According to legend, there are four scriptures in anguijiao

The Sutras in the West Palace are covered in blue, representing force;

In the palace is the black cover, representing evil (here specifically refers to magic, etc.);

The red envelope of the eastern palace represents wealth, and the white pi'an Scripture, which represents manpower.

Since ancient times, human resources, or simply talents, have been paid special attention to. So long ago, when Angui king was forced to give scriptures to his three palace leaders, he left baipi'an Guijing, who could use the human resources in the church.

Therefore, the white envelope of an Guijing is also highly valued: as long as you get the white envelope of an Guijing, you can command countless followers in the world to do great deeds

This is the consensus of all who know the existence of anguijiao.

However, such a book with magical color suddenly appeared in Tiemuzhen's mausoleum, in the topaz box above his pillow.

What's going on?

Am I blinded and wrong?

Genghis Khan's most important burial object, which can accompany him with the soil of dozens of countries, is the white envelope of anguijiao!

Instinctively, Gao Fei took out the Scripture from the box and looked at Tietu.

Tietu's eyes were full of shock.

He seemed to understand Gao Fei's doubts and shook his head slowly. "Don't ask me, I don't know why."

Gao Fei flipped the Scriptures, shook his head, and murmured: "the white" anguijing ", which is regarded as the treasure of anguijiao, is actually regarded as the most precious burial object by Tiemuzhen - what does it represent?"

Tietu rubbed his painful forehead and said: "this means that he values this book very much, just like the dozens of countries he conquered."

"Why does he value anguijing so much?"

"This book must be of great significance to him."

After saying these words, tie Tu's eyes suddenly brightened and said in a loud voice: "is it..."

Gao Fei also suddenly woke up and said in a hurry, "is it true that tie Muzhen is a member of an Guijiao?"

Tietu replied in a low voice: "maybe, he was the former Angui king."

Gao Fei continued: "because he joined anguijiao and became the king of anguijiao at that time, he had the authority to mobilize all anguijiao people in the world, and cooperated with the invincible Mongolian cavalry, which swept the whole Eurasian continent!"

As if describing something, Tietu nodded: "yes. When Tiemuzhen finally achieved his hegemony, he was worried that after his death, the new Angui king would get the book and use Angui religion to rebel against his Dayuan Empire, so he decided to take the book to the mausoleum. "

After Tietu said these words, they also deduced the mystery of why anguijing appeared here: in those years, there was a Mongolian named Tiemuzhen in anguijiao. Later, with his powerful strength, he became the Angui king of that era. So he mobilized all the religious people in the world to cooperate with the invincible Mongolian cavalry and created the Mongolian empire that swept the world. Before his death, he worried that the new Angui king would take his land, which brought Baipian to the tomb. The purpose is not to hope that future generations will be poisoned by the powerful forces in anguijiao.

Thus, after the Dayuan Empire, just like the emperor of the Central Plains never saw the imperial seal left by the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, the white skin anguijing, which could mobilize the people of anguijiao, disappeared.

The new Angui king is only a nominal Angui king, but it has not been able to mobilize the "Scepter" of the world's religious people. Therefore, as Kayang living Buddha said, she can only seize the Angui Sutra of the other three palace masters, hoping to find her own white skin Angui Sutra through the other three sutras.

So many why, so many answers, finally summed up a reality that people can't believe: Genghis Khan, a generation of heavenly pride, turned out to be anguijiao's anguijiao king in a certain era!

He not only completed the dream of the first generation of Princess Lingyu returning to China, but also created the Mongolian empire that made the whole world tremble.

For a long time, Genghis Khan led more than 100000 Mongolians to sweep the whole Eurasian continent, which has become an eternal mystery - perhaps the answer is very simple: he is the Angui king of Angui religion, and his subordinates have the most abundant financial, material and human resources in the world. With the help of many strange people in the religion and some coincidences, he finally achieved hegemony.

Perhaps, this inference is ridiculous, anguijiao can not have the power against heaven.

However, in addition, what other reason can explain that the white envelope "an GUI Jing" will appear in the mausoleum of Tiemuzhen?

Dong - there was a loud noise, and the coffin shook violently for a few times. Three of the gem shelves in the four corners of the coffin fell to the ground. The watermelon ball like gems rolled around under their feet, which also awakened Gao Fei and his wife.

They looked up at the top and murmured, "the coffin outside has been completely smashed."

"Our end is coming."

"But we found a big secret."

"Tiemuzhen is the king of anguijiao."

"It was with the power of Anglicism that he gradually grew and finally established the Mongolian Empire."

"If I were anguiwang, I would not be able to make such a great achievement."

"It's destiny."

"Is it our destiny to find out this secret and finally die beside him?"

Gao Fei is not reconciled.

Tietu raised his hand, rubbed his cheek, and said faintly, "have you forgotten the curse on the box?"

Goofy swallowed his mouth. "Old iron, you mean, more than 700 years after he died, two old fellow would run into his coffin, so he left that spell?"

"Well, maybe God arranged all this."

Tietu sighed and held the golden gauze covering Tiemuzhen's body. He asked, "before you die, do you want to see Tiemuzhen's real appearance?"

Gao Fei grasped the Scriptures tightly and said with a ferocious face: "of course! If his body can still be as elastic as you said, I don't mind blowing up his back chrysanthemum in order to revenge him for setting up this harmful mausoleum! "

Tietu curled his mouth disgustedly: "your greatest advantage is that you can say disgusting words in any environment - even if you have a cavity of resentment, you dare not do this to a dead old man."

Goofy said, "do you want me to do this to you?"

Tietu shook his head: "of course not. But there's another woman here. As the proud wife of a generation, she should be very beautiful, right

Gao Fei snorted: "hum, I hope her body hasn't shrunk, and she can still keep some beauty."

"Do you have some beauty? Just open it and have a look?"

Tietu said, and his right hand suddenly lifted: the Golden Dragon piercing gauze flew to one side, revealing two bodies side by side.

After the Golden Dragon piercing veil was lifted, they subconsciously held their breath and looked at it with big eyes. For the nth time, they were stunned on the spot.

Ever since they came into this Super Dragon Cave, they have been shocked by what they saw for countless times: the golden tomb road of Fengdu City, the extinct East China Sea Shark, the yacht like coffin, the majestic hall, tons of treasures in the coffin, and so on.

If these shocks had not paralyzed their nerves of surprise, I believe they would have been directly shocked to death when they saw the two corpses under the Dragon piercing Veil: the two corpses, a man and a woman, lying side by side on the Kang, had no dehydration on their skin, just like two people were sleeping.

The man is a burly man with a gray beard. Although his eyes are closed, his face is rebellious and fierce. Even though he has no vitality, he still exudes a suffocating sense of killing.

This burly old man should be Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongolian Empire, timuzhen.

Tiemuzhen's body did not wear any dragon robes, but the traditional Mongolian clothing, just different materials.

With his arms in his heart, he held a golden knife with jeweled handles in both hands - just like Achilles, who died in Troy in Greek mythology.

In the face of the disaster, Gao Fei once clamored to explode Tiemuzhen, to send some of his anger before he died.

However, when he saw the vivid generation of Tianjiao, this dirty idea had long been thrown out of the sky, leaving only an impulse to worship the peerless hero.

Even if some people die, even if they have died for more than 700 years, they can still leave an inviolable dignity for future generations.

"Seven hundred years later, his body is still alive. How did you do that?"

Gao Fei didn't know how long he was stunned before he asked a meaningless question.

Tietu slowly stretched out a finger, gently pressed it on the back of the corpse's hand, then quickly retracted and said in a low voice: "if I guess correctly, he was soaked in some kind of liquid medicine after his death. That kind of potion can make his corpse never rot and dehydrate, and always keep the appearance before death. "

After a pause, Tietu continued: "although the corpse has become as rigid as iron, it is much better than the mummy of the Pharaoh in the Egyptian pyramid."

But Gao Fei murmured, "is it as stiff as iron? I don't think so. "

Tietu looked up at him. Just as he was about to say something, he followed his eyes and looked at the queen beside Tiemuzhen. Then he was shocked again: there was a beautiful young woman beside Tiemuzhen's body.

Before lifting the Dragon piercing veil, Gao Fei and his wife thought that they were tie Muzhen and his Empress, Bo'er tie, an old woman with "old face and white hair".

But reality gently smoked them both a mouth, lying in Tiemuzhen side of the female corpse, turned out to be a young and beautiful woman.

She looks like a woman in her twenties or seventies. Her skin is tender and smooth, white and red. Her nose is high and her eyes are deep. She looks like a standard Mongolian woman. She is graceful, charming and dignified. She is slim, healthy and full. She also wears the same Mongolian traditional clothes. She was absolutely a super beauty in her lifetime.

What's more surprising to both of them is that the female corpse is more lifelike than Tiemuzhen. Oh, wrong, it's a sleeping beauty.

Gao Fei licked his lower lip and murmured, "old iron, do you think this is the old fellow of Tiemu Zhen?

Tietu shook his head: "absolutely not. Tiemuzhen was sixty-five years old when he died. His queen was one year older than him. She could never be so young. This is probably one of his concubines. But how could a concubine be entitled to be buried with him? "

Tietu said, subconsciously extending his right hand to the corpse's face.

He was very surprised, and felt that the face of the corpse was like that of a living person.

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