Despair, never had despair, let goofy give up the resistance, ready to wait for thousands of arrows, and then by the bottom of the spear point stab a cold tragic end.

But just then, in the boundless darkness, he suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed him by the shoulder. Before the fastest arrow came, he was suddenly pulled into a man's arms. Then he quickly rolled over, and the banging sound of the arrows on the hard objects immediately sounded.

The sound of arrows shooting at hard objects is just like the heavy rain hitting the window glass. It's dense and powerful. It makes people feel sour and dare not move any more.

Finally, the rainstorm stopped suddenly, and the stillness was restored quickly.

Gao Fei was pressed under his body, his hearing seemed to disappear completely, his heart almost stopped, and he waited for a century before he heard the sound of breathing in his ears.

Subconsciously, Gao Fei is about to turn over and jump up - a very familiar voice, but it rings in his ear: "Gao Fei, don't move!"


Although the voice is very light, it sounds like a thunderbolt in the clear sky to Gao Fei's ears: it was Tietu who saved him at the critical moment!

Isn't Tietu chased after the failed assassination of Kayang living Buddha? How could he be here and save him at the most critical moment?

Just like the fear never before, a kind of ecstasy never before, when Gaofei's heart suddenly beat wildly, he was about to say something, but Tietu spoke again in a lower voice. If it wasn't attached to his ear, he would never have heard: "don't make a sound, there's something over there."

Immediately, goofy closed his mouth, slowly looked up to the inside, and then saw countless green little lights.

The active little light spot, a rustling sound that can only be felt by heart, is like countless poisonous snakes intertwined with each other.

Just like knowing what Gao Fei was thinking, Tietu said softly, "it's poisonous snakes. Well, there are so many poisonous snakes that you can see from the belly of Subei mountain on the Bank of the Yellow River."

Viper, it's a viper!

Rao Shi Gao Fei has a lot of courage, but he still feels numb in the face of countless black poisonous snakes.

"How do you know it's a poisonous snake?" Gao Fei asked in a low voice? Have you seen it? "

Tietu must be laughing bitterly: "well, I've seen it. When I first came down, I once turned on the lighter and saw that there were all black poisonous snakes entwined together - this is a snake cave. "

"Snake cave?"

Gao Fei vomited and said in a lower voice: "if you can see them, then they can see you too. Why are you still well now? Are they related to you?"

"I want to get close to them, but I don't have the ability."

Tietu had a rare sense of humor and said, "of course they can see me and want to eat me, but as soon as they come, I'll get out of the hole, and then they don't dare to follow me any more. I guess there must be realgar and other things below, which make them dare not approach the hole. The reason why the original designer put realgar at the bottom of the cave should be that he worried that the snake would touch the mechanism and be shot to death by an arrow. "

"Why do people who design all this have to dig a snake cave under the trap?"

Gao Fei asked: "just those hidden arrows can kill people. Why do you have to instigate so many poisonous snakes to guard the traps? Isn't that unnecessary? "

Tietu pondered for a moment before answering: "there are dozens of tribes in the ancient prairie, some of them believe in white swans, some believe in wild wolves, and some believe in snakes. When a big man in the tribe dies, the totem of the tribe will be buried in the tomb. From this point of view, the owner of this ancient tomb and his tribe took snakes as their totem. "

Goofy was surprised: "wait - you say, this is a grave?"

Tietu laughed, his teeth shining in the dark: "what else can it be except the tomb?"

"Grave? The second Olympic Games, the tomb of a great man, can build an underground city hundreds of meters underground with so much gold... "

When Gao Fei murmured, he suddenly closed his mouth.

He thought of a man.

If this man wants to build an underground city as his mausoleum, let alone build a graveway with gold, even if it's more expensive than gold, it's not a problem.

Because this once led the world's most powerful cavalry to sweep across Eurasia.

His descendants fought in the world: North to the Arctic Ocean, West to the Irtysh River, South to Kashmir and Bhutan, Sikkim and other places in the southern foothills of the Himalayas... His descendants Kublai Khan once led an iron horse to wash the Danube River, covering an area of more than 21.12 million square kilometers.

He is timuzhen of Mongolia, Genghis Khan!

Tietu said softly, "you think very well. This is Genghis Khan's mausoleum. No one thought that the Great Mausoleum of Genghis Khan is just below the town of mengal. "


Among many ancient imperial mausoleums, if the excavation of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum is the most anticipated, Genghis Khan's Mausoleum can be said to be more haunted by people.

More broadly speaking, among the mausoleums of the emperors of the past dynasties, there are only the mausoleums of the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, and no one knows their exact location. There is no doubt that Genghis Khan's position is supreme among the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, so the exploration of his mausoleum also affects the eyes of history lovers all over the world.

Over the past 700 years, Genghis Khan, who led the Mongolian cavalry across Europe and Asia to create the Mongolian Empire, has become a great archaeological mystery for hundreds of years.

It is said that more than 700 years ago, Genghis Khan led his army to the Western Xia Dynasty and passed through ejinholo (today's Ordos Plateau). Seeing the beautiful water and grass and the presence of deer, he was very happy. When he was intoxicated, he dropped the whip on the ground.

The Ministry was just about to pick up the whip, but Genghis Khan stopped it and wrote an impromptu poem: "the habitat of plum blossom young deer, the home of hatching of Daisheng birds, the land of decline and rejuvenation, the land of white haired man resting in peace."

Therefore, the Ordos Plateau is the most likely place for the existence of Genghis Khan's mausoleum. It can be said that it is an authoritative Genghis Khan's Mausoleum recognized in the world today. Although there are no Genghis Khan's bones buried here, it inhabits the soul of Genghis Khan.

If we want to know where Genghis Khan's mausoleum is, the secret history of Mongolia is a wonderful book that Mongolian and Yuan experts can't get around.

As for the funeral of the Mongol royal family, the secret history of Mongolia records that after the Mongol royal family was buried, they first used hundreds of horses to level the surface of the tomb, then planted grass and trees on it, and then sent people to guard the mausoleum for a long time until there was no trace on the surface before leaving, and those who knew about it would be killed.

In Marco Polo's travels, Marco Polo also wrote that the title of Khan or Khan is equal to the emperor in our language. All the Great Khan and Genghis Khan of Tatars, after their first master died, should be buried in a mountain named Altay as a rule. No matter where they died, or even a distance of 100 days, their coffins should be transported to Altay. On the way to transport the king's coffin to the Altay Mountains, the escorts will bury all the people they meet.

Another reason that has attracted people from all over the world to search for Genghis Khan's mausoleum for a hundred years is that there may be a large number of treasures in Genghis Khan's mausoleum.

A Mongolian expert once predicted: Genghis Khan's Mausoleum may be buried with a large number of treasures, and the handicrafts in it are even more spectacular than the terracotta warriors and horses unearthed from the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.

This is not alarmist, because Genghis Khan's Mausoleum may be buried with priceless treasures from more than 20 kingdoms, which have attracted private archaeological teams.

At present, archaeologists from all over the world agree with four sites about the exact location of Genghis Khan cemetery. One is located in the south of Kent mountain (buerhan mountain) and north of the krulun River in Outer Mongolia.

Second, hang AI mountain, located in Outer Mongolia.

Third, Liupan Mountain is located in China.

Fourth, Qianli mountain is located in the territory of Erdos Etuoke Banner in Inner Mongolia.

So, where is Genghis Khan Mausoleum?

When foreign Mongolian President Bagabandi visited China that year, a reporter once raised a question on this question. The foreign Mongolian President answered this question: according to a will handed down by Genghis Khan, that is, a passage he said when he died, he said that his mausoleum should never be known to the world. Therefore, we follow this will of Genghis Khan. In my opinion, it doesn't matter where Genghis Khan's mausoleum is... Let it always be a riddle like question, so that those who are willing to guess the riddle can continue to guess the riddle.


For more than 700 years, Genghis Khan's mausoleum, which has been pursued by the world, is actually under Menger?

Besides, Mr. Gao, I'm in this tomb?

After hearing that this was Genghis Khan's mausoleum, Gao Fei asked subconsciously, "is this really his mausoleum?"

Tietu asked in reply, "do you think anyone other than his mausoleum is qualified to be buried here? A city is built more than 100 meters underground, and the tomb path made of tens of thousands of tons of gold is used for lighting by the East China Sea Shark people. These are just the outer fur of the mausoleum. How many treasures are there in his underground palace. Even Kublai Khan, who later drank the Danube, did not have the courage to use such a luxurious mausoleum, because that would mean that he would surpass Tiemuzhen. "

Tietu licked his lips and said in a soft voice, "this place is a Dragon Cave. The natural Dragon Cave is only suitable for being buried by the founding monarch, because only the fortitude of the founding monarch can suppress the killing spirit in the Dragon Cave. If this place is occupied by ordinary people, then his descendants and even the whole family will die in three years, He himself will become a "zongzi" and will not live in peace for thousands of years. "

What Tietu said about zongzi is not the kind of "zongzi" that people eat during the Dragon Boat Festival, but the corpse.

Like a bandit in the mountains, when talking, he can't directly say that he killed and set fire. Instead, he uses such incisions as "fat sheep, hard ideas, wind pulling".

There are several versions of zongzi in the tomb robbers' incisions.

If only skin and bone remains in the coffin, it is called dry zongzi.

If the corpse in the tomb is well preserved and hairy, it may change at any time, it is called big zongzi.

In addition to dry rice dumplings and big rice dumplings, there are also meat rice dumplings. That is to say, there are many valuable things on the body.

Tietu's ancestor was the main "person in charge" who helped sun dianying open Empress Dowager Cixi's mausoleum. He was the most outstanding commander in charge of finding gold at that time.

Because of the age and other objective reasons, Tietu only learned a little bit about what he handed down, but this has made him proud enough of the "Tomb raiding world".

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