"Huang Ming, you are very strange today."

Seeing Huang Ming's dawdling, Xiao Song was a little impatient and turned around and left: "forget it, I'll tell Mr. Shen that you don't want to be a driver for her."

"No, no, song Chu, wait for me!"

Huang Ming catches up quickly.

When he got to the door, he suddenly turned back and looked at Gao Fei's silent sneer, then he went with his head high.

The meaning of Huang Ming's sneer can be seen by all the people in the car class: even if you fly high, you can still let me drive for her, which proves that she didn't abandon me! Boy, it's not known who will win. Just wait!

Gao Fei doesn't seem to see Huang Ming's demonstrative sneer at all. He is still reading there with relish.

It seems that Huang Ming will continue to command the car class in the future. Fortunately, I didn't offend him. After a sigh of relief, everyone in the car class ran out with a hula.

When the office was empty, Gao Fei yawned and muttered, "it's good to just hang out here, but it's too late."

Although Gao Fei has been sleeping all afternoon, he has been thinking about how to kill Lao Su quietly.

The maps of the villas in Subei mountain have been deeply imprinted in Gao Fei's mind.

After one afternoon's careful consideration, he had a perfect plan to successfully assassinate Subei mountain, and could get the three million dollars at any time.

But he was not in a hurry to assassinate the northern Jiangsu mountains.

Because he doesn't want to leave Beishan group yet, and he wants to have a few more days of such a stable life. After all, it's not easy to find a job that is delicious and sleepy and nobody cares.

Go to the bathroom to solve the personal hygiene, after finishing the handsome hairstyle to Jingzi, goofy copies his left hand in his pants pocket, throws Pusan's car key in his right hand, and whistles out of the group headquarters hall.

Huang Ming arranged for Gao Fei to drive this Pushan, which should have been eliminated long ago, because few people make this car, and they all think it is of low grade.

But that's what goofy wants: I'm not allowed to pick someone up. He just takes it as a private car. Anyway, the group pays for all the expenses of the car.

As for why Shen Yinbing didn't ask Gao Fei to be her groom, he didn't care: no aspiring man would serve a girl unless he was in bed

Gao Fei whistled and walked down the steps in front of the hall. Looking at the sunset in the west, he felt very happy. He felt that today was the safest day in two years.

At noon, Lao Wang had already told him the parking location of the Pushan, which was in the northeast corner of the parking lot.

"Life is so beautiful, my mood is so wonderful, I have to find a place to have a drink and celebrate tonight."

After looking at the setting sun and sighing for a while, Gao Fei twisted his body and was about to move toward the northeast, but stopped again.

A tall girl with a round face stood in front of him.

The girl's upper body is wearing a gouache Korean T-shirt, revealing most of her creamy snow shoulders, and her charming clavicle. In the middle of her puffy chest, there is a bicui pendant tied with a red thread, which makes people want to use toilet paper

T-shirt, see where that piece of Jasper falls in the deep ditch. She is wearing sexy pencil pants and black floral high-heeled sandals. The breezes blow up her pants, showing the exquisite curve of her beautiful legs.

When goofy is looking at the girl, the girl is also looking at him.

After confirming that they were coming for him, Gao Fei showed a very gentlemanly smile: "excuse me, miss, what can I do for you?"

The girl's eyes flashed a trace of coquettish anger, then puffed a smile, raised her hand and gathered her long hair on her shoulder: "Gao Fei, you won't forget who I am, forget what I said?"

Gao Fei is stunned: "we two, know each other? But I look familiar to you. "

"Well! The insincere

The girl snorted, raised her chin, pretended to be angry and said, "in the first half of this morning, you said that you invited me to eat Western food after work, but now you don't know who I am!"

Gao Fei scratched the back of his head with a look of shame: "sorry, girl, I really forget who you are. Because in my impression, except for Shen Yinbing, President Shen of Beishan group, it seems that there is no such beautiful girl as you. "

When Gao Fei said that she really forgot who she was, a trace of anger flashed on her face. When she was about to turn away from the blind man, she heard him boast that she was as beautiful as Shen Yinbing. Suddenly, she was very pleased and said: "cut, I know you are sweet and love to make the little girl happy. Well, don't pretend. I'm Lian Xue

In fact, when the girl just appeared in front of Gao Fei, he recognized her as Lian Xue, the etiquette lady in front of the headquarters.

The reason why he pretends not to know and talks so much nonsense is that he is flattering.

Of course, Gao Fei didn't expect that Lian Xue would be so beautiful after she changed her clothes.

"Oh, you are Lian Xue. If you don't tell me, I can't recognize you!"

Gao Fei patted the back of his head, turned around Lianxue for several times, and looked at others recklessly: "tut Tut, I never dreamed that you would look so wonderful, beautiful and generous when you change your work clothes. I can't help but feel sorry for you

Wild geese, they are shy and close to the moon, and they live in harmony with the light. "

Just when Gao Fei was surrounded by Lian Xue and was very attentive, a pleasant car flute came.

Lian Xue quickly grabbed his arm and took a few steps to the side. A white BMW came rushing over, bending slightly, with a respectful smile on its face.

This car is the BMW 7 of Shen Yinbing, the group's boss.

In fact, with the strength of Beishan group, Shen Yinbing can drive a better car, just like vice president Yan, who drives a Ferrari?

However, Shen Yinbing seems to have a special liking for white BMW. Whether it's for others to drive or for himself, it's this car.

Huang Ming, who was driving, slightly looked at Gao Fei standing outside with a silent sneer and slightly stepped up the gas.

But he didn't see that Shen Zong, who was sitting in the back, was looking at Gao Fei with cold eyes.

If he could see Mr. Shen's eyes, he would be more happy.

After the BMW slowly drove out of the parking lot, Lian Xue released Gao Fei and asked delicately, "Hey, Gao Fei, you said you would invite me to Western food."

With a snap and a snap of his fingers, goofy said boldly, "no problem, just say where to go."

"Let's go to the Vienna restaurant on Quancheng road. I've been there once before. The environment is very good, just across from Quancheng hotel."

Even snow happy to say here, but then shook his head: "forget it, don't go there."

Goofy wondered, "why don't you go again? Don't you say the environment is very good?"

Lian Xue was a little embarrassed and said, "the environment there is very good, and the western food is very authentic, but the price is - hee hee, let's go to eat fried rice with eggs. It's boring not to eat Western food. "

In this world, there is such a man: in front of a beautiful woman, he would rather pawn his underwear than lose face.

Goofy is such a man.

Gao Fei, who has rich social experience, certainly knows that a western meal costs a lot.

Gao Fei uses Yan Hong's bank card to put forward 20000 yuan, but after buying clothes, eating and staying in a restaurant, he still has thousands of yuan left, which is all his belongings. If he goes to eat Western food, he may have to stay there, and he will become penniless again.

However, he doesn't care how to live without money. At present, courting beautiful women is the most important thing.

To Lian Xue's kindness, Gao Fei didn't say anything. He bent down and stretched out his hand and made a gesture: "dear lady, please go there and get on the bus."

Even snow smile, twist a small waist, dada walked to the northeast.

When they came to the Pushan, goofy took the lead to open the door, holding the top of the car with his right hand.

"Ha ha, so you drive this car."

Even snow ha ha a smile, but did not get on the car.

Gao Fei said with a cool smile: "well, I know the car is a little lower grade, but at least..."

Lian Xue interrupts Gao Fei's words: "I don't mean what you think. I came out of the countryside, but I don't have the bad habits of being poor and loving the rich."

"Then why don't you get in the car?"

Gao Fei asked.

"I'll go, but I like to sit in the co pilot's seat."

Lian Xue glances at Gao Fei and goes around the front of the car to get into the co driver's seat.

"I told you so."

Gao Fei laughs and gets on the bus.

Although the car's grade is not very high, and it doesn't use much at ordinary times, the maintenance is very good, and the interior of the car is very clean.

Goofy started the car and drove out of the parking lot.

Lian Xue holds her arms in front of her chest and looks at Gao Fei: "didn't you expect that I would wait for you after work?"

Goofy didn't deny: "I didn't expect it."

"Do you think I have some of that, that or something?"

"You mean too casual?"

"Yes, after all, I'm a girl. I shouldn't accept a man's invitation so easily."

"Maybe you are moved by my sincerity, or it's fate, because I'm not the kind of person who invites beautiful women."

Gao Fei glanced at Lian Xue's long legs and began to think about how to coax her into bed.

"Ha ha."

Even snow smile, smile but with a touch of sadness.

Goofy didn't talk any more and drove safely.

Now he can be sure that the reason why Lian Xue is waiting for him may be that he has encountered some unhappy things, such as breaking up with his boyfriend, and he wants to find someone to accompany him to get drunk.

Gao Fei is used to this kind of dog blood bridge, and knows that this is the best chance to have sex with a girl: take advantage of the opportunity.

Sure enough, when the car turned on Quancheng Road, Lian Xue said: "my boyfriend and I broke up. Just before we got off work today, we talked for four years."

Goofy nodded, but said nothing.

Lian Xue looked at him: "don't you ask me why I want to break up with him?"

"I don't have to ask you what you want to say. You don't want to say it. Even if I ask again, you won't say it. "

"It makes sense."

Lian Xue sighed softly and murmured: "the reason why we broke up is ridiculous, because he thought I had never let him touch me in the past four years."

Goofy shook his head. "That's pathetic of him."


Even snow a Leng, immediately bask in a smile to ask a way: "Gao Fei, I let you invite me to have a meal, do you think you can go to bed with me?"

"Do you think I'll think of something else?" goofy asked

Even snow eyes dim down: "but if I don't agree?"

"It's normal."

"Will you treat me to fried rice with eggs?"


"No --"

Lian Xue bit her lower lip and grasped the door handle: "then stop and I'll get off!"

Goofy stopped the car, pointed to the Vienna restaurant outside the window and said, "I won't treat you to fried rice with eggs, but I will treat you to Western food."

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