Even snow a Leng, turned to look out the window, only to find that the car has entered the parking lot of Vienna restaurant.

After parking the car, Gao Fei unfastened his seat belt, looked at Lian Xue and said with a smile, "I admit that before you took the initiative to find me, I had some dirty ideas. However, I have a principle, that is, when I go to bed with a woman, I must have two emotions

Xiangyue. It's boring and sad for the overlord to bow. So, even if you won't sleep with me, I will still treat you to Western food, because I promised you

Lian Xue was staring at Gao Fei: "Gao Fei, you are a special man."

"A lot of people say that to me, get out of the car, you can't let the waiter bring the western food to the car, can you?"

Goofy pushes the door open.

Lian Xue smiles and pushes the door to get off.

After closing the door, goofy looked around at will.

As Lian Xue said, the opposite of Vienna western restaurant is Quancheng hotel.

At this time, although it's not dark yet, many luxury cars have been parked in the parking lot in front of the hotel.

A white BMW 7 is parked in the parking space near the roadside.

"That's president Shen's car. She went to Quancheng hotel."

Just when Gao Fei thought the car looked familiar, Lian Xue came over and said, "Mr. Shen's license plate is easy to remember - I've heard that her birthday is included in the license plate number. You just need to remember the last three digits, 523."

"Oh, it's the birthday of May 23. Ha, what does it have to do with us?"

Gao Fei ha's a smile, turn round: "go, eat Western food."

Lian Xue hesitated: "goofy, we'd better eat, but the starting point is that Western food is very expensive."

"What are you afraid of? We have money. Besides, if you spend all my money, I won't be able to invite you to the cinema. If you can't invite you to a movie, you can't take advantage of it, you can't go to bed - so, you can't

If you want to protect yourself, you have to make men lose their money. "

Goofy snapped his fingers and talked nonsense. He took the lead to the door of the western restaurant.

"This guy is really strange."

Looking at Gao Fei's back, Lian Xue murmured.


Night, slowly diffuse, appears Ferrari's lamp more bright.

Yan Hong sat in the back of the car, tired, slightly closed her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking.

Yan Hong's car is a red Ferrari that represents her youth and matches her personality. However, it is not suitable for outsiders to let Lao Wang drive her.

But vice president Yan did so, and naturally others would not say anything.

As for why Yan Hong wants Lao Wang to drive, Lao Wang knows very well.

As Lao Wang told Gao Fei: in fact, vice president Yan is very poor.

Imagine a poor woman, would like to use those hairless mouth, the heart can not keep goods young people?

When Yan Hong asked Lao Wang to drive for her, she valued his composure.

In fact, it is true. Before today, Lao Wang never mentioned anything about vice president Yan to anyone.

It is also Lao Wang's calm, so when Yan Hong is in front of him, she will not wear a mask.

This afternoon, Yan Hong went to the racecourse in the southern mountainous area. In fact, she has run there several times in recent days, because there is something wrong with the racecourse under construction and the land compensation of the local villagers.

After a few days of investigation, Yan Hong found that the reason why the racecourse went wrong was that someone encouraged the local villagers behind their backs to ask for an additional 10000 yuan per mu of land on the original basis, otherwise they would not want to build it.

It will be an astronomical number if the area of the racecourse covers nearly ten thousand mu.

Although Beishan group is sure to take out the money, it is not the only way to solve the problem. Both Shen Yinbing and Yan Hong smell the smell of conspiracy: someone wants to drive them away.

In desperation, Shen Yinbing had to let Yan Hong go to the racecourse project site to appease the villagers, while she invited the village head of Shagou village tonight.

If it is put in the past, with Shen Yinbing's arrogance, let alone a banquet for a village official, even if the village head banquets her, she will not pay attention to it.

But not now. She has to put down her airs, because the racecourse occupies the land of Shagou village.

The village head in the countryside is nothing in the eyes of many people, but in the village, it is absolutely the general existence of the local emperor. He may not be able to help you, but he can certainly do something bad for you!

What's more, Zhang zimou, the village head of Shagou village, has a distant relationship with a leader in the city, which is not to be underestimated.

As for who is behind Zhang zimou's request for price increase, and whether Shen Yinbing can negotiate with village head Zhang tonight, Yan Hong doesn't care.

For most of the day, her mind was always thinking: Gao Fei, why did she suddenly become so indifferent to her?

Vice President Yan never thought that when she helplessly decided her current fate, Gao Fei would suddenly break into her life.

Many things in the world, especially feelings, have no sign to find.

Take vice president Yan for example. When she decided to fly high, she never thought that something would happen with that guy.

But on that rainy day, at the moment when Gao Fei peeked at her beautiful legs, her withered heart suddenly turned around, making her taste a happiness she had never had before, and no longer able to extricate herself.

Especially when she was pressed on the desk by Gao Fei and touched her with her fingers, Yan Hong knew that she would never leave this man in her life.

Yan Hong is very clear, she is completely wrong, very irrational - but, she is willing to degenerate, then how to do?

However, when Vice President Yan felt it was good to be alive, Gao Fei's attitude towards her made a sharp turn!

Why did he suddenly change? Is

Think of here, Yan Hong opened her eyes, voice lazy: "Lao Wang."

Lao Wang, who was concentrating on driving, subconsciously replied, "Vice President Yan."

Yan Hong sat up straight and asked in a slow voice, "at noon today, did you go to the restaurant with Gao Fei?"

Lao Wang's heart immediately jumped: "yes, yes, Gao Fei is the first day to work in the company. He doesn't know where the restaurant is, so I took him."


Yan Hong light oh a: "that, what did you all say?"

Come, come - Lao Wang's hand trembled with his heart for a while, and forced himself to smile calmly: "ha ha, I didn't say anything, that is, I met President Shen."

At noon today, Yan Hong didn't go to the restaurant for dinner, so she didn't know that Gao Fei had spilled all over president Shen.

Yan Hong's eyes flashed: "what happened when I met Mr. Shen?"

"Yes, it is."

Lao Wang swallows his saliva and tells Gao Fei in detail about Shen Yinbing's soup.

Lao Wang is a real man, but he is not a fool. He will never say what he shouldn't say, such as what he told Gao Fei about Yan Hong.

If he really let it out, even if he didn't kill him, he would be killed by Yan Hong.

Although Yan is always a pretty young woman, the most poisonous thing in the world is the woman's heart.

After hearing what Lao Wang said, Yan Hong didn't speak for a long time.

Lao Wang did not dare to say anything, but vowed in his heart that he would never comment on vice president Yan behind his back to anyone.

Ten minutes later, the car entered the city.

Half an hour later, we will arrive at the residential area where vice president Yan lives. When Lao Wang is relieved, Yan Hong suddenly asks, "did you hear anyone talk about me at lunch today?"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Cold sweat, brush out from Lao Wang's forehead, voice also subconsciously improve, trying to cover up the fear in the heart.

"Oh, no?"

Yan Hong sneered, but suddenly sighed: "Alas, even if there is, so what? If you want to be unknown to others, you must not do it yourself. "

Lao Wang was so pale that he didn't dare to answer.

After a long silence, Yan Hongcai said slowly: "Lao Wang, from next month, you don't want to work in the group again."

After hearing Yan Hong say these words, Lao Wang suddenly stepped on the brake, turned around and said in a trembling voice: "Vice President Yan and vice president Yan, please forgive me! I'm not human. I shouldn't talk about you behind your back! Please give me another one

This is a chance. I can't lose my job. I still have children... "

In the face of Lao Wang who was begging for mercy, Yan Hong was numb and unmoved: "Lao Wang, the car will stop at will, but there will be a traffic accident."

"Yes, I'm sorry!"

Lao Wang bit his lower lip and restarted the car.

As soon as the car started, Yan Hong's mobile phone rang.

She took a look at the caller ID, connected it immediately, put it in her ear and said softly, "Hello, Mr. Shen, I'm Yan - what? Where are you? OK, OK, I'll go right away, right away

"Numb next door, a mud leg son, also don't sprinkle bubble urine to take care of oneself, dare to hit Shen Zong's idea unexpectedly!"

Yan Hong fiercely scolded a, was about to order Lao Wang to speed up, but suddenly thought of what, quickly found a mobile phone number, dialed in the past.


Gao Fei always thinks that it is a kind of enjoyment to spend money to invite a beautiful woman to dinner and listen to her talk about her troubles.

At least it proves that beauty cares about him and trusts him.

It's a happy thing for a man to be trusted and cared by a beautiful woman, even though he won't go to bed with her afterwards.

But what's the point?

Goofy is a man of principle!

Of course, goofy is not only happy, but also a little upset.

It's all on the dogleg waiter!

As soon as he and Lian Xue sat down, the waiter introduced them enthusiastically, saying that the restaurant is now engaged in activities. Lafite in 1986 is only sold for half price, 4500 a piece - very suitable for this beautiful lady to taste.

Nima, of course, I know that beautiful women generally like to drink such flashy things, but I still have less than 4000 yuan!

Gao Fei scolds secretly in his heart, but when Lian Xue shakes a pair of white hands and refuses, he makes a loud finger: come on!

Seeing Gao's resolute face, even Xue couldn't make it any better. This made Gao Fei feel very depressed, but at the same time, he had to consider what to do when he paid later.

Maybe he was moved by Gao Fei's sincerity. Lian Xue said things that he had never told anyone before, like pouring beans in a bamboo tube. After listening to Gao Fei, he yearned for them happily for a while, and then frowned and thought

Finally, after more than half of Lafite is poured into her stomach by the snow, this warm western meal is coming to an end, and it's time to pay.

"Well, Lian Xue, wait for me. I'll go to the bathroom."

Looking for an excuse, Gao Fei quickly walked out of the western restaurant and went to the opposite Quancheng Hotel: it doesn't matter if you don't have money. There's Shen Yinbing here. You can predict a month's salary from her first!

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