Gao Fei didn't expect anything. Qincheng city suddenly bit him and forced him to retract his arm in order to let him release her so that she could fall off the camel, so as to reduce the burden of the camel and let him catch up with the camel team.

At this moment, Gao Fei was moved, and his nose was suddenly sour: why should she sacrifice for me like this? Besides giving her happiness physically, what did I give her back?

I'm an old man who brings out other people's wives. Why do I watch her die for me in order to survive?

If I leave her alone and run for my life, did my parents give birth to me?

No, I would rather be buried in the desert with her than live on idly.

Otherwise, I can't sleep peacefully for the rest of my life!

At the moment of falling off the camel in Qincheng, these thoughts flashed up in Gao Fei's mind.

When he suddenly looked back, Qincheng's delicate body, like a broken kite, was blown far away by the strong wind mixed with yellow sand.

Gao Fei didn't hesitate any more. He jumped up and rushed to Qincheng with the strong wind: if you want to die, let's die together!


Will he come down to me?

Will he ride a camel against the wind?

If he didn't care about me at all, but ran for my life alone, would I die unjustly?

If he dares to run for his life alone, I will pester him for a lifetime even if I become a fierce ghost!

When Qincheng fell off the camel and was blown like a paper kite by the strong wind, it was very sober in its mind.

At this moment, she suddenly regretted that she should not have died like this.

Also had the deep resentment, to that has the possibility to escape alone man's resentment!

But no matter what, she has now taken the initiative to fall off the camel, leaving the hope of life to the man.

Qincheng's body rolled with the wind, and his head hit the yellow sand hard. Before the pain came, his body turned up again and floated further away.

I'm dying!

Suddenly, all the negative thoughts of Qincheng city disappeared, including the resentment of Gao Fei's escape alone. People often say that if you really love someone, I wish him a happy life. Since I love Gao Fei so much, it's not the right choice to let him escape alone. Why hate him?

Gao Fei, if there is an afterlife, I must wait for you and be your wife!

A smile, when her body was rolled up, from the corner of Qincheng mouth (mask has been secretly removed by her), happy and peaceful, even the yellow sand all over the sky, can not cover up this kind and pure smile.

However, the smile soon solidified in the corner of Qincheng's mouth, because she saw that a shadow, like a vigorous flying eagle, broke through the yellow sand in the sky, rushed to her face, and grabbed her hair in a loud shout.

Then the two men fell to the ground and rolled far down the dune.

Rolling, Qincheng has been open-minded, looking at the man holding him tightly, tears surging up, so that she can no longer see everything.

Goofy, goofy!

He didn't abandon me, he really came back to save me!

Fool, why do you do this? Do you love me!?

Qincheng bit his lips hard. When he tasted the fresh blood, he screamed: "fool, fool! Why did you come and why did you come back! Do you know that I fell the camel on purpose to pull you together... "

Qincheng has not finished shouting this paragraph, a large yellow gravel, buried her and Gao Fei.

The whole world, all the love and hatred, suddenly disappeared at this moment, leaving only the darkness and the heart beating sound before suffocation. You can also feel the man holding her tightly.

In the end, I will die with him. I will be content with him all my life, alas!

Qincheng sighed happily, ready to accept the suffocation death, but suddenly feel a pain in the hair, the body can't help standing up.

Then, the flying sand all over the sky appeared in her world again, and then she heard Gao Fei roar: "hold my waist, don't let go!"

It turned out that after being buried in the yellow sand, Gao Fei immediately broke through the sand, took Qincheng's hair and pulled her out from below.

Qin teacher is to live and die with Gao Fei as the best destination in this life, but Gao Fei does not think so: he can not die, he wants to live back, because he has too much concern!

Subconsciously, Qincheng put his hands around Gao Fei's waist, and his hoarse voice interrupted in the strong wind: "Gao Fei, we can't escape. Really, I, I can't see the road, nothing!"

With his back to the southeast, Gao Fei holds Qincheng in his right hand. His legs are separated to prevent him from falling down. The yellow sand from his back strikes him hard on his back and neck. It hurts like a bullet.

In fact, Qincheng is right. In this case, no matter how powerful Gao Fei is, he won't last long. He will soon be blown away by the strong wind, and then he will be buried in the yellow sand tens of meters deep, and die.

However, the strong desire to survive, let him do the final effort, even in vain.

Bang - a stone blown by the strong wind, as big as a child's fist, hit Gao Fei hard on the back of the head, making him black in front of his eyes, staggering a few times, and almost fell to the ground.

How long can I hold on? Can I just die here?


In front of Gao Fei's eyes, he became black and couldn't help giving up his resistance. When the wind blew away, he heard a clear camel bell!

The crisp camel bell, like the lightning splitting the dark clouds, scared away the God of death who had already grasped Gao Fei's throat with both hands, and made him suddenly wake up: how can I forget my brother!?

In the sound of the camel bell, the three camels, under the control of two people, rushed to Gao Fei with a speed faster than the strong wind. Then they suddenly turned around and yelled, "come on, get on the camel!"

It was Tietu who was shouting.

It turned out that after Gaofei and Qincheng fell off the camel, the camel ran forward like a monkey who escaped from Wuzhishan, and soon caught up with Tietu.

Tietu turned around and saw the empty camel. He was shocked and yelled at ye Xinshang: "Gaofei is gone!"

Ye Xinshang, who is in the process of galloping, is always paying attention to Gao Fei and his wife. He also sees them rolling down the camel one after another. When Tietu roars, he suddenly pulls the reins to force the camel to turn around quickly. Then he reaches out his hand and grabs the galloping camel. Following old Harry's example, he pulls out a short knife on his leg and stabs it on his buttock.

Camel eat pain, in the leaf heart injury under the traction, whining to the road ran past.

Just in time to arrive when the high flying is difficult to support.

After a big drink, tie Tu burst up and flew to the camel that Gao Fei and his wife were riding on.

Although he was almost blown away by the strong wind, he could still catch the camel's tail in time. With one effort, he turned up abruptly and landed between the two humps accurately.

Because of his big body, the camel he rode was the largest of the ten camels.

In addition, he has always been in the second position everywhere, after the break, has not whipped the camel, so the camel still maintains a certain amount of physical strength.

Then he gave up his camel to Gaofei and Qincheng.

After seeing Tietu jump on the camel, ye Xinshang immediately turns the horse's head and shouts, "run!"

Before ye Xinshang's words were heard, Gao Fei had already held Qincheng city in his arms, turned over and jumped on the camel, and kicked the camel's stomach with the tips of his feet. The camel suffered from pain and ran against the southeast wind.

Although Gaofei and Qincheng are still riding a camel together, they will still lag behind in speed, but this camel is the strongest and has the best physical strength. Even if they can't catch up with other camels, they won't lag behind too much.

And the most important thing is that now Tietu and ye Xinshang have come back. Gaofei is no longer looking after Qincheng alone. He can throw her to the other two's camels when the camel's strength is low.

In this way, three camels take turns carrying two people, so the burden is much lighter.

In the process of galloping, Gao Fei hugs Qincheng's waist. He doesn't care that the two pride in front of her chest will be pressed into cakes. He presses them hard on her back and shouts: "don't bite my arm again!"

Crazy sand all over the sky, doomsday atmosphere, at this moment seems to have lost their terrible, let her voice, even with a charming flavor: "brother Fei, I will not."

Qincheng is five years older than Gao Fei, and usually calls him by his name.

Goofy is used to it.

Now, she suddenly called Feige, this kind of feeling, just like making her comfortable gibberish - made Feige in this life and death line of bad environment, also can't help but in the heart of a swing, scolded a fox.

Under the observation of teacher Qin, Tietu is no doubt a good camel driver, and seems to be familiar with the road. She keeps shouting. Ye Xinshang changes her running direction a little, which makes her feel very strange. She wants to ask Gao Fei: is that cool guy a native of desert?

Less gossip. With the concerted efforts of Gao Fei, the three camels finally caught up with old Harry and others after running for more than ten minutes.

Old Harry had run down a dune first.

Below the sand dunes is a ferry of the ancient Kongque River. A stone roof similar to bread suddenly appears in the vast desert.

It turns out that many years ago, it was a temple built by local residents who believed in Hu da.

After the disappearance of the Western civilization, most of this isolated temple was buried in yellow sand, with only the roof of more than one person exposed.

Here is the holy place for old harilai to escape the storm.

By the time they got here, several more responsive sand wolves had arrived here ahead of time. After seeing so many people and camels rushing over, the sand wolves hiding on the side of the roof sobbed and whined a few times, but did not escape.

Old Harry didn't care. He rolled down the camel and rushed to the roof.

Lao Liu and others, who followed closely, also grabbed their bags and jumped off the camels one after another, then rushed over.

"Here, here!"

Old Harry rushed to the front and back of the roof, knelt on the ground, and quickly pulled out the sand with both hands.

Old Liu three people, also follow the start - four people like groundhog, quickly pull out the sand.

When the four of them got out of the camel and came stumbling over, Harry had dug out a window under the yellow sand, and then jumped in.

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