Behind the gate is a long passage.

The golden passage.

The golden wall tiles and the ground are shining with golden light under the light of fire.

The passage behind the city gate is about 1000 meters, about four meters high and five meters wide. The ground is also golden. Every ten meters, a golden pillar protrudes from the wall.

From a distance, in front of the golden pillar, it seems that there is a black human shaped thing tied to it. The flame is burning from the middle of this human shaped object.

After seeing these flames in the dark, the gloomy feeling around him not only did not weaken, but became more intense, as if the fire held something unclean, staring at Gao Fei where he could not see, making him subconsciously look back, but saw nothing.

The secret road found in the wall of an old house with a history of several hundred years passed through an unknown River and came to a deep-water lake.

Deep water lake, there is a frightening light, cannibal fish.

After escaping the killing of strange fish, he walked a section of steps and found a city.

Behind the gate of the city, there is a splendid passage with burning oil lamps on both sides.

Who ignited these oil lamps?

How long has it been burning?

Well, maybe these oil lamps were lit by one of the three people, Tietu, Kayang living Buddha and anguiwang.

But the question is, even if they light it, is it necessary to light all the oil lamps?

After taking a deep breath, Gao Fei squatted on the ground and carefully observed the golden tiles, hoping to find the footprints of someone entering.

Then, he found a reality that shocked him: the golden tiles in the passage were made of gold. With the tip of the Golden Snake monster sword, a little bit of gold could be scraped off.

This passage is thousands of meters long. The top, the walls on both sides and the ground are made of absolute gold!

How many pieces of gold are needed to make this passage?

In other words, how many tons must this passage be built?

I believe that the gold reserves of any country today are not enough to build this channel.

So, who built this golden passage?

Who has the financial resources?

This series of questions excited Gao Fei, but he had to calm down and consider the current practical problem: how to find Tietu and go out.

Gold is certainly attractive, but if you can't even save your life, it still has no value.

Goofy stares at the BRICs, hoping to find someone's footprints.

However, no matter how he looked at it, he didn't see the footprints. On the contrary, he saw a layer of zigzag font on it. It was slightly concave and could not be seen without careful reading.

These characters are the same as the small characters next to the Fengdu characters on the city gate, which are unknown to Mr. Gao.

It turns out that this font is printed on every gold brick of this passage.

Too many reasons have made Gao Fei lose interest in the meaning of these words - and then he found a drop of blood.

This drop of blood has become dark brown, in the red flame, also flashing golden light, if not for goofy careful search, really can't see.

From the deep-water lake where Gaofei escaped, although the road is easy to walk, the key problem is that the steps are covered with wet moss, which will stick to the soles of shoes, and then rub against the smooth golden bricks.

But in fact, Gao Fei didn't find the footprints, only a drop of blood.

After that, no matter how he searched, he didn't see the second drop of blood.

What's going on?

Whose blood?

Where are the footprints?

Does it mean that when the three of them came here, they were taken away by a monster hidden in the dark?

Looking at this magnificent golden channel, Gao Fei listened for a long time without hearing a sound.


It's so quiet that Gao Fei can hear the slight sound of the flame burning the air.

Besides, it's his own breathing and heartbeat.

Gu deng - with a sound, Gao Fei slowly stood up, clenched the Golden Snake sword, and slowly stepped out of the door with his right foot.

I don't know why, when Gao Fei stepped out of his right foot, a sentence suddenly appeared in his mind: once he entered Fengdu City, yin and Yang were separated!

His right foot fell lightly on the first piece of gold brick. Gao Fei's nerves were already tense: even if a fly suddenly appeared in front of him, it would be split into two pieces by his sword!

Unexpectedly, and unexpectedly, after Gao Fei's right foot stepped on the gold brick, there was no movement around him. There were no flies, no monsters more fierce than flies, and the surroundings were still quiet.

After a few seconds, Gao Fei carefully raised his left foot.

Around, still quiet, there is no strange action.

Goofy slowly put down his left foot - generally speaking, if there is danger, it should be at this time.

But the danger did not appear, it was still so quiet.


Goofy heard his own voice again, then raised his right foot.

Very slowly, Gao Fei walked close to 10 meters behind the gate and came to the protruding golden column. There was still no abnormal movement around.

Goofy stopped and looked back. Then he saw a clear trail of footprints on the bricks he came by.

Looking at the footprints, Gao Fei took a few sharp strokes from the corner of his mouth, then turned his head and looked at the column protruding from the wall.

Undoubtedly, the column is also made of gold, which is more than one person thick. It can bear the pressure above the passage.

Goofy didn't care about the column itself, but looked at the humanoid object that seemed to be tied to the column.

During the ten meter journey, Gao Fei focused all his attention on his feet, in case of any sudden accident, and made the fastest response, so he could only deliberately ignore the things tied to the column.

Goofy looks at the black, human like thing. His heart stops beating. What's tied on the column is actually human!

Black skin!

Black skin woman!

Red fruit with the upper body, has a towering male black skin woman!

Long hair, slightly drooping head, a face of pain, eyes slightly protruding eyes, with boundless hate.

The burning flame, in the position of the black skin woman's navel, can clearly see that the flame is coming out of her navel.

Is it a stone carving, or a dummy made of gold?

But is it too real?

In particular, the hatred in her slightly protruding eyes makes no one see the slightest illusion. It's the hatred from the heart, which makes people shudder. Even the greatest sculptor in the world can't carve so lifelike.

Subconsciously, Gao Fei raised his right hand and slowly extended it to the cheek of the black woman.

This kind of consciousness is not controlled by Gao Fei himself. He wants to feel the elasticity of the skin on a woman's face with his hands, so as to determine whether it is a real person or a dummy.

A woman's cheek is soft and elastic. It's the real skin. It's not made of stone or gold.

When this true feeling came back to his brain quickly from Gao Fei's fingers, he hit smartly, trembled and quickly retracted his hand.

Just as he drew back his hand, he saw the black woman's lower body.

The black skin woman with fire in her navel eyes, her lower body didn't have upper feet and legs, but fishtail!


This is the first word from Gao Fei's mind.

But it was immediately replaced by another term: Donghai Shark!


In the East China Sea, there are mackerels, who can live for thousands of years and become pearls with tears; The lamp burning with cream will last forever; It is light as a feather; Its scales can cure all kinds of diseases and prolong life. After his death, he turned into clouds and rain, rising in the sky and falling in the sea.

It's said that the East China Sea sharks are the most licentious and bloodthirsty. They all live under an island formed by dead coral in the sea. The coral caves crisscross the island. It's unknown that there is the old nest of mermaid. They make sounds and colors in the nearby sea area to attract the merchants of passing ships. The victims are all eaten to the bone. Some people catch the living black scale sharks and kill them to dry, Pour its ointment into it and make a candle worth three thousand golden beads.

It is said that in the underground Mausoleum of the first emperor, there are countless such East China Sea Shark people. They are chained to a gold pillar and pull out their intestines from their navel eyes to light them as wicks. They can last for thousands of years.


Gao Fei had heard Tietu talk about the above legends before.

However, he just took these as an interesting and strange story to listen to, and did not believe that there would be real chimpanzees in the world at all.

But now, he believed, because he saw with his own eyes the burning East China Sea Shark, with long hair and shawl, beautiful appearance, body and tail, covered with fine black Yulin, tied to the gold pillar by the iron rope, burning speechlessly.

"It turns out that there are real chimpanzees in the world!"

Gao Fei looks at the protruding eyes of the shark. He is stunned on the spot for a moment. Looking into her eyes, he imagines a picture: a shark, crying, shouting, struggling, tied to a gold pillar by a group of soldiers with iron ropes, escapes from her intestines and ignites. At the moment of ignition, the life of the shark begins to burn, with boundless hatred in his eyes, Hissing curses at those who bound her.

Slowly, Gao Fei himself walked into the picture, and was infected by the extreme fear of the shark. He could no longer bear to look at these pessimistic and desperate eyes, subconsciously extended his hand to cover those eyes, to close them for her and let her rest.

Gao Fei's hand, just touched the shark's eyes, at the foot of the brick suddenly overturned, split a hole.

Without precaution, Gao Fei could only fall down.

When he fell down quickly, Gao Fei suddenly woke up and reached for the edge of the gold brick. But at this moment, on the walls on both sides of the passageway, he suddenly shot countless sharp arrows, whizzing and shooting at him.

Instinctively, Gao Fei can only withdraw his hand and fall down quickly.

In the process of falling, he once again heard the sound of countless tight bowstring arrows from all directions.

"It's over!"

Hearing the sound of countless arrows, Gao Fei's heart was cold.

Even if he has a Golden Snake sword in his hand and can open one or two, what's the use of it?

This is the inevitable result.

And most importantly, his body is still falling down.

Below, there should be a sharp spear point, right?

Even if he can avoid these arrows, he will have to be pierced by the point of the spear.

"It's over!"

Gao Fei is desperate, gives up resistance and is ready to bear the pain of thousands of arrows.

However, at this critical moment, a hand suddenly grasped his shoulder.

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