the number of women he's ever had who depend on their bodies - even he can't count them.

The stimulating life of foreign mercenaries is not only carrying assault rifles to harvest human lives, but also sleeping with beautiful women of different ages and skin colors.

So, in the concept of goofy, sleeping with a woman is not only the most normal but also the simplest thing.

As long as one wishes, one is willing to be.

If you have to add a condition, it is that women should be beautiful and coquettish, such as Yan Hong

Gao Fei will never get his real respect for Yan Hong because she is Shen Yinbing's stepmother and daughter-in-law of Subei mountain.

In fact, in this world, it seems that there is no one worthy of Gao Fei's respect except Liang Ming.

Of course, Gao Fei doesn't bow to Yan Hong just because she is a little girl. He has to pay attention to the love between men and women.

But now, Gao Fei clearly smelled a bit of "mutual love". Through the four eyes of the two people just now, he keenly caught the commotion in Yan Hong's heart.

Gao Fei did not despise Yan Hong.

On the contrary, she also sympathizes with her: she is in the age of a tiger, and the northern Jiangsu mountain, which is over sixty years old, certainly can not satisfy her.

Man's primitive desire has nothing to do with love.

In other words: Yan Hong may really love Su Beishan, but it can't deny that she is eager to love a young man.

This is also why Yan Hong always dressed up coquettish reason, she is to vent her dissatisfaction.

But then again, Yan Hong even if there is the idea of red apricot out of the wall, but she dare?

Don't forget that she is the wife of the chairman of Beishan group. She is definitely a well-known person in Southern Hebei. No matter what kind of scandal she has, she can't bear it.

Looking at the heavy rain outside like a water column, Gao Fei thinks wildly. He suddenly feels very funny and thinks he is too self righteous. Just because of Yan Hong's eyes, he thinks so much.

In this way, Gao Fei's hot and dry heart slowly subsided. When he looked at Yan Hong, his eyes returned to their previous uninhibited.

Yan Hong also regained her composure and asked with a smile, "what songs do you like to listen to?"

"Well, is there any kind of bitterness and tact, such as" the end of the earth "sung by the Philharmonic Orchestra?"

Goofy thought about it and said the name of a song.

The song "the end of the earth" sung by the Philharmonic Orchestra can be said to be an old song with a long history, which is rarely heard by modern young people.

Goofy remembers this song because a girl loves it very much.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that you guys still like listening to this song. You are lucky. I happen to have a CD of this song."

Yan Hong looks at Gao Fei's eyes twinkle, finds out a disc and puts it into the CD.

The infectious song of Xin Orchestra trickled out slowly from the sound: "the wind stops here, the rain is silent here, it also laughs at my amorous. Shadow accompanied by the side, count those past, how many years of happiness and sadness, who put the moon into a full moon? I trade the future for you and me. It's never easy... "

After the singing, Gao Fei's last desire disappears, and his eyes staring at the road ahead are a little crazy.

In the rain and fog, a girl slowly emerged in front of him, giggling and jumping like a deer, shouting to him: "come on, little fool, come after my sister, catch up with me, I'll let you kiss me."

Suddenly, the camera flies. The girl who is pressed by him clenches her lips. Her slender fingers scratch his chest. Tears slide down her cheek on the pillow and gasp to apologize: "Xiaofei, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you! I can only give you my first time, as a compensation for you - Xiaofei, forget me, you will find your own happiness

Then, the girl is pulling a face, sharp words: "goofy, I warn you, don't come to me in the future! You and I are not the same people at all! Yes, I admit that for the sake of money, I betrayed my love and betrayed myself, but I don't think it's wrong to do so, because I need these now, I need Xiangche villa! But what can you give me? Just your salary of 3000 yuan a month? All for me? Ha, goofy, don't be naive. 3000 yuan is not enough to buy me cosmetics! "

Gao Fei doesn't understand why he can't forget that girl and every word she said after so long!

Even if a European and American actress kneels under him and blows to him, he still can't forget her.


Is this first love?

Can't be forgotten for a lifetime?

Goofy looked at the front, completely immersed in the period of eight years ago, the corners of his mouth twitching——

I don't know how long after that, he didn't notice that the heavy rain had turned into drizzle. "The end of the world" had already finished singing, and the car had already come to the production area of Yanshan Cement Plant. Until the car stopped, a nice voice sounded: "here it is."

Like waking up from a dream, Gao Fei suddenly turns his head and sees Yan Hong looking at him with strange eyes.

"Ah, here it is?"

Gao Fei quickly turned his head, but felt cool on his cheek. He raised his hand and wiped it, only to find that there were water stains.

"Well, here we are."

Yan Hong grasped the steering wheel with both hands, looked at the soft voice and asked, "just now, did you think of your former lover?"

Why do you say that

Yan Hong youyou replied: "if you think of others, you will never cry, laugh and be sweet."

"Your observation is very careful. Yes, I think of my first love, but it's all over, and there's nothing to think about."

Gao Fei pushed the door open and said casually, "well, Mr. Yan, thank you for sending me back. Do you want to come to my house?"

Gao Fei is sure that when he asks Yan Hong to come home, it's just a polite word. After all, people send him all the way home, so you have to be polite, right?

Just he didn't expect, Yan Hong said: "OK, you wait for me, I'll park the car."

"Ah, you really go."

Goofy is a bit of a mystery.

Yan Hong ignored him and parked beside the gate of Yanshan Cement Plant.

The place where Gao Fei lives is called the factory area. In fact, it is a shantytown.

After the relocation of the cement plant in those years, because the place was not developed in time, the villagers nearby built some simple houses here and let them out.

The conditions here are very bad. The roadway is narrow and can barely pass a tricycle. Of course, Yan Hong has to park the car at the door.

Yan Hong stopped the car and didn't get off immediately. She didn't know what to do inside.

Gao Fei had to light a cigarette and wait patiently.

After waiting for five minutes, the door of Ferrari was opened. A beautiful young woman with only a little lipstick and black suit, white shirt and black heel shoes went down from above.

If you want to say that Yan Hong was a slut to the core, now she has become a white-collar, dignified and charming, which is quite different from the image just now.

Looking at Gao Fei in a daze, Yan Hong smiles and raises her hand to the back of her head: "why, don't you know me?"

"I don't know. If I hadn't seen you get out of the car, I would have thought you were someone else."

Goofy gently shakes his head, praises, pure eyes, with appreciation.

"Ha ha, if I still dress up like I did just now, I'm afraid I'll be mistaken by your neighbors. You've brought a smile lady from elsewhere."

Yan Hong is wandering in the hand satchel, unexpectedly some good silly good naive simple.

"I don't have any neighbors here. At most, I know my sister-in-law in the buffet."

With a bitter smile, Gao Fei took the lead in walking to the roadway: "be careful when you land, don't step on the muddy water."

In the middle of the narrow tunnel, every one meter or so, there is a brick. Under it is the muddy water almost as high as the brick.

Looking at her high-heeled shoes, Yan Hong said, "no problem."

One before the other, they went to the depth of the alley.

After a few steps, Gao Fei hears a cry from Yan Hong behind him. He quickly turns back to see that she holds her hands flat, raises her right foot, and is about to fall into the mud.

Although high-heeled shoes look good, they are not suitable for this kind of road.

Gao Fei turns around, reaches out his hand, grabs Yan Hong's small waist in time, and embraces her in his arms.

Yan Hong, as if she didn't realize that she was being held by a man in her arms, patted her breast lightly with her small hand, and her face was frightened: "fortunately, you reached out in time, otherwise I had to fall."

"Be careful."

Goofy released her waist and grabbed her right hand.

Yan Hong also didn't refuse, let him hold his little hand, follow him and stagger forward.

Standing at Gao Fei's home, or at the gate of the nest, Yan Hong was surprised: "do you live here?"

"Ang, come in. Although the room is a little rough, it is clean at least."

Gao Fei said, quickly walked to the bed, lifted the sheet, and wrapped up the dirty socks and underwear.

"Yes, it's really clean. Except for the bed and table, there seems to be nothing left."

Yan Hong slowly came in.

"Hey, hey, sit on the edge of the bed."

Goofy patted the edge of the bed with a smile.

Yan Hong didn't sit down, but slowly said: "Gao Fei, follow me."

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