If there is no danger, Mr. Qin doesn't mind riding on a camel alone, flirting with a handsome guy and enjoying the honeymoon trip.

But now, just when the terrible desert storm is coming, who let teacher Qin ride a crazy camel alone, she must be anxious with whom: how can I drive a crazy camel, a coquettish little woman? Isn't it true that I want my life?

Therefore, when Tietu ordered Gaofei to separate from her, she was the first to scream not to ride a camel alone.

In fact, when the camel began to run crazy, Gao Fei had the idea to separate from Qincheng City, because he was also very clear that if they rode a camel together, they would surely fall behind after a long time.

In the desert storm, stragglers are aware of death.

However, when Tietu roared to let him take away Qincheng, Gaofei didn't want to do so.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but that she doesn't dare: if Qincheng is really allowed to ride a camel alone, even though she is so brave when she is in bed, a fool can guess that she will be bumped down by the running camel soon, and then completely buried in the yellow sand. Hundreds or even thousands of years later, the descendants may dig up a beautiful desert corpse from here.

Gao Fei raised his body slightly, and was about to shout something to tie Tu, when he heard Qin Cheng crying in his arms: "Gao Fei, you said, you said if I was in danger, you would come to save me even if you were dead! You said - woo woo

"Fool, what do you think? How can I abandon you?"

Gao Fei hugs Qincheng's waist, raises his hand to tie Tu, and indicates to him that he won't let Qincheng ride a camel alone.

Tietu said angrily, "are you crazy? Come on, get her out of here

Tietu's roar did not stop. In the desert, which was as calm as a mirror, suddenly there were wisps of fine sand rising up. Old Harry, who was in front of him, howled like an old wolf: "the trade wind is coming. The trade wind is coming. Hu Da is going to be angry! Because there are women. Women make Hu Da angry! "

Before the desert storm, the faster the trade wind comes, the larger the scale of the storm.

Originally, when old Harry with rich experience saw that the weather was not good, the desert storm would take half an hour to come. He could bring the camel team to a dilapidated temple in front of the ancient river more than ten minutes in advance, so that he could ride out the storm safely.

But he did not expect that the trade wind would come so fast, more than ten minutes ahead of his expectation!

In this way, even if they can arrive at the "safe harbor" in time, it will be too late for them to make preparations for taking shelter.

After a whine, old Harry half turned to look behind him, then took a dagger out of his crotch bag, raised it high, yelled something, and stabbed it into the camel's skin.

The camel was startled by the pain and gave out an amazing moo. Suddenly he stood up like a horse. His two powerful hind legs pushed on the ground like a golden arrow and flew out with a whoosh. It was at least twice as fast as when he was running!

The camel's desperate dash drove the camel behind.

All the camels let out a cry of grief, raised their hooves and tried to catch up.

At this time, all the camels were out of control. Tietu, who was so anxious, only turned his head and yelled something. Then he bent down on the camel, grasped the rope tightly and did not dare to move.

Although Qincheng was afraid, she also heard old Harry's words.

Then she suddenly understood why old Harry was overcharging them.

At the same time, he suddenly understood why Tietu was hostile to her at the beginning.

It turns out that there is a saying in the desert, or an old superstition: Hu Da does not like foreign women to enter his old man's territory. If foreign women enter the deep desert, he will be angry and windy.

Women are regarded as "filthy" by people in the desert because of their original physical characteristics (related to their great aunt).

They are the children of Hu Da, just like their parents' daughters. Even if their daughters are not so good, parents can forgive them.

But women from other places can't do it. Few of them believe in Hu da. When they enter the deep desert, they are equivalent to desecrating Hu da. Only in this way can they be angry and use the storm to wipe out the heretics

Qincheng is smart enough. I guessed these from old Harry's words and realized that even if Tietu was not a native desert resident, at least he knew these rules very well.

Unfortunately, Gao Fei didn't know, otherwise, what he said would not bring Qincheng into the desert.

When he also understood this truth, it was too late. Ten camels were running wildly. The yellow sand kicked by the camels in front of them was blown on the exposed skin of the fruit by the wind, causing pain.

Desert storm, coming.

The bright and bright sun just now has turned into a faint yellow color.

But it didn't take long for the sun to become more and more hazy. The seemingly distant black line, like a black dragon, roared and quickly came to the sky of the camel team, and opened its mouth to swallow the pale sun.

The sky suddenly darkened without warning. Hundreds of millions of tons of yellow sand, under the command of Hu Da, roared and swept the whole desert.

In the wind, sometimes even the whole huge sand dune is running around like feet.

In the mainland, if the wind speed can reach level 9 or so, it will cause great damage. The tiles of houses will be blown away, and the trees with the thickness of buckets may be broken.

But the gale of force nine is in the desert. If it's not reasonable, it's too childish. Old Harry and camel, who are used to gale, may regard the gale of force nine as "cool" given by Hu da.

The wind speed that can make old Harry run wildly has reached the limit of wind speed, level 12!

The roaring wind rolled up almost all the yellow sand in the desert and rolled Northwest with all the strength. It swept away the sunlight, the desert and all the camel shadows in front of Gaofei.

Qincheng is wearing goggles on her face. If she wants to, she can "appreciate" the strong wind of force 12, which mainland people can't see in their whole life. But now she is crying in a low voice with her eyes closed tightly, her hands holding Gao Fei's arms tightly.

Many times, Miss Qin thinks that she is a walking corpse. Because of a chance, she is forced to do it in front of her husband and the man who is protecting her now

That kind of humiliation, let her thoroughly degenerate, make her deeply infatuated with the feeling of being enriched by this man, as if feel that in the world, in addition to being done by him, there is no thing worthy of her treasure.

Including her own life.

Her fantasy more than once, maybe dead is better than alive!

Because the man she is deeply infatuated with has his own woman.

Maybe only death can wash away the shame on her and make her remember that she is still a dignified person.

However, when death came so truly, she was extremely afraid.

She found that no matter how comfortable it is to die, it is better to live.

At least, at this moment, she can feel that Gao Fei cares about her.

Otherwise, why would goofy hold her so tightly, for fear that she would be bumped down by the camel?

It was the strength from Gao Fei's arm that slowly drove away the inner fear of Qincheng city and calmed her down. Then there was an inexplicable excitement: didn't I long to be with him forever? Since you can't realize this wish when you are alive, if you die in this storm at the same time, it's also a good ending!

This idea, let Qincheng from excited, into crazy, and then lost his mind, turned to look at the pressure on the back of the high fly.

Because Gao Fei's face is wearing a mask and goggles, and his head is also wearing a hat, Qincheng city can't see the expression on his face, and can't see his eyes clearly, but from his powerful arm, he can realize that this man is with his strong tenacity, gritting his teeth, raising his hand, and beating the camel with a whip, trying to keep himself from falling behind.

In fact, it is precisely because Gao Fei has always been pushing hard on the camel that he has not left behind for the time being.

But I believe that before long, the camel carrying two people will be gradually thrown away by his companions and lost in the vast Yellow sand alone.

Gao Fei also knows this very well. If he wants to stay behind, he can either push Qincheng down or go down himself.

All along, Gao Fei has positioned Qincheng as a bed mate. He can go through fire and water for her, but it doesn't mean he loves her.

Love is a strange thing.

Sometimes, even if a woman gives her all to a man, she may not get a man's heart, just like Qincheng and Gaofei.

Sometimes, even if a woman doesn't do anything, she always makes trouble for men, but men still can't forget her, so they are willing to do anything for her, just like Gao Fei and Shen Yinbing.

Gao Fei admits that he doesn't love Qincheng, but takes her as a tacit partner.

According to boss Gao's current status and his pretty good little white face image, it's easy to find a good bed mate.

Will you die for a woman who doesn't love and just enjoys being crazy with her in bed?

I believe many men will put up a middle finger, shake and say: no!

Goofy thought he was the same kind of man.

However, at the moment when he had to push Qincheng down to survive, he finally chose inexplicably - he wanted to jump off the camel and fight for the chance to survive for Qincheng!

When this thought came to his mind, Gao Fei was still mumbling in his heart: it's not because I love her, but because I brought her out, so I have to let others go back safely. This is the principle of being responsible and being a man.

After making up his mind, Gao Fei takes a deep breath. He is about to lie down in Qincheng's ear and tell her to hold on to the camel. He wants to jump down on foot to catch up with the camel in front of him (the camel Qincheng used to ride is now as light as a swallow) when he suddenly feels a sharp pain in her arm!

Qincheng took off his mask and bit him on the arm.

One bite, see the blood.

After his arm was hurt, Gao Fei pulled back subconsciously. Before he had time to shout, Qin Cheng suddenly fell under the camel and screamed: "Gao Fei, don't mind me, don't forget me, run!"

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