"With you?"

High fly one Leng: "is elopement?"

"Elope, you head!"

Yan Hongjiao raised her hand and knocked on Gao Fei's forehead: "I mean, I'll give you another place to live!"

Depending on Gao Fei's skill, he could avoid or block Yan Hong's hand, but he didn't.

Men, sometimes quite cheap, like to be beaten by beautiful women.

"I'd love to change places, but I don't have the money."

Gao Fei said without shame: "Hey, this is the place where friends help."

Yan Hong didn't say anything. She took out a bank card from her bag and handed it to Gao Fei: "there are probably more than 100000 in it, which is enough for you to rent a good house?"

Goofy didn't pick up the card. Instead, he frowned slightly: "why, do you really want to support me?"

"You don't want to?"

"Men have dignity."

"Well, I didn't say that."

Yan Hong drew back her hand and turned to the door.

But Gao Fei said, "you wait, I'll think about it again."


More than ten minutes later, Gao Fei, with a canvas bag in his left hand and Yan Hong's little hand in his right hand, walked out of the alley and came to the gate of the factory.

Although Yan Hong doesn't know what's in the bag, according to her meaning, it's better to throw the bag away. Anyway, as long as you have money, there's nothing you can't buy.

But Gao Fei didn't agree. Yan Hong had to follow him.

They just arrived at the gate of the factory. A middle-aged woman, whose waist is thinner than the gasoline barrel, just came out of the small sales department. Looking at Gao Fei's face, she was shocked: "ah, Gao Fei, is this your daughter-in-law next to you? What a wave it looks like

What, dare to say I'm a good wave?

Yan Hong was furious when she heard the words. She broke away Gao Fei's hand and pinched her waist with both hands.

Although Yan Honggui is the wife of the chairman of Beishan group, her education level is not high, and her character is also very unruly, and her ability of swearing is first-class.

Not long ago, goofy just learned.

Gao Fei raised his hand in time and covered her mouth: "Hey, slow down, this elder sister-in-law is from a corner of Northeast China. They boast that women are beautiful. It's good waves. The more waves, the more beautiful they are."

Yan Hong stunned: "really?"

"Will I lie to you?"

Goofy turned to his sister-in-law and said with a smile, "ha, sister-in-law, you are the real wave."

The elder sister-in-law was praised and said with a smile: "the elder sister-in-law is not as good as your daughter-in-law's waves. However, the elder sister-in-law once had waves, and now - alas, the waves can't get up."

Gao Fei is really not in the mood to discuss with his sister-in-law who is more in the mood. After a few words, he turns around and leaves.

But his sister-in-law stopped him again: "Hey, Gao Fei, slow down. Are you moving away and living with your daughter-in-law?"

Gao Fei glanced at Yan Hong and nodded: "yes, I finally left this corner."


"You're welcome, you're welcome."

"Oh, don't go yet!"

"Sister in law, you don't want to give me some souvenirs, do you?"

"My sister-in-law has to give you something."

My sister-in-law, who had been in waves, said with a smile, "but it's not wine, it's debt! Gao Fei, you gave me two Hongtashan, four boxes of instant noodles, three pieces of soap and seven pairs of socks on credit here... Now you're moving to your new house, and you don't know when you'll come back. Did you give these accounts to my sister-in-law first? "


"Ask you a question."

Looking at Gao Fei sitting on the sofa smoking, Yan Hong peeled an orange.

After a good meal and a comfortable bath, Gao Fei half closed his eyes and said, "do you want to ask me, when you tried to support me, I refused, but why do I agree to spend your money now?"

"Well, you are very clever."

Yan Hong put an orange petal into her mouth.

"I'm smart."

Goofy yawned: "I refused you at that time, except that I couldn't solve you, the most important thing was that I had dignity."

Yan Hong sneered: "cut, you know me now?"


"Tell me about it."

"You are pungent and coquettish on the surface. You seem to be superior. In fact, you have low self-esteem."

"I feel inferior?"

Yan Hong's face changed.

Gao Fei nodded: "yes, you are very inferior. Don't deny it, because I can see from Shen Yinbing's attitude towards you that you are not only inferior, but also empty. Your bright appearance and superior life can't make up for your emptiness. "


Yan Hong low scolded a, then cut off the topic: "that you say, why do you now take the money I give you?"

"I don't want you, I borrow you, I borrow you. When I have money, I'll pay you back, plus the interest. "

Goofy yawned again, patted his belly and murmured, "well, I'm going to sleep. I've been busy all afternoon. I'm really tired. When you leave, remember to close the door for me. "

After coming out of Yanshan Cement Plant and arriving in the city, Yan Hong took Gao Fei to a restaurant to have a big meal, and found him a three-star hotel temporarily.

Originally, Yan Hong wanted to arrange a five-star hotel for him, but Gao Fei said that he would lose sleep at night if he lived in such a high-class place. Yan Hong just jokingly scolded him and came to this hotel.

In fact, the three-star hotel is also very good, at least compared with the place where goofy used to live, it can be said to be a paradise.

By the time goofy settled in, it was already dark.

It is said that after Yan Hong helps Gao Fei finish these things, she should go.

But I don't know why, she didn't go, but here and he have a chat.

Until Gao Fei politely rushed her, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes. She put the unfinished oranges on the table, grabbed the small bag on the sofa and walked to the door.

Yan Hong doesn't want to go.

Even she could not understand why she had such a mind.

Yan Hong admits that after she married Subei mountain, she enjoyed the good things that other women can't get in their lifetime, such as luxury houses, luxury cars, and the high position of vice president.

But as Gao Fei said, in fact, she is very empty, not only physically, but also mentally.

The sincere love between the old man of sixty and the young lady of Huaxin can only be seen on TV or in books. It doesn't exist in reality.

However, Yan Hong is by no means the kind of woman who has no life without a man - she has been married to Su Beishan for several years, and even if she hasn't had a drizzle like sex life for several months, she hasn't come out of the wall.

Some women, superficial debauchery, in fact, the heart is more feudal than those ladies.

But Yanhong doesn't want to leave tonight. She wants to stay and spend a night with this man. That's worthy of God's excellent skin bag.

Even after the event, she will never see Gao Fei again!

However, Gao Fei has already ordered her to leave. If Yan Hong begged to stay, she might still get Gao Fei's nourishment, but she would be despised by him, and then put forward a series of requirements for her.

This is not what Yan Hong wants to see.

If Gao Fei really had such an idea, let alone she took the initiative to stay, even if Gao Fei knelt down in front of her and begged her to stay, she would only sneer and slam the door.

Yan Hong walked out of the guest room, biting her lips, drooping her head, holding her heart in her left hand, and murmured with a bitter smile: "Alas, Yan Hong, what's the matter with you today? Is it true that, as he said, your spirit is empty and your heart is too low?"

Just when Yan Hong felt at a loss, a sudden voice suddenly rang out: "Yo, this sister is very beautiful, er - come on, sister, go to my brother's room and have fun."

Yan Hong looked up and saw a middle-aged man with a big stomach. He was looking at her with a drunken look and reached for her arm.

After being refused, Yan Hong was not happy at all. When she saw that the man was frivolous to her, she suddenly burst into a rage. She opened his hand and yelled: "go away!"

Obviously drink big man slightly Leng, face big change scold a way: "lie trough, you specially dare to let me roll, see me not good - ouch!"

The man's words haven't finished, Yan Hong raised her hand to his fat face, and slapped a loud slap in the face!

"Ah, you smelly watch, dare to beat me, lie in the trough - Oh!"

The man was furious and raised his hand to grab Yan Hong's hair. But when he raised his right hand, he felt a pain in his crotch. In the scream, he held his crotch in his hands and knelt in front of her shivering.

"If you go to NIMA, you dare to harass me like a bear. I'm really impatient. You think I'll forgive you if I kneel down and make amends to my mother. Dream about it

In Yan Hong's sneer, she swung the small bag with her hands and smashed it hard at the man's fat head.

The small bag is not big. It is also made of crocodile skin. It has no lethality.

However, there are hard currency such as mobile phones and keys inside. After hitting the man's head, although it didn't hurt him, it was painful enough.

Little brother was Yanhong knee top for a while, the man's hands had covered the crotch, the head was attacked, and hurriedly raised his hand to hold the head, but the hand just left, below the small head is painful.

It turns out that when Yan Hong smashed the fat head with her small bag in her hands, she didn't have a spare time at her feet. She just threw her feet at his crotch.

The man, who is nearly 1.8 meters tall and weighs more than 100 kg, is as stupid as a pig in front of Yan Hong. His hands can't take care of both his upper and lower heads at the same time. He just screams out: "ah, kill

"Stop it

In Yan Hong a cavity of resentment toward the fat man to vent, two men ran out of the elevator.

"Damn, if you tell me to stop, I'll stop? OK, I'll stop. Can I use my feet? "

Yan Hong didn't look at the two men running over. She was cruel to the fat man. She covered her crotch with her hands and fell to the ground.

Seeing that Yanhong, regardless of her own dissuasion, is still wantonly abusing boss Wang, Shi Dongpeng is furious and runs over quickly. He grabs her arm and throws it aside: "I'll let you stop!"

Shi Dongpeng is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau of Shizhong District. He is a retired soldier. Although he has been respected and treated well over the years, he is no longer brave. However, he is much better than boss Wang, who is more generous and fat than a pig. He throws Yan Hong on the corridor wall and then pinches her neck.

Shi Dongpeng just made Yan Hong, but he didn't say anything. When he saw the door open, a young man appeared at the door and said coldly, "Oh, a big man bullies a woman. What a prestige!"

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