The staff standing at the door of the club, as well as many guests about to enter the club, are attracted by this beautiful foot.

Under the gaze of the crowd, goofy grabs the door with one hand and puts the other hand on the top of the door.

Shen Yinbing, wearing a black gothic dress, slowly gets out of the car, raises her chin and looks at the neon lights of the club. Her hair and lace are swaying by the gentle night wind, giving her a sense of elegance. She is also like a princess from the blood clan in the dark, cool, arrogant and hard to approach.

Obviously feeling watched by many people, Shen Yinbing's eyes moved slightly and asked in a low voice, "is this suit suitable for me?"

In fact, this evening dress is Shen Yinbing's favorite. When she asks Gao Fei this way, it's her little daughter's psychological mischief. Besides showing off, she also wants to hear flattery.

Girls are vain, and Mr. Shen is no exception.

With a smile on his face, Gao Fei took over the bag that Mr. Shen handed over with his left hand, wearing long black lace gloves, and replied, "it's OK."

Shen Yinbing, who is full of longing to hear the praise, disappears complacently after listening to Gao Fei's words.

If there were not so many people around watching, she would raise her feet and stomp on this guy: what do you mean? This is my favorite dress, OK? Stomp you blind!

"Hum, you don't know how to appreciate beauty."

Shen Yin hummed coldly, put his hands in front of his belly, and walked to the door of the club hall with high heels.

"It's my duty to fight against ugly women."

Gao Fei apologized for himself, holding a small bag in his left hand and a big red invitation in his right hand, and quickly followed up.

There is a kind of person who is born with an outstanding temperament. Gao Fei thinks so, because after he enters the hall of the club, there are thousands of square meters, hundreds of red men and women in extraordinary clothes. As if he heard the command, Qi Shushu looks here, which makes Mr. Gao have to stand up and accept people's eyes.

Xu Niang, a half old woman in a red dress, came quickly with her skirt in her hands: "Oh, here comes Xiao Bing. Welcome, welcome."

Shen Yinbing gracefully stretched out her right hand and gently shook it with Xu Niang. She nodded with a smile: "Mr. Xu, compared with this Spring Festival, you are much younger."

Xu Niang raised her plump little hand, covered her mouth and chuckled. She twisted her body and said in a sweet voice: "where, Xiaobing, you are more and more able to speak."

See Xu Niang twist body, swing up the waist that clothes also can't cover layers of meat wave, high fly quickly dropped his eyes, smile speechless do shy.

After exchanging greetings with Shen Yinbing, Xu Niang looks at Gao Fei: "Xiao Bing, this is..."

"Mr. Xu, let me introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Gao Fei."

Shen Yinbing slightly sideways and introduces Gao Fei: "Gao Fei, this is Xu Xiaolan, general manager of the green source Charity Foundation in Southern Hebei."

When Shen Yinbing calmly introduced Gao Fei and said that he was her boyfriend, Xu Xiaolan was surprised, but then she took the initiative to extend her hand: "ha ha, it's Mr. Gao. Welcome, welcome."

Gao Fei raised his hand, and Xu Niang gently took a while, and then separated: "Mr. Xu, hello."

Xu Niang seemed to be very talkative. She giggled and asked, "Mr. Gao, I don't know where you are

Gao Fei was startled by Xu Xiaolan's smile, and quickly replied: "I am currently working in 523 taxi company as CEO."

Xu Xiaolan was stunned: "523 taxi company? Why don't I know? "

Gao Fei said modestly: "it's just a small company. It's normal that Mr. Xu has never heard of it."

Shit, what's the face of CEO? After hearing that it's a small taxi company, Xu Xiaolan despised him for a while and ignored him. After a few polite words with Shen Yinbing, she went to greet a new guest.

Shen Yinbing walked to the northwest corner and asked, "goofy, what are you up to, 523 taxi company, CEO?"

Goofy looked around for the beauty and said lazily, "isn't the tail number of your car's license plate 523? This is my company. As the Royal coachman of President Shen, I said I was the CEO. What's wrong with that? "

Shen Yinbing was stunned and said with a smile: "ha, that's it - do you know who Xu is?"

Head with a beauty almost turned to fly behind, casually said: "look at her tonnage, at most is the owner of this club, can be the mayor's wife?"

Seeing Gao Fei craned his neck to see the beautiful woman, Shen Yinbing's face became cold: "you guessed right this time. She is not only the owner of the club, but also the mayor's wife."


Goofy turned back and almost twisted his neck: "she, she is really the mayor's wife?"

Shen Yinbing kept walking: "well, he is Peng yunmu's wife and Peng Yuanhang's stepmother."

Gao Fei said: "this, how is this possible?"

Shen Yinbing said faintly: "what's impossible? She was also a beautiful woman more than 20 years ago. "

Gao Fei's eyes searched for Xu Xiaolan's figure and shook his head in disbelief: "but how can I not see the shadow of any beauty? Ah, didn't you just introduce her to me as the boss of a charity foundation? Why is she the owner of the club again? As far as I know, it seems that the immediate relatives of officials are not allowed to engage in business, right

Shen Yinbing blinked: "her official position is the boss of the charity fund, but she is actually the boss behind the scenes of the club."

"Oh, so it is, selling dog meat with sheep's head."

Goofy slapped his mouth: "but when she looked at me just now, she didn't seem to be hostile. Don't forget, I'm her son's rival. Is she obsessed by my peerless demeanor and forgetting this? "

"I, I really don't know how to describe your cheekiness."

Shen Yinbing whispered: "she has no hostility to you, that's because she doesn't want Peng Yuanhang to chase me."

Gao Fei is not ashamed to ask: "why, don't you look beautiful enough?"

"Go away, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Shen Yinbing low scolded a, the footstep suddenly speeds up, on the face floats the charming smile: "total mu, did not expect you also here!"

Gao Fei looks up and sees Mu Tianya.

Mu Tianya is also wearing a black dress tonight, but the style is much more open than Shen Yinbing's, which not only shows his snow-white shoulders and half a snow-white semicircle, but also almost exposes the whole smooth back. His long chestnut hair is high and curled up, slanting down his left ear, but the bright silver Earrings hanging down his right ear are extremely bright, The charm and maturity of her is incisively and vividly distributed.

Mu Tianya, who is holding a glass of wine, is talking and laughing with an old gentleman in a low voice. After hearing Shen Yinbing's greetings, he looks up and shows a charming smile immediately: "Oh, ha ha, Mr. Shen, what a coincidence - Mr. Wang, I will definitely visit you in the future. Let's talk about it first today. I'm sorry."

The old man named Mr. Wang, whose eyes had never left the part under Mu Tianya's neck, said with a smile of regret: "ha ha, you're busy first, I'm waiting for you at any time."

After nodding with the general manager Wang, Mu Tianya came to Shen Yinbing with a wine glass: "general manager Shen, I haven't seen you for half a year. You are much more beautiful."

Shen Yinbing giggled: "Mr. mu, don't praise me. You are beautiful. Oh, by the way, the original plan was to discuss the racecourse cooperation project with your company this afternoon, but the main vice president of our company in charge of this project went to Jinghua for an urgent matter, so he missed the appointment. Please forgive me. "

Before Beishan group won the race course project in southern mountain area, it had already had cooperation intention with connai group.

Cornell group is one of the most famous top companies in the world in running Racecourse projects. It can not only provide the most pure horses, but also have a set of mature horse racing business philosophy.

Hong Kong East Asia Jockey Club, one of the largest and most advanced jockey clubs in Asia, has the shadow of Cornell group behind it.

Shen Yinbing won tens of thousands of mu of land in the southern mountainous area at any cost this time. If the operation is successful, it will create a precedent for horse racing in the mainland, which is of great significance.

From this, we can also see Shen Yinbing's extraordinary vision in shopping malls.

Since Shen Yinbing wants to be the pioneer of the mainland Jockey Club, she naturally has to introduce a set of mature business philosophy. Therefore, she has been in contact with Kangnai Group as early as half a year ago, and has been maintaining business ties with Mu Tianya.

According to the original plan, this afternoon, on behalf of Beishan group, Yan Hong will meet with a manager of Kangnai Group to discuss the racecourse.

However, because of the difficulties in applying for approval from Jinghua, Yan Hong had to rush to the other side to sit down, and the negotiation failed.

"Ha ha, it's OK. We are both partners and fellow townspeople in Southern Hebei. We really don't need to be so polite."

Mu Tianya smiles, glances at Shen Yinbing's back and asks, "Mr. Shen, this is..."

"This is my, my boyfriend."

When Shen Yinbing said this, the shyness of her little children appeared on her face.

Mu Tianya looked at Shen Yinbing's back and said with admiration: "Mr. Shen is beautiful and generous. Your boyfriend is magnificent. You are really a pair of enviable golden girls."

What does goofy have to do with his high profile?

Shen Yinbing smiles with reserve and turns around: "Mr. mu, let me introduce you. My boyfriend's name is --"

When she was about to introduce Gao Fei to Mu Tianya, her face suddenly changed: "how are you?"

What stands behind Shen Yinbing is not Gao Fei, but Peng Yuanhang.

As for Gao Fei, he didn't know where to drill for a long time.

Compared with this afternoon, Peng Yuanhang, dressed in a white suit, looks more elegant. With a gentleman's smile on his face, he reaches out his hand to Mu Tianya: "Mr. mu, Hello, my name is Peng Yuanhang."

After seeing Shen Yinbing's face change, Mu Tianya felt strange, but he kept normal on the surface. He stretched out his soft hand and held it with Peng Yuanhang: "Hello, Mr. Peng. I've seen you just now, but I don't know you are Mr. Shen's boyfriend."

Before Mu Tianya finished, he was interrupted by Shen Yinbing: "he's not my boyfriend!"

Mu Tianya is stunned, subconsciously asks: "that, Shen Zong, who is your boyfriend?"

After Shen Yinbing interrupted Mu Tianya, she realized that she was impolite and apologized: "I'm sorry, Mr. mu. He's really not my boyfriend. My boyfriend's name is Gao Fei."

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