As Peng Yuanhang himself said, since he was 12 years old, he regarded her as his own woman and vowed that she would not marry him.

Now, his woman, but guarding his face, and other men kiss, so presumptuous, but gentle.

Great sense of shame, so that he felt a pain from the bone.

But he did not dare to rush up, like a real man, bravely rush up, separate the men and women, kill Gao Fei!

Because he was afraid.

When Gao Fei rushed over just now, he was so fierce that Peng Yuanhang could only twist his face, but he did not dare to move.

It's really a shame for a man that his wife was killed by another man, but if she was killed for this, it would be a bit more than worth the loss. Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities to deal with him in the future. That's what Peng Yuanhang thought, so he held back.

Shen Yinbing had never been kissing a man before, so her kissing skill was stiff and slightly savage. When Xiao Xiang's tongue was sucked by Gao Fei, she trembled with excitement and bit someone's lips hard. Only when a fresh bloody question slipped into her mouth did she wake up suddenly. She quickly pushed Gao Fei away and said, "Gao, Gao Fei, you need to calm down, OK?"

Gao Fei is really calm, but his lips hurt

After wiping the blood stains on his lips, Gao Fei looks at Peng Yuanhang with twisted face. His eyes are slightly narrowed, just like a poisonous snake looking at a cowardly chicken. He says word by word: "if you dare to say that to me next time, you will die!"

"I, I won't say any more."

Peng Yuanhang shivered all over his body. After subconsciously saying this, he realized that he was too weak. He straightened his neck and hissed, "but I won't give up pursuing Xiaobing!"

Goofy didn't pay any attention to him. He just gave him a cold look, turned around and walked across the pool.

I don't want to see Peng Yuanhang again because I'm afraid I can't help killing him.

The length of the swimming pool is about 50 meters, which is similar to the standard of the swimming pool for competition. On the opposite side is a clump of green bamboo forest.

Gao Fei walks slowly to the bamboo forest, sits cross legged on the ground, lights a cigarette, and looks at the path stretching to the bamboo forest.

Walking along the bamboo path for more than ten meters, you can get to the back wall of the villa. But there is an iron door welded with steel bars on the back wall. Through the iron door, you can see the dense hillside behind.

The scenery is beautiful.

Looking at the steel door half covered by the bamboo forest, Gao Fei wanted to calm down and think about something carefully.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't forget the taste of Shen Yinbing's red lips: fragrant and soft, with a touch of sweetness.

Of course, Gao Fei knows that the reason why President Shen kisses him is to prevent him from hurting Peng Yuanhang in this unique way.

He is more aware that Shen Yinbing prevents him from hurting Peng Yuanhang not because he cares about Peng Yuanhang, but because he is afraid of causing trouble for the Su family.

Don't forget that Peng Yuanhang has a mayor.

If he hurt Peng Yuanhang just now, I believe the Su family can't explain to Peng yunmu.

Shen Yinbing was forced to stop him in the most feminine way.

"It seems that I must have been very frightening just now, otherwise the psycho would not have been forced to kiss me. It's really strange. How can I stop being angry because of her small mouth? "

Gao Fei scolded himself in his heart. He lowered his head and pinched a piece of grass. He was about to cut the grass leaves and put them in his mouth. When he was bored, he suddenly looked up and looked deep into the bamboo forest!

When Gao Fei lowered his head, he obviously felt that he was being watched by a pair of evil eyes, which came from the outside of the iron door deep in the bamboo forest.

But when he suddenly looked up, he saw nothing.

There was no time to think about it. Gao Fei turned over and climbed up from the ground, bent down and quickly got into the bamboo forest. In the blink of an eye, he came to the iron door, grabbed the steel bar with both hands and looked out: outside, the light wind was blowing through the dense jungle, and a few birds were chirping up from afar and into the sky. Far away was the city, The tall buildings look a little shadowy, but there is nothing else.

Then, Gao Fei stepped on a steel bar, climbed up the wall and looked out.

The villa area in the southern mountain area is built on a slope with a small slope. Looking from here to the north, you can look down for hundreds of meters.

However, in addition to seeing what he saw just now, Gao Fei never found any abnormality, not to mention the evil eyes, even the ghost shadow.

"Did I feel wrong just now? No way. "

Gao Fei frowned and looked around. He was about to turn over the wall, but when he searched carefully in the jungle outside, he heard Shen Yinbing's voice: "Gao Fei, where are you?"

"Oh, here I am."

Goofy looks around and jumps off the fence.

Since Shen Yinbing has come, it's not convenient for him to go out. He can only walk back along the path.

Shen Yinbing stooped and stood in front of the bamboo forest. Looking to the side of the path, she didn't realize that when she bent down, her small white chest and the charming deep ditch could be seen by someone: "what are you doing in there?"

"Look at the scenery."

Staring at Shen Yinbing's spring light from afar, and thinking about her kiss just now, Gao Fei's heart swings, but in the corner of his eye, he finds that there seems to be a wisp of white hair in a green bamboo branch on his left.

Goofy stopped immediately, reached out and pinched the wisp of white hair.

This wisp of white hair, about three centimeters, is very thick, but very soft. It's totally different from artificial hair.

Goofy slowly put the wisp of white hair under his nose and sniffed it: a very light smell of soap touched his sense of smell.

After smelling the fragrance, Gao Fei gave a smile and walked out of the bamboo forest.

As soon as he saw the wisp of hair, his first reaction was to think of the white ghost chasing him that night.

However, Gao Fei's sense of smell tells him that there was a fishy smell on the white ghost that night, which was quite different from the smell of the wisp of hair.

Maybe it's the fur on his pet dog. When Gao Fei thought about it, he saw a snow-white poodle running from the swimming pool, but he was called back by Haibo.

Looking at the dog that followed Haibo far away, Gao Fei asked casually, "does Haibo like keeping dogs?"

Shen Yinbing turned and shook his head: "he doesn't like dogs. I used to raise that dog. At the beginning, I liked it very much, but later it got a serious illness, and it won't bark after it's cured - I don't like silent dogs, so I gave it to Haibo. "

"Is that a bitch?"

Gao Fei asked with great interest.

"No, it's Xiaogong - smelly hooligan. What do you think? Do you want me to kick you to death?"

Shen Yinbing said that the general, suddenly awakened to the meaning of Gaofei words, his cheeks suddenly red, raised his feet to stomp.

"Well, I said that your mind is too dirty. I'm just asking."

Gao Fei quickly stepped back and digged off the topic: "where's Mr. Peng?"

Shen Yinbing turned around and said faintly, "he left. He left with his father."

"Oh, should I go too? Anyway, my task is finished, and you don't care about dinner. "

Gao Fei took off a bamboo leaf and put it in his mouth.

Shen Yinbing didn't answer. Without looking back, she asked: "Gao Fei, if you don't ask, what did Peng Yuanhang and I talk about later?"

Gao Fei said lightly: "whatever you say, it seems that it has nothing to do with me. I'm not your real boyfriend. I'll manage so much when I'm full."

Shen Yinbing shivered slightly and said in a low voice, "yes, you are not qualified to manage these, but I will tell you."

Goofy frowned: "do I have to listen?"

Shen Yinbing turned around, looked at Gao Fei and said with a sneer, "yes."

Finger touched the place where his lips were bitten. Gao Fei asked, "does he hope that you will bite his lips, too?"


Shen Yinbing nodded: "and I agreed!"

"Then you go and tell me what to do - ouch!"

Gao Fei didn't finish his words. His right foot, which had been badly damaged, was attacked by Shen Yinbing's heel again.

Shen Yinbing raised a sneer at the corner of her mouth and turned to walk away: "at 8:30 tonight, go to a party with me to fulfill your responsibilities as a boyfriend."

Gao Fei put down his right foot and followed him with nothing else: "can I not go?"

Shen Yinbing kept on walking: "no way!"

"But I have an appointment!"

"No way!"

"Then I'll go in this dress?"

"No way!"

"Then you have to buy clothes for me, but you can't do it."

Goofy felt his chin with some pride.

Shen Yinbing turned around and sneered: "cut, I don't think you have any great prospects in your life. At most, you should try your best to get a little cheaper."

Goofy said casually: "I'm satisfied with being able to get a little bit cheap all the time. What's more, I seem to have had a big advantage just now. Was that someone's first kiss? "

Shen Yinbing blushed and turned to walk forward: "my first kiss has been given to that poodle for a long time."

Gao Fei sighed: "Oh, that poodle is so pitiful. I think it got someone's first kiss, but it moved away from pursuing other bitches, so it was abandoned, right?"

"You - die!"

Shen Yinbing turns around and raises her feet!


At half past eight in the summer evening, it's just getting dark.

The parking lot in front of Cinderella leisure club is full of all kinds of luxury cars.

On the way here, Shen Yinbing told Gao Fei that the party was organized by the Qilu business association once a year.

Most of the people who came to participate in this dispatch are successful people in Qilu shopping mall. The purpose is to provide you with an opportunity to communicate.

Of course, there will also be some people from the political and legal departments.

As a matter of fact, Shen Yinbing is not interested in such a messy occasion, but she also knows that there is a lot of business opportunities in it, and she may be able to negotiate a good deal from the party.

So after receiving the invitation a few days ago, she promised the organizer that she would come on time.

BMW 7, whose license plate number is 523, slowly stops in the parking space.

When the door opened, Mr. Gao, dressed in a silver gray brand-name suit, stepped on the shiny shoes and got off the car first. He opened the back door with a gentlemanly manner.

A red high-heeled shoe slowly stretched out. After the pointed heel fell to the ground, the tip of the shoe was flat on the ground, and then a layer of black waves slid down to cover the beautiful ankle.

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