Relying on the book "the great world" handed down by his ancestors, Tietu's attainments are fairly good, ranging from astronomy and geography, to searching for dragons and caves, to where the three caves of cunning rabbits are.

So when he saw that Tiemuzhen, who died more than 700 years ago, could still keep his body alive after his death, he immediately guessed that the body was soaked in some highly toxic liquid, which made the bacteria in the body completely rigid, and then reached the realm of non rotten body.

But then again, no matter how lifelike the corpse is, it's a lifeless body after all. Don't look with your eyes or try with your fingers. Tietu can feel lifeless only with his sixth sense.

However, the same corpse, Tietu's sixth sense, did not feel the lifeless breath of the young woman who was not the queen.

Tietu was a little surprised and subconsciously reached out to the corpse's face.

After seeing the iron slaughter, she asked her to look at the face of the Mo's corpse, and then she looked at her old fellow, and said, "old iron, you don't want to be in the wind before you die, do you? Alas, even the corpses of seven or eight hundred years are not disgusted. What a poor baby. "

Tie Tu is seven months older than Gao Fei, but so far he has never been in love. He hasn't even held hands with a girl. He doesn't know how he has the face to say that he wants to pass the book on to his son——

Iron Tu is not close to women, which has become one of the main reasons why Gao Fei and others satirize him.

"What are you talking about? I just think something's wrong with her. "

Tietu's outstretched right hand gave a pause, and then Mo came to the left cheek of the female corpse.

"Fart, what's wrong..."

Gao Fei rubbed his nose and sneered. Before he finished, he saw a scene that made him almost pee his pants: Tietu's right hand just touched the corpse's cheek, and the corpse suddenly raised her hand and grasped his wrist. Her closed eyes were open, showing a pair of scissors' Autumn pupils and a giggle.

In the giggle, Tietu, who weighs more than 70 kg, is pressed on the Kang like a little cat, with a sharp blade pressing against the artery on one side of his neck.

"Ah, it's deceiving!"

It's totally instinctive. I jumped up from the Kang with a high flying sound, and all my hair stood up with a whoosh.


A BMW, which can be seen everywhere on the streets of Berlin, stops in front of the old castle of the kovant family with a creak. As soon as the crisp horn rings twice, the iron gate of the old castle slowly opens.

As soon as the door opened, BMW sped up the gas and rushed in.

Old conser, the doorman, raised his hand and fanned the exhaust of the car. He muttered in a low voice: "I don't know who came here. With such a big face, he was allowed to run in the manor of Lord corvante (Katrina's dead grandfather)"

In the murmur of old Kangsai, BMW did not run on the cobblestone road in the manor, but directly rushed through the green lawn, regardless of damaging the beauty of the lawn, straight to the steps in front of the castle.

As soon as the car stopped, Katrina and her husband James walked down the steps.

Waiting in front of the steps of a manservant, respectfully opened the door.

A girl in a white shirt, blue jeans, high-heeled black shoes, and big sunglasses jumped out of the car and hurried to Katrina and his wife, but she didn't forget to say thank you to the valet.

"Nell, welcome to my house again."

Katrina, in her white dress, beat James down the steps and opened her arms.

The girl wearing sunglasses is Nell, the CEO of ion fund.

Katrina had been working in Germanic light headquarters in Berlin. After receiving a call from James, she heard that Nell was going to visit her home, she immediately stopped the meeting and rushed home as soon as possible, put on her dress and waited for the financial queen.

Because little Caesar is in cortevan castle, Nell comes here once a week.

According to this frequency of visits and the friendship between Nell and James, Katrina doesn't have to treat her seriously every time she visits.

But in fact, she does take it seriously every time.

The reason is very simple: after the covant family became a strategic partner with ion fund, the family's business around the world radiated obvious vitality - and all this was brought by Nell. Therefore, at a family meeting, all members of the corvant family tried their best to support Katrina to communicate with Nell with the most respect, honesty and enthusiasm.

"We are all friends. There's no need to be so polite."

Nell takes off her sunglasses, hugs Katrina and looks at James.

Wearing a black suit, a white shirt and a bow around his neck, James was more gentlemanly than a gentleman. He bent slightly and raised his left hand: "Nell, please."

Nell is not polite either. She walks up the steps.

When she came to the door, Katrina offered to say, "there is still an hour and a half before Little Caesar can come back from school."

After mentioning Little Caesar, the corner of her mouth added a real smile, nodded slightly and walked into the castle hall.

Nell rushed to the castle because of a phone call from James: Goofy may have an accident this time.

From the day I met Gao Fei, Ni'er knew that this guy was a man with his head tied to his belt. Maybe one day he would die in a corner.

Death, for those who kill countless people, has become a mere concept.

But I don't know why. Over the years, no matter where he is, she won't worry about doing anything.

She stubbornly thinks that the man she loves has great powers. As long as he doesn't commit suicide, no one in the world can make him disappear completely.

Nell has so much confidence in goofy, mainly from James - because this nigger has never worried about goofy's safety.

But this time, when James called Nell, his tone was obviously full of uneasiness.

James's uneasiness affected Nell, and she drove recklessly.

Sitting on the handmade sofa from Italy, before Katrina asked her what she would like to drink, Nell watched James come to the point: "James, I need you to say it in detail. Don't miss a detail."

James nodded and began to talk about entering handler forest with Goofy and others.

When Gao Fei and Salana drove to Menger, he said: "this mission is the most dangerous one we have received since our sniper team formed a team, but it is also a particularly smooth one. However, in order to ensure Gao Fei's safety, I personally took people to Menger the night after he left. "

Next, James spent about half an hour elaborating on what he saw and heard in mengal.

James led two of his men (the private bodyguard he later arrived at) to Menger. After spending two bags of flour, he heard what he wanted to hear from the innkeeper's mouth.

According to the owner of the hotel, during the day, a lot of people started a gunfight in the street, killing many people - later, a brand-new Mitsubishi grand cross-country car drove to an old manor in the northwest of the town.

It was seen that two men and a woman got out of the car and entered the manor.

People hiding in the houses nearby heard it. After a while, fierce gunfire broke out in the manor.

More than ten minutes after the shooting stopped, only a young man and the woman came out of the car and left Menger with the fastest speed.

In order to make James believe that what he said was true, the innkeeper invited the man who peeped at all of them to "show his own experience.".

Through the resident, James determined that the man and woman who left were sarana and a Chinese he didn't know, but he didn't fly high.

That is to say, goofy still stays in the manor and has not come out until now.

After giving the innkeeper an extra bag of flour, James immediately took people to the manor.

Hours after the shooting, local police finally showed up.

With James's big hand, it's absolutely easy to deal with several bitter Mongolian police officers. After several thousand dollars were thrown out, the three of them turned into "CLA" of Outer Mongolia. They swaggered to the reception room and saw the hole in the wall and the secret road.

After contacting sarana, James confirmed that goofy had entered the secret road.

With the "warm help" of the local police, James entered the secret road.

But James was very lucky - in other words, the police provided him with the necessary equipment, which led to the discovery of the turbulent undercurrent in the undercurrent, thus inferring that Gao Fei was probably washed deeper underground by the undercurrent

In front of the unknown River, James was not so stupid that he had to jump down to look for it in order to save Gao Fei.

He believed that if he was replaced by Gao Fei, Gao Fei would not do so. Gao Fei was washed away because he did not notice the river.

It's true that there is a fatal friendship between brothers, but it doesn't mean that they have to follow him in the stupid way of suicide.

James had no choice but to step back, and immediately invited several famous geologists with high salary to study the direction and outlet of the underground river, hoping to find Gao Fei from the outlet.

But before the geologists could come to the conclusion that an earthquake of magnitude eight had struck the town of Menger.

Fortunately, the residents of Menger are very sparse, and there are no tall buildings in the area, so the earthquake did not cause great casualties to the local people.

However, a small hill named hada, more than ten kilometers away from Menger, sank into the ground during the earthquake.

When James went to the secret road after the earthquake, he found that the secret road had completely collapsed

"Because of this sudden earthquake, we can't find out the direction of the underground river at all."

Thinking that if he chased down, he would be hit by the falling ground, James was smart and shrugged with regret: "after the earthquake, I came back immediately and called you the first time."

Gao Fei gets down the secret Road, and is 100% washed away by the turbulent undercurrent of the underground river, and then a big earthquake happens - his chance of survival is almost zero.

That's what James is going to tell Nell.

Long after James finished, Nell was in a static state, with dull eyes and deep pain.

Ni'er's performance distressed Katrina very much. She held her waist and comforted her in a soft voice: "Ni'er, there is a Chinese saying that people can't be reborn from death. You have to be patient."

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