The villagers of Shagou village suddenly make trouble at the racecourse, which is far beyond Shen Yinbing's expectation.

Because when Beishan group was preparing to build the racecourse, it made great efforts. It had a lot of relations with Subei mountain, and then it got the approval.

As for the compensation for villagers' land, the compensation given by Beishan group was also quite reasonable. At that time, the villagers of Shagou village did not have any dissatisfaction. Anyway, the land was also wasteland. The villagers were very happy that it could be sold for a large price.

But Shen Yinbing didn't expect that just when she managed everything, allocated the funds in place, and was ready to go to work, the villagers of Shagou village began to make trouble, demanding an additional 10000 yuan per mu.

In shock, Shen Yinbing immediately thought that someone was targeting her.

As for who that person is, Shen Yinbing has no time to pay attention to it at present. He has to appease the villagers of Shagou village first.

To appease the villagers, we must find the village head Zhang zimou.

Because of this, Shen Yinbing gave Zhang zimou a banquet at Quancheng hotel tonight.

Originally, Shen Yinbing intended to let Gao Fei accompany her, but the boy almost made her angry today, so he let Huang Ming follow her.

Since it's a banquet, Shen Yinbing naturally has to come to the hotel in advance.

After waiting for about half an hour, Shagou village head Zhang zimou, deputy village head Wan Shikang, female accountant Ma Chunhua and a driver arrived late.

With Shen Yinbing and Huang Ming, there will be six people at dinner tonight.

Although Shen Yinbing is very arrogant in the group, she doesn't take Zhang zimou and others seriously in her heart. But after she gets to the wine table, she seems to be a different person with a smile on her face all the time, and she doesn't resent the dirty jokes made by Zhang zimou and others.

No way, Shen Yinbing no matter how cool and arrogant, but she is a businessman after all, the most important thing is to deal with the problem, for which she also prepared a rich red envelope.

Shen Yinbing seldom drinks at ordinary times, but not tonight. She has to drink because the village head has spoken. If she doesn't drink, she has no sincerity.

Shen Yinbing looks like a fairy who doesn't eat people's fireworks, but she's also a layman. She knows that if she doesn't drink with her tonight, the race course will be out of order.

In desperation, she had to fight spirit, and Zhang zimou and others, hope to let each other satisfied, early out of their bottom line.

As for Huang Ming and the drivers in the village, Zhang zimou didn't persuade them to drink: it's also the rule on the wine table not to let drivers drink.

Soon, under the fierce attack of Zhang zimou, Shen Yinbing drank a whole bottle of red wine, and her pretty face became more and more red and charming.

Seeing that Shen Yinbing's hand with chopsticks began to float, Zhang zimou winked at Wan Shikang.

Wan Shikang understood and pulled up Huang Ming: "monitor Huang, go, accompany me to the bathroom. I'm not used to solving problems in the bathroom in the box, but I don't know where the bathroom is in this high-end hotel."

"I'll go too."

The driver of Shagou village also stood up.

Cut, a group of local baozi - Huang Ming heart secretly despised for a while, the surface is laughing and wanshikang two people out of the box.

Just out of the box, Wan Shikang patted Huang Ming on the shoulder and said drunkenly, "Huang ban, please, please do me a favor."

"What's the matter?" Huang Ming asked

Wan Shikang was burping and shaking: "I and I have a niece who was studying in Normal University. When I came to the city, the old man in her family asked me to bring something for her - er, you know, I'm a farmer. I've never seen the world before, and I'm from the bottom of my heart

I don't know where the normal university is, and I don't know if people will let me in. So I want to ask Huang ban to accompany me. At least you are from the city. "

After getting a look from wanshikang, Huang Ming was very proud, but he looked at the box door in embarrassment: "but I still have to..."

Wan Shikang raised his hand and interrupted him: "Huang ban, don't worry, we went to see my niece and will be back soon - Xiao Li, do we have game in the trunk? Go and get it for Huang ban. I can't let people help him for nothing

After hearing the benefit, Huang Ming's eyes brightened and he thought about helping him, that is, helping president Shen. So he hesitated for a moment and agreed: "then we have to hurry back so that President Shen won't be worried."

"OK, I'll borrow your mobile phone. Ha ha, my mobile phone just has no power."

Wanshikang nodded and agreed.


After wanshikang pulls Huang Ming out of the box, Zhang zimou gently kicks Ma Chunhua with his foot.

Ma Chunhua stood up and said with a smile: "Mr. Shen, village head Zhang, we still have game in the car. I'll take some to the bar."

As soon as Shen Yinbing was about to say no, Zhang zimou yelled, "since there are good things, go get them! Remember, take more and let Mr. Shen take it back to have a taste when you leave! "

"No, I really don't, Mr. Zhang. I appreciate your kindness."

Shen Yinbing refused, Ma Chunhua has come out of the box.

"Mr. Shen, come on, let's drink slowly."

Zhang zimou raised his glass and looked at Shen Yinbing with obvious greed and fanaticism.

Shen Yinbing drank a little too much, but it didn't mean that she couldn't see Zhang zimou's eyes. She quickly waved her hand: "village head Zhang, I'm sorry, I really can't drink any more. We've had a lot to drink. Should we talk about land? "

Zhang zimou narrowed his eyes slightly. On Shen Yinbing's face, he scanned his chest wantonly: "Mr. Shen, in business, you have to drink to express your sincerity. I think Mr. Shen, you should know this very well."

Shen Yinbing frowned and said, "I know this very well, but I really can't drink any more. If I drink any more, I'll be drunk."

"Drunk, better."

Zhang zimou stood up, held his wine cup around the table, and came to Shen Yinbing: "Hey, Mr. Shen, in fact, as long as you promise me a small request, the land is nothing at all!"

"You, you don't come here!"

Shen Yinbing sees Zhang zimou's bad intentions and stands up, holding the table and looking at him nervously.

Zhang zimou didn't care at all: "ha, Mr. Shen, don't be nervous. I'm just talking about it and making a suggestion..."

"Don't come here!"

Shen Yinbing pulled back his chair, quickly retreated to the box bathroom, leaned on the door panel and yelled: "if you come here again, I'll shout!"

Zhang zimou forced me to come: "ha, you shout, I'm not afraid! Your stupid driver was taken away by my people earlier. The sound insulation of this box is so good that no one can hear you. Even if you shout your throat, no one can hear you! "

"You, you hooligan, cheap!"

Shen Yinbing raised his hand to block Zhang zimou's hand, pushed open the door of the bathroom and rushed in, then locked the door from inside.

Zhang zimou should have seen that Shen Yinbing had a mobile phone in her hand when she rushed into the bathroom. As long as she called the police, the police would soon be able to bring him to justice.

But he didn't seem to care at all. He just kicked the door: "Mr. Shen, Shen Yinbing! You give me out, as long as you from me, everything is easy to discuss! Hey, hey, don't pretend to be a lady for me. In fact, it's not


"Hooligans, how can I always meet some smelly hooligans recently?"

Hearing Zhang zimou kicking the door and saying those nasty words outside, Shen Yinbing was afraid and angry. She quickly resisted the door with her shoulder and began to make a phone call.

Since he came with Huang Ming, Shen Yinbing certainly called him first.

However, after Shen Yinbing dialed Huang Ming's mobile phone, there came a mechanical female voice: "the number you dialed is in the middle of a conversation, please redial later."

"Damn Huang Ming!"

Shen Yinbing scolded and quickly dialed 110.

The 110 alarm call was made immediately. After the police on duty asked about Shen Yinbing's address, they immediately replied that she wanted to protect herself. The local police will arrive in a few minutes.

After calling the police, Shen Yinbing is relieved and calls Yan Hong to let her come quickly.

Zhang zimou, who is kicking the door outside, doesn't seem to care that Shen Yinbing will call the police and shout. He is still kicking the door with dirty words.

Maybe village head Zhang really drank too much. He was such a big man that he couldn't even open a door which was not much thicker than paper.


Gao Fei, who plans to borrow money from Shen Yinbing, walks into the hall of Quancheng hotel when Huang Ming, Wan Shikang and Xiao Lizi come out of the elevator.

However, Huang Ming didn't pay attention to Gao Fei. He was talking and laughing with Xiao Li in a low voice, while wanshikang was calling someone.

After seeing Huang Ming, Gao Fei just wanted to say hello to him. When he asked Shen Yinbing which box he was in, his mobile phone rang.

Gao Fei took out his mobile phone and looked at the caller ID, then frowned slightly. He wanted to hang up directly, but hesitated and answered again: "Hello, vice president Yan, what can I do for you?"

The tone of Gao Fei's question was very flat, even a little cold, but Yan Hong didn't care at all, just yelled: "Gao Fei, where are you?"

Gao Fei asked: "where am I? What do you do? I'm off work. It's my free time. "

"I --"

Yan Hong over there pauses and says, "Gao Fei, I don't care what you think of me, but I need your help now. To be exact, Shen always needs help!"

Gao Fei was surprised: "Mr. Shen? What can I do for Shen Yinbing? "

Yan Hong said anxiously: "Mr. Shen is now in box 707 on the seventh floor of Quancheng hotel. A villain is trying to insult her now - but I've just entered the city, and it will take half an hour to get there, but the hotel you stay in is not far from there,

Hurry up

"Does anyone want to insult Shen Yinbing? Ha, who is so indifferent? Even women who are so uninteresting are rare. It's incredible. "

Gao Fei had a ha ha, but he didn't wait for the elevator. He quickly walked to the stairs: "Oh, I said Vice President Yan, I'm having dinner with a beautiful woman. You can't let me leave the beauty and go to her rescue, can you? Well, that's too bad... "

"Fly high!"

Yan Hong interrupts Gao Fei's words in a sharp voice, but then asks in a soft voice: "Gao Fei, I beg you, you go quickly, Mr. Shen is really in danger!"

"It's none of my business whether she's dangerous or not."

Gao Fei said, but the pace of going upstairs is faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, he came to the seventh floor.

"Gao Fei, how can you do that?"

Yan Hong was so angry that she began to tremble.

"That's what I am. Can you manage you?"

When Gao Fei hummed coldly, he had already come to the 707 box door. He didn't wait for Yan Hong to say anything, so he turned off the phone.

"I don't know if it's the great Xia who wants to insult that 'psycho'. I'll wait until I go in and have a look!"

When goofy put down the phone, he turned to the left and saw a handsome guy in a gray suit coming out of the box in the distance.

But he didn't care. He raised his foot and stamped on the door.

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